Xuhui Zhou


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Challenges in Automated Debiasing for Toxic Language Detection
Xuhui Zhou | Maarten Sap | Swabha Swayamdipta | Yejin Choi | Noah Smith
Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume

Biased associations have been a challenge in the development of classifiers for detecting toxic language, hindering both fairness and accuracy. As potential solutions, we investigate recently introduced debiasing methods for text classification datasets and models, as applied to toxic language detection. Our focus is on lexical (e.g., swear words, slurs, identity mentions) and dialectal markers (specifically African American English). Our comprehensive experiments establish that existing methods are limited in their ability to prevent biased behavior in current toxicity detectors. We then propose an automatic, dialect-aware data correction method, as a proof-of-concept. Despite the use of synthetic labels, this method reduces dialectal associations with toxicity. Overall, our findings show that debiasing a model trained on biased toxic language data is not as effective as simply relabeling the data to remove existing biases.


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Multilevel Text Alignment with Cross-Document Attention
Xuhui Zhou | Nikolaos Pappas | Noah A. Smith
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Text alignment finds application in tasks such as citation recommendation and plagiarism detection. Existing alignment methods operate at a single, predefined level and cannot learn to align texts at, for example, sentence and document levels. We propose a new learning approach that equips previously established hierarchical attention encoders for representing documents with a cross-document attention component, enabling structural comparisons across different levels (document-to-document and sentence-to-document). Our component is weakly supervised from document pairs and can align at multiple levels. Our evaluation on predicting document-to-document relationships and sentence-to-document relationships on the tasks of citation recommendation and plagiarism detection shows that our approach outperforms previously established hierarchical, attention encoders based on recurrent and transformer contextualization that are unaware of structural correspondence between documents.

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Linguistically-Informed Transformations (LIT): A Method for Automatically Generating Contrast Sets
Chuanrong Li | Lin Shengshuo | Zeyu Liu | Xinyi Wu | Xuhui Zhou | Shane Steinert-Threlkeld
Proceedings of the Third BlackboxNLP Workshop on Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP

Although large-scale pretrained language models, such as BERT and RoBERTa, have achieved superhuman performance on in-distribution test sets, their performance suffers on out-of-distribution test sets (e.g., on contrast sets). Building contrast sets often requires human-expert annotation, which is expensive and hard to create on a large scale. In this work, we propose a Linguistically-Informed Transformation (LIT) method to automatically generate contrast sets, which enables practitioners to explore linguistic phenomena of interests as well as compose different phenomena. Experimenting with our method on SNLI and MNLI shows that current pretrained language models, although being claimed to contain sufficient linguistic knowledge, struggle on our automatically generated contrast sets. Furthermore, we improve models’ performance on the contrast sets by applying LIT to augment the training data, without affecting performance on the original data.

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RPD: A Distance Function Between Word Embeddings
Xuhui Zhou | Shujian Huang | Zaixiang Zheng
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop

It is well-understood that different algorithms, training processes, and corpora produce different word embeddings. However, less is known about the relation between different embedding spaces, i.e. how far different sets of em-beddings deviate from each other. In this paper, we propose a novel metric called Relative Pairwise Inner Product Distance (RPD) to quantify the distance between different sets of word embeddings. This unitary-invariant metric has a unified scale for comparing different sets of word embeddings. Based on the properties of RPD, we study the relations of word embeddings of different algorithms systematically and investigate the influence of different training processes and corpora. The results shed light on the poorly understood word embeddings and justify RPD as a measure of the distance of embedding space.