Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation

Ondřej Bojar, Rajan Chatterjee, Christian Federmann, Barry Haddow, Chris Hokamp, Matthias Huck, Varvara Logacheva, Pavel Pecina (Editors)

Anthology ID:
Lisbon, Portugal
Association for Computational Linguistics
Bib Export formats:

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Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Ondřej Bojar | Rajan Chatterjee | Christian Federmann | Barry Haddow | Chris Hokamp | Matthias Huck | Varvara Logacheva | Pavel Pecina

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Findings of the 2015 Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Ondřej Bojar | Rajen Chatterjee | Christian Federmann | Barry Haddow | Matthias Huck | Chris Hokamp | Philipp Koehn | Varvara Logacheva | Christof Monz | Matteo Negri | Matt Post | Carolina Scarton | Lucia Specia | Marco Turchi

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Statistical Machine Translation with Automatic Identification of Translationese
Naama Twitto | Noam Ordan | Shuly Wintner

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Data Selection With Fewer Words
Amittai Axelrod | Philip Resnik | Xiaodong He | Mari Ostendorf

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DFKI’s experimental hybrid MT system for WMT 2015
Eleftherios Avramidis | Maja Popović | Aljoscha Burchardt

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ParFDA for Fast Deployment of Accurate Statistical Machine Translation Systems, Benchmarks, and Statistics
Ergun Biçici | Qun Liu | Andy Way

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CUNI in WMT15: Chimera Strikes Again
Ondřej Bojar | Aleš Tamchyna

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CimS - The CIS and IMS Joint Submission to WMT 2015 addressing morphological and syntactic differences in English to German SMT
Fabienne Cap | Marion Weller | Anita Ramm | Alexander Fraser

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The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Translation Systems for the WMT 2015
Eunah Cho | Thanh-Le Ha | Jan Niehues | Teresa Herrmann | Mohammed Mediani | Yuqi Zhang | Alex Waibel

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New Language Pairs in TectoMT
Ondřej Dušek | Luís Gomes | Michal Novák | Martin Popel | Rudolf Rosa

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Tuning Phrase-Based Segmented Translation for a Morphologically Complex Target Language
Stig-Arne Grönroos | Sami Virpioja | Mikko Kurimo

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The AFRL-MITLL WMT15 System: There’s More than One Way to Decode It!
Jeremy Gwinnup | Tim Anderson | Grant Erdmann | Katherine Young | Christina May | Michaeel Kazi | Elizabeth Salesky | Brian Thompson

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The KIT-LIMSI Translation System for WMT 2015
Thanh-Le Ha | Quoc-Khanh Do | Eunah Cho | Jan Niehues | Alexandre Allauzen | François Yvon | Alex Waibel

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The Edinburgh/JHU Phrase-based Machine Translation Systems for WMT 2015
Barry Haddow | Matthias Huck | Alexandra Birch | Nikolay Bogoychev | Philipp Koehn

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Montreal Neural Machine Translation Systems for WMT’15
Sébastien Jean | Orhan Firat | Kyunghyun Cho | Roland Memisevic | Yoshua Bengio

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GF Wide-coverage English-Finnish MT system for WMT 2015
Prasanth Kolachina | Aarne Ranta

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LIMSI@WMT’15 : Translation Task
Benjamin Marie | Alexandre Allauzen | Franck Burlot | Quoc-Khanh Do | Julia Ive | Elena Knyazeva | Matthieu Labeau | Thomas Lavergne | Kevin Löser | Nicolas Pécheux | François Yvon

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UdS-Sant: English–German Hybrid Machine Translation System
Santanu Pal | Sudip Naskar | Josef van Genabith

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The RWTH Aachen German-English Machine Translation System for WMT 2015
Jan-Thorsten Peter | Farzad Toutounchi | Joern Wuebker | Hermann Ney

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Exact Decoding with Multi Bottom-Up Tree Transducers
Daniel Quernheim

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Sheffield Systems for the Finnish-English WMT Translation Task
David Steele | Karin Sim Smith | Lucia Specia

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Morphological Segmentation and OPUS for Finnish-English Machine Translation
Jörg Tiedemann | Filip Ginter | Jenna Kanerva

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Abu-MaTran at WMT 2015 Translation Task: Morphological Segmentation and Web Crawling
Raphael Rubino | Tommi Pirinen | Miquel Esplà-Gomis | Nikola Ljubešić | Sergio Ortiz-Rojas | Vassilis Papavassiliou | Prokopis Prokopidis | Antonio Toral

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The University of Illinois submission to the WMT 2015 Shared Translation Task
Lane Schwartz | Bill Bryce | Chase Geigle | Sean Massung | Yisi Liu | Haoruo Peng | Vignesh Raja | Subhro Roy | Shyam Upadhyay

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Edinburgh’s Syntax-Based Systems at WMT 2015
Philip Williams | Rico Sennrich | Maria Nadejde | Matthias Huck | Philipp Koehn

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The FBK Participation in the WMT15 Automatic Post-editing Shared Task
Rajen Chatterjee | Marco Turchi | Matteo Negri

