Proceedings of the ACL-HLT 2011 System Demonstrations

Sadao Kurohashi (Editor)

Anthology ID:
Portland, Oregon
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Proceedings of the ACL-HLT 2011 System Demonstrations
Sadao Kurohashi

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Hindi to Punjabi Machine Translation System
Vishal Goyal | Gurpreet Singh Lehal

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The ACL Anthology Searchbench
Ulrich Schäfer | Bernd Kiefer | Christian Spurk | Jörg Steffen | Rui Wang

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Exploiting Readymades in Linguistic Creativity: A System Demonstration of the Jigsaw Bard
Tony Veale | Yanfen Hao

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A Mobile Touchable Application for Online Topic Graph Extraction and Exploration of Web Content
Günter Neumann | Sven Schmeier

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EdIt: A Broad-Coverage Grammar Checker Using Pattern Grammar
Chung-Chi Huang | Mei-Hua Chen | Shih-Ting Huang | Jason S. Chang

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MemeTube: A Sentiment-based Audiovisual System for Analyzing and Displaying Microblog Messages
Cheng-Te Li | Chien-Yuan Wang | Chien-Lin Tseng | Shou-De Lin

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An ERP-based Brain-Computer Interface for text entry using Rapid Serial Visual Presentation and Language Modeling
Kenneth Hild | Umut Orhan | Deniz Erdogmus | Brian Roark | Barry Oken | Shalini Purwar | Hooman Nezamfar | Melanie Fried-Oken

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Engkoo: Mining the Web for Language Learning
Matthew R. Scott | Xiaohua Liu | Ming Zhou | Microsoft Engkoo Team

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Dr Sentiment Knows Everything!
Amitava Das | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

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Blast: A Tool for Error Analysis of Machine Translation Output
Sara Stymne

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Prototyping virtual instructors from human-human corpora
Luciana Benotti | Alexandre Denis

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An Interactive Machine Translation System with Online Learning
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez | Luis A. Leiva | Vicent Alabau | Ismael García-Varea | Francisco Casacuberta

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Wikulu: An Extensible Architecture for Integrating Natural Language Processing Techniques with Wikis
Daniel Bär | Nicolai Erbs | Torsten Zesch | Iryna Gurevych

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A Speech-based Just-in-Time Retrieval System using Semantic Search
Andrei Popescu-Belis | Majid Yazdani | Alexandre Nanchen | Philip N. Garner

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MACAON An NLP Tool Suite for Processing Word Lattices
Alexis Nasr | Frédéric Béchet | Jean-François Rey | Benoît Favre | Joseph Le Roux

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Multimodal Menu-based Dialogue with Speech Cursor in DICO II+
Staffan Larsson | Alexander Berman | Jessica Villing

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Wikipedia Revision Toolkit: Efficiently Accessing Wikipedia’s Edit History
Oliver Ferschke | Torsten Zesch | Iryna Gurevych

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An Efficient Indexer for Large N-Gram Corpora
Hakan Ceylan | Rada Mihalcea

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SystemT: A Declarative Information Extraction System
Yunyao Li | Frederick Reiss | Laura Chiticariu

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SciSumm: A Multi-Document Summarization System for Scientific Articles
Nitin Agarwal | Ravi Shankar Reddy | Kiran Gvr | Carolyn Penstein Rosé

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Clairlib: A Toolkit for Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, and Network Analysis
Amjad Abu-Jbara | Dragomir Radev

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C-Feel-It: A Sentiment Analyzer for Micro-blogs
Aditya Joshi | Balamurali AR | Pushpak Bhattacharyya | Rajat Mohanty

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IMASS: An Intelligent Microblog Analysis and Summarization System
Jui-Yu Weng | Cheng-Lun Yang | Bo-Nian Chen | Yen-Kai Wang | Shou-De Lin

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An Interface for Rapid Natural Language Processing Development in UIMA
Balaji Soundrarajan | Thomas Ginter | Scott DuVall