Proceedings of the International Natural Language Generation Conference
Kathleen McKeown (Editor)
- Anthology ID:
- W02-21
- Month:
- July
- Year:
- 2002
- Address:
- Harriman, New York, USA
- Venues:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Association for Computational Linguistics
- URL:
- DOI:
Proceedings of the International Natural Language Generation Conference
Kathleen McKeown
Corpus-trained Text Generation for Summarization
Min-Yen Kan
Kathleen R. McKeown
The Importance of Lexicalized Syntax Models for Natural Language Generation Tasks
Hal Daume III
Kevin Knight
Irene Langkilde-Geary
Daniel Marcu
Kenji Yamada
An Empirical Verification of Coverage and Correctness for a General-Purpose Sentence Generator
Irene Langkilde-Geary
Combining Machine Learning and Rule-based Approaches in Spanish and Japanese Sentence Realization
Maite Melero
Takako Aikawa
Lee Schwartz
An Overview of Amalgam: A Machine-learned Generation Module
Simon Corston-Oliver
Michael Gamon
Eric Ringger
Robert Moore
A Complete, Efficient Sentence-Realization Algorithm for Unification Grammar
Robert Moore
Designing a Speech Corpus for Instance-based Spoken Language Generation
Shimei Pan
Wubin Weng
Towards Emotional Variation in Speech-Based Natural Language Processing
Michael Fleischman
Eduard Hovy
From Discourse Plans to Believable Behavior Generation
Berardina De Carolis
Valeria Carofiglio
Catherine Pelachaud
Speech-Plans: Generating Evaluative Responses in Spoken Dialogue
M. A. Walker
S. Whittaker
A. Stent
P. Maloor
J. D. Moore
M. Johnston
G. Vasireddy
Stochastic Text Structuring Using the Principle of Continuity
Nikiforos Karamanis
Hisar Maruli Manurung
Content Planner Construction via Evolutionary Algorithms and a Corpus-based Fitness Function
Pablo Duboue
Kathleen McKeown
Should Corpora Texts Be Gold Standards for NLG?
Ehud Reiter
Somayajulu Sripada
Aggregation with Strong Regularities and Alternatives”
Helmut Horacek
Generating Easy References: the Case of Document Deixis
Ivandre Paraboni
Kees van Deemter
The DIAG experiments: Natural Language Generation for Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Barbara Di Eugenio
Michael Glass
Michael Trolio
An Evaluation of Procedural Instructional Text
Nathalie Colineau
Cecile Paris
Keith Vander Linden
A Constraint-Based Approach for Cooperative Information-Seeking Dialogue
Yan Qu
Nancy Green
What is NLG?
Roger Evans
Paul Piwek
Lynne Cahill
Syntactic Form and Discourse Function in NLG
Cassandre Creswell
Driving Multilingual Sentence Generation with Lexico-grammatical Resources
Raymond Kozlowski
Planning Proof Content for Communicating Induction
Amanda Holland-Minkley
Towards Balancing Conciseness, Readability and Salience: an Integrated Architecture
Bruce Eddy
Use of Description Logic and SDRT in an NLG System
Adil El Ghali