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USAAR-SAPE: An English–Spanish Statistical Automatic Post-Editing System
Santanu Pal | Mihaela Vela | Sudip Kumar Naskar | Josef van Genabith

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Why Predicting Post-Edition is so Hard? Failure Analysis of LIMSI Submission to the APE Shared Task
Guillaume Wisniewski | Nicolas Pécheux | François Yvon

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Hierarchical Machine Translation With Discontinuous Phrases
Miriam Kaeshammer

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Discontinuous Statistical Machine Translation with Target-Side Dependency Syntax
Nina Seemann | Andreas Maletti

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ListNet-based MT Rescoring
Jan Niehues | Quoc Khanh Do | Alexandre Allauzen | Alex Waibel

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Results of the WMT15 Metrics Shared Task
Miloš Stanojević | Amir Kamran | Philipp Koehn | Ondřej Bojar

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Results of the WMT15 Tuning Shared Task
Miloš Stanojević | Amir Kamran | Ondřej Bojar

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Extended Translation Models in Phrase-based Decoding
Andreas Guta | Joern Wuebker | Miguel Graça | Yunsu Kim | Hermann Ney

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Investigations on Phrase-based Decoding with Recurrent Neural Network Language and Translation Models
Tamer Alkhouli | Felix Rietig | Hermann Ney

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Referential Translation Machines for Predicting Translation Quality and Related Statistics
Ergun Biçici | Qun Liu | Andy Way

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UAlacant word-level machine translation quality estimation system at WMT 2015
Miquel Esplà-Gomis | Felipe Sánchez-Martínez | Mikel Forcada

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QUality Estimation from ScraTCH (QUETCH): Deep Learning for Word-level Translation Quality Estimation
Julia Kreutzer | Shigehiko Schamoni | Stefan Riezler

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LORIA System for the WMT15 Quality Estimation Shared Task
David Langlois

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Data enhancement and selection strategies for the word-level Quality Estimation
Varvara Logacheva | Chris Hokamp | Lucia Specia

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USHEF and USAAR-USHEF participation in the WMT15 QE shared task
Carolina Scarton | Liling Tan | Lucia Specia

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SHEF-NN: Translation Quality Estimation with Neural Networks
Kashif Shah | Varvara Logacheva | Gustavo Paetzold | Frederic Blain | Daniel Beck | Fethi Bougares | Lucia Specia

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Strategy-Based Technology for Estimating MT Quality
Liugang Shang | Dongfeng Cai | Duo Ji

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UGENT-LT3 SCATE System for Machine Translation Quality Estimation
Arda Tezcan | Veronique Hoste | Bart Desmet | Lieve Macken

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Multi-level Evaluation for Machine Translation
Boxing Chen | Hongyu Guo | Roland Kuhn

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VERTa: a Linguistically-motivated Metric at the WMT15 Metrics Task
Elisabet Comelles | Jordi Atserias

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UPF-Cobalt Submission to WMT15 Metrics Task
Marina Fomicheva | Núria Bel | Iria da Cunha | Anton Malinovskiy

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Machine Translation Evaluation using Recurrent Neural Networks
Rohit Gupta | Constantin Orăsan | Josef van Genabith

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Alignment-based sense selection in METEOR and the RATATOUILLE recipe
Benjamin Marie | Marianna Apidianaki

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chrF: character n-gram F-score for automatic MT evaluation
Maja Popović

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BEER 1.1: ILLC UvA submission to metrics and tuning task
Miloš Stanojević | Khalil Sima’an

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Predicting Machine Translation Adequacy with Document Embeddings
Mihaela Vela | Liling Tan

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LeBLEU: N-gram-based Translation Evaluation Score for Morphologically Complex Languages
Sami Virpioja | Stig-Arne Grönroos

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CASICT-DCU Participation in WMT2015 Metrics Task
Hui Yu | Qingsong Ma | Xiaofeng Wu | Qun Liu

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Drem: The AFRL Submission to the WMT15 Tuning Task
Grant Erdmann | Jeremy Gwinnup

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MT Tuning on RED: A Dependency-Based Evaluation Metric
Liangyou Li | Hui Yu | Qun Liu

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Improving evaluation and optimization of MT systems against MEANT
Chi-kiu Lo | Philipp Dowling | Dekai Wu

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An Investigation of Machine Translation Evaluation Metrics in Cross-lingual Question Answering
Kyoshiro Sugiyama | Masahiro Mizukami | Graham Neubig | Koichiro Yoshino | Sakriani Sakti | Tomoki Toda | Satoshi Nakamura

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Dependency Analysis of Scrambled References for Better Evaluation of Japanese Translation
Hideki Isozaki | Natsume Kouchi

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How do Humans Evaluate Machine Translation
Francisco Guzmán | Ahmed Abdelali | Irina Temnikova | Hassan Sajjad | Stephan Vogel

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Local System Voting Feature for Machine Translation System Combination
Markus Freitag | Jan-Thorsten Peter | Stephan Peitz | Minwei Feng | Hermann Ney