Stephan Vogel
Also published as: S. Vogel, Stephen Vogel
Incremental Decoding and Training Methods for Simultaneous Translation in Neural Machine Translation
Fahim Dalvi
Nadir Durrani
Hassan Sajjad
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 2 (Short Papers)
The WAW Corpus: The First Corpus of Interpreted Speeches and their Translations for English and Arabic
Ahmed Abdelali
Irina Temnikova
Samy Hedaya
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)
Understanding and Improving Morphological Learning in the Neural Machine Translation Decoder
Fahim Dalvi
Nadir Durrani
Hassan Sajjad
Yonatan Belinkov
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Challenging Language-Dependent Segmentation for Arabic: An Application to Machine Translation and Part-of-Speech Tagging
Hassan Sajjad
Fahim Dalvi
Nadir Durrani
Ahmed Abdelali
Yonatan Belinkov
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)
Neural Machine Translation Training in a Multi-Domain Scenario
Hassan Sajjad
Nadir Durrani
Fahim Dalvi
Yonatan Belinkov
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation
Robust Tuning Datasets for Statistical Machine Translation
Preslav Nakov
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2017
Proceedings of the Workshop Human-Informed Translation and Interpreting Technology
Irina Temnikova
Constantin Orasan
Gloria Corpas Pastor
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the Workshop Human-Informed Translation and Interpreting Technology
Interpreting Strategies Annotation in the WAW Corpus
Irina Temnikova
Ahmed Abdelali
Samy Hedaya
Stephan Vogel
Aishah Al Daher
Proceedings of the Workshop Human-Informed Translation and Interpreting Technology
QCRI Live Speech Translation System
Fahim Dalvi
Yifan Zhang
Sameer Khurana
Nadir Durrani
Hassan Sajjad
Ahmed Abdelali
Hamdy Mubarak
Ahmed Ali
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the Software Demonstrations of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
The SUMMA Platform Prototype
Renars Liepins
Ulrich Germann
Guntis Barzdins
Alexandra Birch
Steve Renals
Susanne Weber
Peggy van der Kreeft
Hervé Bourlard
João Prieto
Ondřej Klejch
Peter Bell
Alexandros Lazaridis
Alfonso Mendes
Sebastian Riedel
Mariana S. C. Almeida
Pedro Balage
Shay B. Cohen
Tomasz Dwojak
Philip N. Garner
Andreas Giefer
Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt
Hina Imran
David Nogueira
Ahmed Ali
Sebastião Miranda
Andrei Popescu-Belis
Lesly Miculicich Werlen
Nikos Papasarantopoulos
Abiola Obamuyide
Clive Jones
Fahim Dalvi
Andreas Vlachos
Yang Wang
Sibo Tong
Rico Sennrich
Nikolaos Pappas
Shashi Narayan
Marco Damonte
Nadir Durrani
Sameer Khurana
Ahmed Abdelali
Hassan Sajjad
Stephan Vogel
David Sheppey
Chris Hernon
Jeff Mitchell
Proceedings of the Software Demonstrations of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Eyes Don’t Lie: Predicting Machine Translation Quality Using Eye Movement
Hassan Sajjad
Francisco Guzmán
Nadir Durrani
Ahmed Abdelali
Houda Bouamor
Irina Temnikova
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
QCRI’s Machine Translation Systems for IWSLT’16
Nadir Durrani
Fahim Dalvi
Hassan Sajjad
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation
An Empirical Study: Post-editing Effort for English to Arabic Hybrid Machine Translation
Hassan Sajjad
Francisco Guzman
Stephan Vogel
Conferences of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas: MT Users' Track
Applying the Cognitive Machine Translation Evaluation Approach to Arabic
Irina Temnikova
Wajdi Zaghouani
Stephan Vogel
Nizar Habash
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)
How do Humans Evaluate Machine Translation
Francisco Guzmán
Ahmed Abdelali
Irina Temnikova
Hassan Sajjad
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Arabic Natural Language Processing
Nizar Habash
Stephan Vogel
Kareem Darwish
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Arabic Natural Language Processing
Analyzing Optimization for Statistical Machine Translation: MERT Learns Verbosity, PRO Learns Length
Francisco Guzmán
Preslav Nakov
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the Nineteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning
Using joint models or domain adaptation in statistical machine translation
Nadir Durrani
Hassan Sajjad
Shafiq Joty
Ahmed Abdelali
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XV: Papers
How to Avoid Unwanted Pregnancies: Domain Adaptation using Neural Network Models
Shafiq Joty
Hassan Sajjad
Nadir Durrani
Kamla Al-Mannai
Ahmed Abdelali
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
The AMARA Corpus: Building Parallel Language Resources for the Educational Domain
Ahmed Abdelali
Francisco Guzman
Hassan Sajjad
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
Proceedings of the EMNLP 2014 Workshop on Arabic Natural Language Processing (ANLP)
Nizar Habash
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the EMNLP 2014 Workshop on Arabic Natural Language Processing (ANLP)
Unsupervised Word Segmentation Improves Dialectal Arabic to English Machine Translation
Kamla Al-Mannai
Hassan Sajjad
Alaa Khader
Fahad Al Obaidli
Preslav Nakov
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the EMNLP 2014 Workshop on Arabic Natural Language Processing (ANLP)
