Anh Luu


DemaFormer: Damped Exponential Moving Average Transformer with Energy-Based Modeling for Temporal Language Grounding
Thong Nguyen | Xiaobao Wu | Xinshuai Dong | Cong-Duy Nguyen | See-Kiong Ng | Anh Luu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Temporal Language Grounding seeks to localize video moments that semantically correspond to a natural language query. Recent advances employ the attention mechanism to learn the relations between video moments and the text query. However, naive attention might not be able to appropriately capture such relations, resulting in ineffective distributions where target video moments are difficult to separate from the remaining ones. To resolve the issue, we propose an energy-based model framework to explicitly learn moment-query distributions. Moreover, we propose DemaFormer, a novel Transformer-based architecture that utilizes exponential moving average with a learnable damping factor to effectively encode moment-query inputs. Comprehensive experiments on four public temporal language grounding datasets showcase the superiority of our methods over the state-of-the-art baselines.

A Spectral Viewpoint on Continual Relation Extraction
Huy Nguyen | Chien Nguyen | Linh Ngo | Anh Luu | Thien Nguyen
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Continual Relation Extraction (CRE) aims to continuously train a model to learn new relations while preserving its ability on previously learned relations. Similar to other continual learning problems, in CRE, models experience representation shift, where learned deep space changes in the continual learning process, which leads to the downgrade in the performance of the old tasks. In this work, we will provide an insight into this phenomenon under the spectral viewpoint. Our key argument is that, for each class shape, if its eigenvectors (or spectral components) do not change much, the shape is well-preserved. We then conduct a spectral experiment and show that, for the shape of each class, the eigenvectors with larger eigenvalue are more preserved after learning new tasks which means these vectors are good at keeping class shapes. Based on this analysis, we propose a simple yet effective class-wise regularization that improve the eigenvalues in the representation learning. We observe that our proposed regularization leads to an increase in the eigenvalues. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets, FewRel and TACRED, show the effectiveness of our proposed method with significant improvement in performance compared to the state-of-the-art models. Further analyses also verify our hypothesis that larger eigenvalues lead to better performance and vice versa.

Exploiting Contrastive Learning and Numerical Evidence for Confusing Legal Judgment Prediction
Leilei Gan | Baokui Li | Kun Kuang | Yating Zhang | Lei Wang | Anh Luu | Yi Yang | Fei Wu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Given the fact description text of a legal case, legal judgment prediction (LJP) aims to predict the case’s charge, applicable law article, and term of penalty. A core problem of LJP is distinguishing confusing legal cases where only subtle text differences exist. Previous studies fail to distinguish different classification errors with a standard cross-entropy classification loss and ignore the numbers in the fact description for predicting the term of penalty. To tackle these issues, in this work, first, in order to exploit the numbers in legal cases for predicting the term of penalty of certain charges, we enhance the representation of the fact description with extracted crime amounts which are encoded by a pre-trained numeracy model. Second, we propose a moco-based supervised contrastive learning to learn distinguishable representations and explore the best strategy to construct positive example pairs to benefit all three subtasks of LJP simultaneously. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets show that the proposed method achieves new state-of-the-art results, particularly for confusing legal cases. Ablation studies also demonstrate the effectiveness of each component.

A Parallel Corpus for Vietnamese Central-Northern Dialect Text Transfer
Thang Le | Anh Luu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

The Vietnamese language embodies dialectal variants closely attached to the nation’s three macro-regions: the Northern, Central and Southern regions. As the northern dialect forms the basis of the standard language, it’s considered the prestige dialect. While the northern dialect differs from the remaining two in certain aspects, it almost shares an identical lexicon with the southern dialect, making the textual attributes nearly interchangeable. In contrast, the central dialect possesses a number of unique vocabularies and is less mutually intelligible to the standard dialect. Through preliminary experiments, we observe that current NLP models do not possess understandings of the Vietnamese central dialect text, which most likely originates from the lack of resources. To facilitate research on this domain, we introduce a new parallel corpus for Vietnamese central-northern dialect text transfer. Via exhaustive benchmarking, we discover monolingual language models’ superiority over their multilingual counterparts on the dialect transfer task. We further demonstrate that fine-tuned transfer models can seamlessly improve the performance of existing NLP systems on the central dialect domain with dedicated results in translation and text-image retrieval tasks.

Improving Multimodal Sentiment Analysis: Supervised Angular margin-based Contrastive Learning for Enhanced Fusion Representation
Cong-Duy Nguyen | Thong Nguyen | Duc Vu | Anh Luu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

The effectiveness of a model is heavily reliant on the quality of the fusion representation of multiple modalities in multimodal sentiment analysis. Moreover, each modality is extracted from raw input and integrated with the rest to construct a multimodal representation. Although previous methods have proposed multimodal representations and achieved promising results, most of them focus on forming positive and negative pairs, neglecting the variation in sentiment scores within the same class. Additionally, they fail to capture the significance of unimodal representations in the fusion vector. To address these limitations, we introduce a framework called Supervised Angular-based Contrastive Learning for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis. This framework aims to enhance discrimination and generalizability of the multimodal representation and overcome biases in the fusion vector’s modality. Our experimental results, along with visualizations on two widely used datasets, demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

Prompt as Triggers for Backdoor Attack: Examining the Vulnerability in Language Models
Shuai Zhao | Jinming Wen | Anh Luu | Junbo Zhao | Jie Fu
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

The prompt-based learning paradigm, which bridges the gap between pre-training and fine-tuning, achieves state-of-the-art performance on several NLP tasks, particularly in few-shot settings. Despite being widely applied, prompt-based learning is vulnerable to backdoor attacks. Textual backdoor attacks are designed to introduce targeted vulnerabilities into models by poisoning a subset of training samples through trigger injection and label modification. However, they suffer from flaws such as abnormal natural language expressions resulting from the trigger and incorrect labeling of poisoned samples. In this study, we propose ProAttack, a novel and efficient method for performing clean-label backdoor attacks based on the prompt, which uses the prompt itself as a trigger. Our method does not require external triggers and ensures correct labeling of poisoned samples, improving the stealthy nature of the backdoor attack. With extensive experiments on rich-resource and few-shot text classification tasks, we empirically validate ProAttack’s competitive performance in textual backdoor attacks. Notably, in the rich-resource setting, ProAttack achieves state-of-the-art attack success rates in the clean-label backdoor attack benchmark without external triggers.

Rethinking Negative Pairs in Code Search
Haochen Li | Xin Zhou | Anh Luu | Chunyan Miao
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Recently, contrastive learning has become a key component in fine-tuning code search models for software development efficiency and effectiveness. It pulls together positive code snippets while pushing negative samples away given search queries. Among contrastive learning, InfoNCE is the most widely used loss function due to its better performance. However, the following problems in negative samples of InfoNCE may deteriorate its representation learning: 1) The existence of false negative samples in large code corpora due to duplications. 2). The failure to explicitly differentiate between the potential relevance of negative samples. As an example, a bubble sorting algorithm example is less “negative” than a file saving function for the quick sorting algorithm query. In this paper, we tackle the above problems by proposing a simple yet effective Soft-InfoNCE loss that inserts weight terms into InfoNCE. In our proposed loss function, we apply three methods to estimate the weights of negative pairs and show that the vanilla InfoNCE loss is a special case of Soft-InfoNCE. Theoretically, we analyze the effects of Soft-InfoNCE on controlling the distribution of learnt code representations and on deducing a more precise mutual information estimation. We furthermore discuss the superiority of proposed loss functions with other design alternatives. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of Soft-InfoNCE and weights estimation methods under state-of-the-art code search models on a large-scale public dataset consisting of six programming languages.