Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, Short Papers
Johanna D. Moore, Simone Teufel, James Allan, Sadaoki Furui (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- P08-2
- Month:
- June
- Year:
- 2008
- Address:
- Columbus, Ohio
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Association for Computational Linguistics
- URL:
- DOI:
- PDF:
Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, Short Papers
Johanna D. Moore
Simone Teufel
James Allan
Sadaoki Furui
Language Dynamics and Capitalization using Maximum Entropy
Fernando Batista
Nuno Mamede
Isabel Trancoso
Surprising Parser Actions and Reading Difficulty
Marisa Ferrara Boston
John T. Hale
Reinhold Kliegl
Shravan Vasishth
Improving the Performance of the Random Walk Model for Answering Complex Questions
Yllias Chali
Shafiq Joty
Dimensions of Subjectivity in Natural Language
Wei Chen
Extractive Summaries for Educational Science Content
Sebastian de la Chica
Faisal Ahmad
James H. Martin
Tamara Sumner
Dialect Classification for Online Podcasts Fusing Acoustic and Language Based Structural and Semantic Information
Rahul Chitturi
John Hansen
The Complexity of Phrase Alignment Problems
John DeNero
Dan Klein
Novel Semantic Features for Verb Sense Disambiguation
Dmitriy Dligach
Martha Palmer
Icelandic Data Driven Part of Speech Tagging
Mark Dredze
Joel Wallenberg
Beyond Log-Linear Models: Boosted Minimum Error Rate Training for N-best Re-ranking
Kevin Duh
Katrin Kirchhoff
Coreference-inspired Coherence Modeling
Micha Elsner
Eugene Charniak
Enforcing Transitivity in Coreference Resolution
Jenny Rose Finkel
Christopher D. Manning
Simulating the Behaviour of Older versus Younger Users when Interacting with Spoken Dialogue Systems
Kallirroi Georgila
Maria Wolters
Johanna Moore
Active Sample Selection for Named Entity Transliteration
Dan Goldwasser
Dan Roth
Four Techniques for Online Handling of Out-of-Vocabulary Words in Arabic-English Statistical Machine Translation
Nizar Habash
Combined One Sense Disambiguation of Abbreviations
Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner
Ariel Kass
Ariel Peretz
Assessing the Costs of Sampling Methods in Active Learning for Annotation
Robbie Haertel
Eric Ringger
Kevin Seppi
James Carroll
Peter McClanahan
Blog Categorization Exploiting Domain Dictionary and Dynamically Estimated Domains of Unknown Words
Chikara Hashimoto
Sadao Kurohashi
Mixture Model POMDPs for Efficient Handling of Uncertainty in Dialogue Management
James Henderson
Oliver Lemon
Recent Improvements in the CMU Large Scale Chinese-English SMT System
Almut Silja Hildebrand
Kay Rottmann
Mohamed Noamany
Quin Gao
Sanjika Hewavitharana
Nguyen Bach
Stephan Vogel
Machine Translation System Combination using ITG-based Alignments
Damianos Karakos
Jason Eisner
Sanjeev Khudanpur
Markus Dreyer
Dictionary Definitions based Homograph Identification using a Generative Hierarchical Model
Anagha Kulkarni
Jamie Callan
A Novel Feature-based Approach to Chinese Entity Relation Extraction
Wenjie Li
Peng Zhang
Furu Wei
Yuexian Hou
Qin Lu
Using Structural Information for Identifying Similar Chinese Characters
Chao-Lin Liu
Jen-Hsiang Lin
You’ve Got Answers: Towards Personalized Models for Predicting Success in Community Question Answering
Yandong Liu
Eugene Agichtein
Self-Training for Biomedical Parsing
David McClosky
Eugene Charniak
A Unified Syntactic Model for Parsing Fluent and Disfluent Speech
Tim Miller
William Schuler
The Good, the Bad, and the Unknown: Morphosyllabic Sentiment Tagging of Unseen Words
Karo Moilanen
Stephen Pulman
Kernels on Linguistic Structures for Answer Extraction
Alessandro Moschitti
Silvia Quarteroni
Arabic Morphological Tagging, Diacritization, and Lemmatization Using Lexeme Models and Feature Ranking
Ryan Roth
Owen Rambow
Nizar Habash
Mona Diab
Cynthia Rudin
Using Automatically Transcribed Dialogs to Learn User Models in a Spoken Dialog System
Umar Syed
Jason Williams
Robust Extraction of Named Entity Including Unfamiliar Word
Masatoshi Tsuchiya
Shinya Hida
Seiichi Nakagawa
In-Browser Summarisation: Generating Elaborative Summaries Biased Towards the Reading Context
Stephen Wan
Cécile Paris
Lyric-based Song Sentiment Classification with Sentiment Vector Space Model
Yunqing Xia
Linlin Wang
Kam-Fai Wong
Mingxing Xu
Mining Wikipedia Revision Histories for Improving Sentence Compression
Elif Yamangil
Rani Nelken
Smoothing a Tera-word Language Model
Deniz Yuret
Event Matching Using the Transitive Closure of Dependency Relations
Daniel M. Bikel
Vittorio Castelli
A Linguistically Annotated Reordering Model for BTG-based Statistical Machine Translation
Deyi Xiong
Min Zhang
Aiti Aw
Haizhou Li
Segmentation for English-to-Arabic Statistical Machine Translation
Ibrahim Badr
Rabih Zbib
James Glass
Exploiting N-best Hypotheses for SMT Self-Enhancement
Boxing Chen
Min Zhang
Aiti Aw
Haizhou Li
Partial Matching Strategy for Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation
Zhongjun He
Qun Liu
Shouxun Lin
Unsupervised Learning of Acoustic Sub-word Units
Balakrishnan Varadarajan
Sanjeev Khudanpur
Emmanuel Dupoux
High Frequency Word Entrainment in Spoken Dialogue
Ani Nenkova
Agustín Gravano
Julia Hirschberg
Distributed Listening: A Parallel Processing Approach to Automatic Speech Recognition
Yolanda McMillian
Juan Gilbert
Learning Semantic Links from a Corpus of Parallel Temporal and Causal Relations
Steven Bethard
James H. Martin
Evolving New Lexical Association Measures Using Genetic Programming
Jan Šnajder
Bojana Dalbelo Bašić
Saša Petrović
Ivan Sikirić
Semantic Types of Some Generic Relation Arguments: Detection and Evaluation
Sophia Katrenko
Pieter Adriaans
Mapping between Compositional Semantic Representations and Lexical Semantic Resources: Towards Accurate Deep Semantic Parsing
Sergio Roa
Valia Kordoni
Yi Zhang
Query-based Sentence Fusion is Better Defined and Leads to More Preferred Results than Generic Sentence Fusion
Emiel Krahmer
Erwin Marsi
Paul van Pelt
Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Evaluation Measures for Referring Expression Generation
Anja Belz
Albert Gatt
Correlation between ROUGE and Human Evaluation of Extractive Meeting Summaries
Feifan Liu
Yang Liu
FastSum: Fast and Accurate Query-based Multi-document Summarization
Frank Schilder
Ravikumar Kondadadi
Construct State Modification in the Arabic Treebank
Ryan Gabbard
Seth Kulick
Unlexicalised Hidden Variable Models of Split Dependency Grammars
Gabriele Antonio Musillo
Paola Merlo
Computing Confidence Scores for All Sub Parse Trees
Feng Lin
Fuliang Weng
Adapting a WSJ-Trained Parser to Grammatically Noisy Text
Jennifer Foster
Joachim Wagner
Josef van Genabith
Enriching Spoken Language Translation with Dialog Acts
Vivek Kumar Rangarajan Sridhar
Srinivas Bangalore
Shrikanth Narayanan
Speakers’ Intention Prediction Using Statistics of Multi-level Features in a Schedule Management Domain
Donghyun Kim
Hyunjung Lee
Choong-Nyoung Seon
Harksoo Kim
Jungyun Seo
Active Learning with Confidence
Mark Dredze
Koby Crammer
splitSVM: Fast, Space-Efficient, non-Heuristic, Polynomial Kernel Computation for NLP Applications
Yoav Goldberg
Michael Elhadad
Extracting a Representation from Text for Semantic Analysis
Rodney D. Nielsen
Wayne Ward
James H. Martin
Martha Palmer
Efficient Processing of Underspecified Discourse Representations
Michaela Regneri
Markus Egg
Alexander Koller
Choosing Sense Distinctions for WSD: Psycholinguistic Evidence
Susan Windisch Brown
Decompounding query keywords from compounding languages
Enrique Alfonseca
Slaven Bilac
Stefan Pharies
Multi-domain Sentiment Classification
Shoushan Li
Chengqing Zong
Evaluating Word Prediction: Framing Keystroke Savings
Keith Trnka
Kathleen McCoy
Pairwise Document Similarity in Large Collections with MapReduce
Tamer Elsayed
Jimmy Lin
Douglas Oard
Text Segmentation with LDA-Based Fisher Kernel
Qi Sun
Runxin Li
Dingsheng Luo
Xihong Wu