Advances in dialectal Arabic speech recognition: a study using Twitter to improve Egyptian ASR
Ahmed Ali
Hamdy Mubarak
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation: Papers
QCRI at IWSLT 2013: experiments in Arabic-English and English-Arabic spoken language translation
Hassan Sajjad
Francisco Guzmán
Preslav Nakov
Ahmed Abdelali
Kenton Murray
Fahad Al Obaidli
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation: Evaluation Campaign
The AMARA corpus: building resources for translating the web’s educational content
Francisco Guzman
Hassan Sajjad
Stephan Vogel
Ahmed Abdelali
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation: Papers
Parameter Optimization for Statistical Machine Translation: It Pays to Learn from Hard Examples
Preslav Nakov
Fahad Al Obaidli
Francisco Guzmán
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing RANLP 2013
MT Quality Estimation: The CMU System for WMT‘13
Silja Hildebrand
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Integrating Phrase-based Reordering Features into a Chart-based Decoder for Machine Translation
ThuyLinh Nguyen
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
A Tale about PRO and Monsters
Preslav Nakov
Francisco Guzmán
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)
QCRI at WMT12: Experiments in Spanish-English and German-English Machine Translation of News Text
Francisco Guzmán
Preslav Nakov
Ahmed Thabet
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Understanding the Performance of Statistical MT Systems: A Linear Regression Framework
Francisco Guzman
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of COLING 2012
Optimizing for Sentence-Level BLEU+1 Yields Short Translations
Preslav Nakov
Francisco Guzman
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of COLING 2012
Nonparametric Model for Inupiaq Word Segmentation
Thuy Linh Nguyen
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of COLING 2012: Demonstration Papers
A Word-Class Approach to Labeling PSCFG Rules for Machine Translation
Andreas Zollmann
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
Corpus Expansion for Statistical Machine Translation with Semantic Role Label Substitution Rules
Qin Gao
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
Dealing with Spurious Ambiguity in Learning ITG-based Word Alignment
Shujian Huang
Stephan Vogel
Jiajun Chen
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
TriS: A Statistical Sentence Simplifier with Log-linear Models and Margin-based Discriminative Training
Nguyen Bach
Qin Gao
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing
Multi-Strategy Approaches to Active Learning for Statistical Machine Translation
Vamshi Ambati
Stephan Vogel
Jaime Carbonell
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XIII: Papers
Extending a probabilistic phrase alignment approach for SMT
Mridul Gupta
Sanjika Hewavitharana
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation: Evaluation Campaign
Utilizing Target-Side Semantic Role Labels to Assist Hierarchical Phrase-based Machine Translation
Qin Gao
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of Fifth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation
Extracting Parallel Phrases from Comparable Data
Sanjika Hewavitharana
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora: Comparable Corpora and the Web
Active Learning with Multiple Annotations for Comparable Data Classification Task
Vamshi Ambati
Sanjika Hewavitharana
Stephan Vogel
Jaime Carbonell
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora: Comparable Corpora and the Web
Wider Context by Using Bilingual Language Models in Machine Translation
Jan Niehues
Teresa Herrmann
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
CMU Haitian Creole-English Translation System for WMT 2011
Sanjika Hewavitharana
Nguyen Bach
Qin Gao
Vamshi Ambati
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Crisis MT: Developing A Cookbook for MT in Crisis Situations
William Lewis
Robert Munro
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Active Learning and Crowd-Sourcing for Machine Translation
Vamshi Ambati
Stephan Vogel
Jaime Carbonell
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)
EMDC: A Semi-supervised Approach for Word Alignment
Qin Gao
Francisco Guzman
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling 2010)
Nonparametric Word Segmentation for Machine Translation
ThuyLinh Nguyen
Stephan Vogel
Noah A. Smith
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling 2010)
Fixed Length Word Suffix for Factored Statistical Machine Translation
Narges Sharif Razavian
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Conference Short Papers
Active Learning-Based Elicitation for Semi-Supervised Word Alignment
Vamshi Ambati
Stephan Vogel
Jaime Carbonell
Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Conference Short Papers
Active Semi-Supervised Learning for Improving Word Alignment
Vamshi Ambati
Stephan Vogel
Jaime Carbonell
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Active Learning for Natural Language Processing
Semi-supervised Word Alignment with Mechanical Turk
Qin Gao
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk
Can Crowds Build parallel corpora for Machine Translation Systems?
