Proceedings of Translating and the Computer 24
- Anthology ID:
- Month:
- November 21-22
- Year:
- 2002
- Address:
- London, UK
- Venue:
- TC
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Aslib
- URL:
- DOI:
The Full Text Multilingual Corpus: Breaking the Translation Memory Bottleneck
Daniel Gervais
MetaMorpho: A Pattern-Based Machine Translation System
Gábor Prószéky
Nutzlos, Bien Pratique or Muy Util? Business Users Speak Out on the Value of Pure Machine Translation
D. Verne Morland
Can Translation Companies Survive the Current Economic Climate?
Reinhard Schäler
Small-Screen Devices and Translation
Karin Spalink
Japanese Language: An Introduction for Language Technology Professionals and Researchers
Carl Kay
David Fine
Controlled Authoring at SAP
Christine Thielen
Andrew Bredenkamp
Translating tagged text - imperfect matches and a good finished job
Lorna Joy
Tearing out the terms: evaluating terms extractors
Véronique Anne Sauron
Automated translation: the next frontier
Yves Champollion
CLS Workflow - a translation workflow system
Monika Röthlisberger
Web Services for Translation
Mike Roche
Reducing Localization Costs with XML-based Technology
Dan Dube
Online Translation Services
Thei Zervaki
Knowledge Exchange and Terminology Interchange: The Role of Standards
Lee Gillam
Khurshid Ahmad
David Dalby
Christopher Cox