Wengang Zhou


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Fine-grained Semantic Alignment Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Language Grounding
Yuechen Wang | Wengang Zhou | Houqiang Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021

Temporal language grounding (TLG) aims to localize a video segment in an untrimmed video based on a natural language description. To alleviate the expensive cost of manual annotations for temporal boundary labels,we are dedicated to the weakly supervised setting, where only video-level descriptions are provided for training. Most of the existing weakly supervised methods generate a candidate segment set and learn cross-modal alignment through a MIL-based framework. However, the temporal structure of the video as well as the complicated semantics in the sentence are lost during the learning. In this work, we propose a novel candidate-free framework: Fine-grained Semantic Alignment Network (FSAN), for weakly supervised TLG. Instead of view the sentence and candidate moments as a whole, FSAN learns token-by-clip cross-modal semantic alignment by an iterative cross-modal interaction module, generates a fine-grained cross-modal semantic alignment map, and performs grounding directly on top of the map. Extensive experiments are conducted on two widely-used benchmarks: ActivityNet-Captions, and DiDeMo, where our FSAN achieves state-of-the-art performance.


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Soft Contextual Data Augmentation for Neural Machine Translation
Fei Gao | Jinhua Zhu | Lijun Wu | Yingce Xia | Tao Qin | Xueqi Cheng | Wengang Zhou | Tie-Yan Liu
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

While data augmentation is an important trick to boost the accuracy of deep learning methods in computer vision tasks, its study in natural language tasks is still very limited. In this paper, we present a novel data augmentation method for neural machine translation.Different from previous augmentation methods that randomly drop, swap or replace words with other words in a sentence, we softly augment a randomly chosen word in a sentence by its contextual mixture of multiple related words. More accurately, we replace the one-hot representation of a word by a distribution (provided by a language model) over the vocabulary, i.e., replacing the embedding of this word by a weighted combination of multiple semantically similar words. Since the weights of those words depend on the contextual information of the word to be replaced,the newly generated sentences capture much richer information than previous augmentation methods. Experimental results on both small scale and large scale machine translation data sets demonstrate the superiority of our method over strong baselines.