Zita Marinho


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Sparse Text Generation
Pedro Henrique Martins | Zita Marinho | André F. T. Martins
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Current state-of-the-art text generators build on powerful language models such as GPT-2, achieving impressive performance. However, to avoid degenerate text, they require sampling from a modified softmax, via temperature parameters or ad-hoc truncation techniques, as in top-k or nucleus sampling. This creates a mismatch between training and testing conditions. In this paper, we use the recently introduced entmax transformation to train and sample from a natively sparse language model, avoiding this mismatch. The result is a text generator with favorable performance in terms of fluency and consistency, fewer repetitions, and n-gram diversity closer to human text. In order to evaluate our model, we propose three new metrics for comparing sparse or truncated distributions: 𝜖-perplexity, sparsemax score, and Jensen-Shannon divergence. Human-evaluated experiments in story completion and dialogue generation show that entmax sampling leads to more engaging and coherent stories and conversations.

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Nova-Wang at SemEval-2020 Task 12: OffensEmblert: An Ensemble ofOffensive Language Classifiers
Susan Wang | Zita Marinho
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

This paper presents our contribution to the Offensive Language Classification Task (English SubTask A) of Semeval 2020. We propose different Bert models trained on several offensive language classification and profanity datasets, and combine their output predictions in an ensemble model. We experimented with different ensemble approaches, such as SVMs, Gradient boosting, AdaBoosting and Logistic Regression. We further propose an under-sampling approach of the current SOLID dataset, which removed the most uncertain partitions of the dataset, increasing the recall of the dataset. Our best model, an average ensemble of four different Bert models, achieved 11th place out of 82 participants with a macro F1 score of 0.91344 in the English SubTask A.


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Joint Learning of Named Entity Recognition and Entity Linking
Pedro Henrique Martins | Zita Marinho | André F. T. Martins
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop

Named entity recognition (NER) and entity linking (EL) are two fundamentally related tasks, since in order to perform EL, first the mentions to entities have to be detected. However, most entity linking approaches disregard the mention detection part, assuming that the correct mentions have been previously detected. In this paper, we perform joint learning of NER and EL to leverage their relatedness and obtain a more robust and generalisable system. For that, we introduce a model inspired by the Stack-LSTM approach. We observe that, in fact, doing multi-task learning of NER and EL improves the performance in both tasks when comparing with models trained with individual objectives. Furthermore, we achieve results competitive with the state-of-the-art in both NER and EL.

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Hierarchical Nested Named Entity Recognition
Zita Marinho | Afonso Mendes | Sebastião Miranda | David Nogueira
Proceedings of the 2nd Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop

In the medical domain and other scientific areas, it is often important to recognize different levels of hierarchy in mentions, such as those related to specific symptoms or diseases associated with different anatomical regions. Unlike previous approaches, we build a transition-based parser that explicitly models an arbitrary number of hierarchical and nested mentions, and propose a loss that encourages correct predictions of higher-level mentions. We further introduce a set of modifier classes which introduces certain concepts that change the meaning of an entity, such as absence, or uncertainty about a given disease. Our proposed model achieves state-of-the-art results in medical entity recognition datasets, using both nested and hierarchical mentions.

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Jointly Extracting and Compressing Documents with Summary State Representations
Afonso Mendes | Shashi Narayan | Sebastião Miranda | Zita Marinho | André F. T. Martins | Shay B. Cohen
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers)

We present a new neural model for text summarization that first extracts sentences from a document and then compresses them. The pro-posed model offers a balance that sidesteps thedifficulties in abstractive methods while gener-ating more concise summaries than extractivemethods. In addition, our model dynamically determines the length of the output summary based on the gold summaries it observes during training and does not require length constraints typical to extractive summarization. The model achieves state-of-the-art results on the CNN/DailyMail and Newsroom datasets, improving over current extractive and abstractive methods. Human evaluations demonstratethat our model generates concise and informa-tive summaries. We also make available a new dataset of oracle compressive summaries derived automatically from the CNN/DailyMailreference summaries.


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Semi-Supervised Learning of Sequence Models with Method of Moments
Zita Marinho | André F. T. Martins | Shay B. Cohen | Noah A. Smith
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing