Zheng Chen


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Personalized Search-based Query Rewrite System for Conversational AI
Eunah Cho | Ziyan Jiang | Jie Hao | Zheng Chen | Saurabh Gupta | Xing Fan | Chenlei Guo
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Conversational AI

Query rewrite (QR) is an emerging component in conversational AI systems, reducing user defect. User defect is caused by various reasons, such as errors in the spoken dialogue system, users’ slips of the tongue or their abridged language. Many of the user defects stem from personalized factors, such as user’s speech pattern, dialect, or preferences. In this work, we propose a personalized search-based QR framework, which focuses on automatic reduction of user defect. We build a personalized index for each user, which encompasses diverse affinity layers to reflect personal preferences for each user in the conversational AI. Our personalized QR system contains retrieval and ranking layers. Supported by user feedback based learning, training our models does not require hand-annotated data. Experiments on personalized test set showed that our personalized QR system is able to correct systematic and user errors by utilizing phonetic and semantic inputs.


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ForceReader: a BERT-based Interactive Machine Reading Comprehension Model with Attention Separation
Zheng Chen | Kangjian Wu
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

The release of BERT revolutionized the development of NLP. Various BERT-based reading comprehension models have been proposed, thus updating the performance ranking of reading comprehension tasks. However, the above BERT-based models inherently employ BERT’s combined input method, representing the input question and paragraph as a single packed sequence, without further modification for reading comprehension. This paper makes an in-depth analysis of this input method, proposes a problem of this approach. We call it attention deconcentration. Accordingly, this paper proposes ForceReader, a BERT-based interactive machine reading comprehension model. First, ForceReader proposes a novel solution called the Attention Separation Representation to respond to attention deconcentration. Moreover, starting from the logical nature of reading comprehension tasks, ForceReader adopts Multi-mode Reading and Interactive Reasoning strategy. For the calculation of attention, ForceReader employs Conditional Background Attention to solve the lack of the overall context semantic after the separation of attention. As an integral model, ForceReader shows a significant improvement in reading comprehension tasks compared to BERT. Moreover, this paper makes detailed visual analyses of the attention and propose strategies accordingly. This may be another argument to the explanations of the attention.


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Detecting and Explaining Causes From Text For a Time Series Event
Dongyeop Kang | Varun Gangal | Ang Lu | Zheng Chen | Eduard Hovy
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Explaining underlying causes or effects about events is a challenging but valuable task. We define a novel problem of generating explanations of a time series event by (1) searching cause and effect relationships of the time series with textual data and (2) constructing a connecting chain between them to generate an explanation. To detect causal features from text, we propose a novel method based on the Granger causality of time series between features extracted from text such as N-grams, topics, sentiments, and their composition. The generation of the sequence of causal entities requires a commonsense causative knowledge base with efficient reasoning. To ensure good interpretability and appropriate lexical usage we combine symbolic and neural representations, using a neural reasoning algorithm trained on commonsense causal tuples to predict the next cause step. Our quantitative and human analysis show empirical evidence that our method successfully extracts meaningful causality relationships between time series with textual features and generates appropriate explanation between them.


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Entity Disambiguation by Knowledge and Text Jointly Embedding
Wei Fang | Jianwen Zhang | Dilin Wang | Zheng Chen | Ming Li
Proceedings of The 20th SIGNLL Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning


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Aligning Knowledge and Text Embeddings by Entity Descriptions
Huaping Zhong | Jianwen Zhang | Zhen Wang | Hai Wan | Zheng Chen
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing


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Knowledge Graph and Text Jointly Embedding
Zhen Wang | Jianwen Zhang | Jianlin Feng | Zheng Chen
Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)


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Towards Accurate Distant Supervision for Relational Facts Extraction
Xingxing Zhang | Jianwen Zhang | Junyu Zeng | Jun Yan | Zheng Chen | Zhifang Sui
Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)


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Collaborative Ranking: A Case Study on Entity Linking
Zheng Chen | Heng Ji
Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

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Cross-lingual Slot Filling from Comparable Corpora
Matthew Snover | Xiang Li | Wen-Pin Lin | Zheng Chen | Suzanne Tamang | Mingmin Ge | Adam Lee | Qi Li | Hao Li | Sam Anzaroot | Heng Ji
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora: Comparable Corpora and the Web


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Utility Evaluation of Cross-document Information Extraction
Heng Ji | Zheng Chen | Jonathan Feldman | Antonio Gonzalez | Ralph Grishman | Vivek Upadhyay
Human Language Technologies: The 2010 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

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Graph-Based Clustering for Computational Linguistics: A Survey
Zheng Chen | Heng Ji
Proceedings of TextGraphs-5 - 2010 Workshop on Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing


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Language Specific Issue and Feature Exploration in Chinese Event Extraction
Zheng Chen | Heng Ji
Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Companion Volume: Short Papers

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Cross-document Temporal and Spatial Person Tracking System Demonstration
Heng Ji | Zheng Chen
Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Companion Volume: Demonstration Session

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Can One Language Bootstrap the Other: A Case Study on Event Extraction
Zheng Chen | Heng Ji
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Semi-supervised Learning for Natural Language Processing

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Graph-based Event Coreference Resolution
Zheng Chen | Heng Ji
Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing (TextGraphs-4)

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A Pairwise Event Coreference Model, Feature Impact and Evaluation for Event Coreference Resolution
Zheng Chen | Heng Ji | Robert Haralick
Proceedings of the Workshop on Events in Emerging Text Types

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Cross-document Event Extraction and Tracking: Task, Evaluation, Techniques and Challenges
Heng Ji | Ralph Grishman | Zheng Chen | Prashant Gupta
Proceedings of the International Conference RANLP-2009


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A Study for Document Summarization Based on Personal Annotation
Haiqin Zhang | Zheng Chen | Wei-ying Ma | Qingsheng Cai
Proceedings of the HLT-NAACL 03 Text Summarization Workshop


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A New Statistical Approach To Chinese Pinyin Input
Zheng Chen | Kai-Fu Lee
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics