Proceedings of the 2nd Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 1979)

Bente Maegaard (Editor)

Anthology ID:
Copenhagen, Denmark
NoDaLiDa | WS
Institut for Anvendt og Matematisk Lingvistik, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
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Proceedings of the 2nd Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 1979)
Bente Maegaard

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Norsk tekstarkiv (The Norwegian Text Archive) [In Norwegian]
Jostein Hauge

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FANGORN – A language for generating coherent texts
Peter Bøgh Andersen

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Konceptuelle grafer (Conceptual graphs) [In Danish]
Gert Schmeltz Pedersen

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Automatisk orddeling (Automatic word-splitting) [In Danish]
Hasse Hansson

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Om automatisk orddeling. Forslag til en undersøgelse. (About automatic word-splitting. A survey proposal.) [In Danish]
Gustav Leunbach

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En datastruktur for ordbøker for naturlige språk (A data structure for natural language dictionaries) [In Norwegian]
Geir Berge

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Østasiatisk Instituts EDB-arbejde (The East Asian Institute’s work with EDB) [In English]
Eric Grinstead

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Projektet Engelskt talspråk (The Survey of Spoken English Project) [In Swedish]
Cecilia Thavenius

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Demonstration av PP*TT – en programpakke for kvantitativ tekstanalyse (Demonstration of PP*TT – A Software Suite for Quantitative Text Analysis) [In Norwegian]
Eirik Lien

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Bibeltekst On-line (Bible Texts Online) [In Norwegian]
Per-Bjørn Pedersen | Michael Gillow | Bjørn Eide

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Ordbøger, konkordanser og lemmatisering (Dictionaries, concordances and lemmatization) [In Danish]
Suzanne Hanon

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BETA-systemet som verktyg för lingvistiska experiment – morfologisk analys enligt ytkriterier (The BETA system as a tool for linguistic experiments – morphological analysis according to surface criteria) [In Swedish]
Benny Brodda

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Automatisk lemmatisering utan stamlexikon (Automatic lemmatization without stem lexica) [In Swedish]
Rolf Gavare

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Produksjon av en lemmatisert konkordans til Ibsens samlede verker (Production of a lemmatized concordance of the collected works of Ibsen) [In Norwegian]
Knut Hofland

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Lemmatisering af islandsk (Lemmatization of Icelandic) [In Danish]
Björn Ellertsson

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Semantik i automatisk lemmatisering (Semantics in automatic lemmatization) [In Danish]
Hanne Ruus

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Lemmatisering – hvilke af de ideelle krav til lemmatisering er opfyldelige eller opfyldte? (Lemmatization – which of the ideal requirements of lemmatization are fulfillable or fulfilled?) [In Danish]
Henrik Holmboe

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Strukturering af lingvistiske data til brug ved maskinoversættelse (Structuring of linguistic data for use in machine translation) [In Danish]
Bente Maegaard | Hanne Ruus

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Lexikologi som datalingvistik (Lexicology as computational linguistics) [In Swedish]
Bo Ralph

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Språkvetenskaplig databehandling (Linguistic data processing) [In Swedish]
Sture Allén