Fubang Zhao


Low-Resource Comparative Opinion Quintuple Extraction by Data Augmentation with Prompting
Qingting Xu | Yu Hong | Fubang Zhao | Kaisong Song | Yangyang Kang | Jiaxiang Chen | Guodong Zhou
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Comparative Opinion Quintuple Extraction (COQE) aims to predict comparative opinion quintuples from comparative sentences. These quintuples include subject, object, shareable aspect, comparative opinion, and preference. The existing pipeline-based COQE method fails in error propagation. In addition, the complexity and insufficient amounts of annotated data hinder the performance of COQE models. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach called low-resource comparative opinion quintuple extraction by Data Augmentation with Prompting (DAP). Firstly, we present an end-to-end model architecture better suited to the data augmentation method from triplets to quintuples and can effectively avoid error propagation. Additionally, we introduce a data-centric augmentation approach that leverages the robust generative abilities of ChatGPT and integrates transfer learning techniques. Experimental results over three datasets (Camera, Car, Ele) demonstrate that our approach yields substantial improvements and achieves state-of-the-art results. The source code and data are publicly released at: https://github.com/qtxu-nlp/COQE-DAP.

RexUIE: A Recursive Method with Explicit Schema Instructor for Universal Information Extraction
Chengyuan Liu | Fubang Zhao | Yangyang Kang | Jingyuan Zhang | Xiang Zhou | Changlong Sun | Kun Kuang | Fei Wu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Universal Information Extraction (UIE) is an area of interest due to the challenges posed by varying targets, heterogeneous structures, and demand-specific schemas. Previous works have achieved success by unifying a few tasks, such as Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Relation Extraction (RE), while they fall short of being true UIE models particularly when extracting other general schemas such as quadruples and quintuples. Additionally, these models used an implicit structural schema instructor, which could lead to incorrect links between types, hindering the model’s generalization and performance in low-resource scenarios. In this paper, we redefine the true UIE with a formal formulation that covers almost all extraction schemas. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to introduce UIE for any kind of schemas. In addition, we propose RexUIE, which is a Recursive Method with Explicit Schema Instructor for UIE. To avoid interference between different types, we reset the position ids and attention mask matrices. RexUIE shows strong performance under both full-shot and few-shot settings and achieves state-of-the-art results on the tasks of extracting complex schemas.

STINMatch: Semi-Supervised Semantic-Topological Iteration Network for Financial Risk Detection via News Label Diffusion
Xurui Li | Yue Qin | Rui Zhu | Tianqianjin Lin | Yongming Fan | Yangyang Kang | Kaisong Song | Fubang Zhao | Changlong Sun | Haixu Tang | Xiaozhong Liu
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Commercial news provide rich semantics and timely information for automated financial risk detection. However, unaffordable large-scale annotation as well as training data sparseness barrier the full exploitation of commercial news in risk detection. To address this problem, we propose a semi-supervised Semantic-Topological Iteration Network, STINMatch, along with a news-enterprise knowledge graph (NEKG) to endorse the risk detection enhancement. The proposed model incorporates a label correlation matrix and interactive consistency regularization techniques into the iterative joint learning framework of text and graph modules. The carefully designed framework takes full advantage of the labeled and unlabeled data as well as their interrelations, enabling deep label diffusion coordination between article-level semantics and label correlations following the topological structure. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior effectiveness and generalization ability of STINMatch.


Adjacency List Oriented Relational Fact Extraction via Adaptive Multi-task Learning
Fubang Zhao | Zhuoren Jiang | Yangyang Kang | Changlong Sun | Xiaozhong Liu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021