Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Automatic Knowledge Base Construction and Web-scale Knowledge Extraction (AKBC-WEKEX)

James Fan, Raphael Hoffman, Aditya Kalyanpur, Sebastian Riedel, Fabian Suchanek, Partha Pratim Talukdar (Editors)

Anthology ID:
Montréal, Canada
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Automatic Knowledge Base Construction and Web-scale Knowledge Extraction (AKBC-WEKEX)
James Fan | Raphael Hoffman | Aditya Kalyanpur | Sebastian Riedel | Fabian Suchanek | Partha Pratim Talukdar

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Towards Distributed MCMC Inference in Probabilistic Knowledge Bases
Mathias Niepert | Christian Meilicke | Heiner Stuckenschmidt

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Collectively Representing Semi-Structured Data from the Web
Bhavana Dalvi | William Cohen | Jamie Callan

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Unsupervised Content Discovery from Concise Summaries
Horacio Saggion

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Automatic Evaluation of Relation Extraction Systems on Large-scale
Mirko Bronzi | Zhaochen Guo | Filipe Mesquita | Denilson Barbosa | Paolo Merialdo

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Relabeling Distantly Supervised Training Data for Temporal Knowledge Base Population
Suzanne Tamang | Heng Ji

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Web Based Collection and Comparison of Cognitive Properties in English and Chinese
Bin Li | Jiajun Chen | Yingjie Zhang

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Population of a Knowledge Base for News Metadata from Unstructured Text and Web Data
Rosa Stern | Benoît Sagot

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Real-time Population of Knowledge Bases: Opportunities and Challenges
Ndapandula Nakashole | Gerhard Weikum

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Adding Distributional Semantics to Knowledge Base Entities through Web-scale Entity Linking
Matt Gardner

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KrakeN: N-ary Facts in Open Information Extraction
Alan Akbik | Alexander Löser

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Structural Linguistics and Unsupervised Information Extraction
Ralph Grishman

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A Context-Aware Approach to Entity Linking
Veselin Stoyanov | James Mayfield | Tan Xu | Douglas Oard | Dawn Lawrie | Tim Oates | Tim Finin

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Evaluating the Quality of a Knowledge Base Populated from Text
James Mayfield | Tim Finin

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Constructing a Textual KB from a Biology TextBook
Peter Clark | Phil Harrison | Niranjan Balasubramanian | Oren Etzioni

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Knowledge Extraction and Joint Inference Using Tractable Markov Logic
Chloé Kiddon | Pedro Domingos

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Entity Linking at Web Scale
Thomas Lin | Mausam | Oren Etzioni

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Human-Machine Cooperation: Supporting User Corrections to Automatically Constructed KBs
Michael Wick | Karl Schultz | Andrew McCallum

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Annotated Gigaword
Courtney Napoles | Matthew Gormley | Benjamin Van Durme

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Rel-grams: A Probabilistic Model of Relations in Text
Niranjan Balasubramanian | Stephen Soderland | Mausam | Oren Etzioni

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Automatic Knowledge Base Construction using Probabilistic Extraction, Deductive Reasoning, and Human Feedback
Daisy Zhe Wang | Yang Chen | Sean Goldberg | Christan Grant | Kun Li

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Monte Carlo MCMC: Efficient Inference by Sampling Factors
Sameer Singh | Michael Wick | Andrew McCallum

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Probabilistic Databases of Universal Schema
Limin Yao | Sebastian Riedel | Andrew McCallum

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Using Textual Patterns to Learn Expected Event Frequencies
Jonathan Gordon | Lenhart Schubert