Vamshi Ambati
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk
A Semi-Supervised Word Alignment Algorithm with Partial Manual Alignments
Qin Gao
Nguyen Bach
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the Joint Fifth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation and MetricsMATR
CMU System Combination via Hypothesis Selection for WMT’10
Almut Silja Hildebrand
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the Joint Fifth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation and MetricsMATR
New Parameterizations and Features for PSCFG-Based Machine Translation
Andreas Zollmann
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Syntax and Structure in Statistical Translation
A Multi-layer Chinese Word Segmentation System Optimized for Out-of-domain Tasks
Qin Gao
Stephan Vogel
CIPS-SIGHAN Joint Conference on Chinese Language Processing
Preference Grammars: Softening Syntactic Constraints to Improve Statistical Machine Translation
Ashish Venugopal
Andreas Zollmann
Noah A. Smith
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Cohesive Constraints in A Beam Search Phrase-based Decoder
Nguyen Bach
Stephan Vogel
Colin Cherry
Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Companion Volume: Short Papers
Incremental Adaptation of Speech-to-Speech Translation
Nguyen Bach
Roger Hsiao
Matthias Eck
Paisarn Charoenpornsawat
Stephan Vogel
Tanja Schultz
Ian Lane
Alex Waibel
Alan Black
Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Companion Volume: Short Papers
Source-side Dependency Tree Reordering Models with Subtree Movements and Constraints
Nguyen Bach
Qin Gao
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XII: Papers
Reassessment of the Role of Phrase Extraction in PBSMT
Francisco Guzman
Qin Gao
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XII: Papers
CMU System Combination for WMT‘09
Almut Silja Hildebrand
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Communicating Unknown Words in Machine Translation
Matthias Eck
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)
Discriminative Word Alignment via Alignment Matrix Modeling
Jan Niehues
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Improving Word Alignment with Language Model Based Confidence Scores
Nguyen Bach
Qin Gao
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Parallel Implementations of Word Alignment Tool
Qin Gao
Stephan Vogel
Software Engineering, Testing, and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing
Context-based Arabic Morphological Analysis for Machine Translation
ThuyLinh Nguyen
Stephan Vogel
CoNLL 2008: Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning
The CMU syntax-augmented machine translation system: SAMT on Hadoop with n-best alignments.
Andreas Zollmann
Ashish Venugopal
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation: Evaluation Campaign
Recent Improvements in the CMU Large Scale Chinese-English SMT System
Almut Silja Hildebrand
Kay Rottmann
Mohamed Noamany
Quin Gao
Sanjika Hewavitharana
Nguyen Bach
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, Short Papers
Wider Pipelines: N-Best Alignments and Parses in MT Training
Ashish Venugopal
Andreas Zollmann
Noah A. Smith
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas: Research Papers
Combination of Machine Translation Systems via Hypothesis Selection from Combined N-Best Lists
Almut Silja Hildebrand
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas: Student Research Workshop
Diacritization as a Machine Translation and as a Sequence Labeling Problem
Tim Schlippe
ThuyLinh Nguyen
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas: Student Research Workshop
A Log-Linear Block Transliteration Model based on Bi-Stream HMMs
Bing Zhao
Nguyen Bach
Ian Lane
Stephan Vogel
Human Language Technologies 2007: The Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics; Proceedings of the Main Conference
An Efficient Two-Pass Approach to Synchronous-CFG Driven Statistical MT
Ashish Venugopal
Andreas Zollmann
Stephan Vogel
Human Language Technologies 2007: The Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics; Proceedings of the Main Conference
Translation Model Pruning via Usage Statistics for Statistical Machine Translation
Matthias Eck
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
Human Language Technologies 2007: The Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics; Companion Volume, Short Papers
The CMU TransTac 2007 eyes-free two-way speech-to-speech translation system
Nguyen Bach
Matthais Eck
Paisarn Charoenpornsawat
Thilo Köhler
Sebastian Stüker
ThuyLinh Nguyen
Roger Hsiao
Alex Waibel
Stephan Vogel
Tanja Schultz
Alan W. Black
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation
The CMU-UKA statistical machine translation systems for IWSLT 2007
Ian Lane
Andreas Zollmann
Thuy Linh Nguyen
Nguyen Bach
Ashish Venugopal
Stephan Vogel
Kay Rottmann
Ying Zhang
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation
Enhancing image-based Arabic document translation using noisy channel correction model
Yi Chang
Ying Zhang
Stephan Vogel
Jie Yang
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XI: Papers
Estimating phrase pair relevance for translation model pruning
Matthias Eck
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XI: Papers
Experiments with a noun-phrase driven statistical machine translation system
Sanjika Hewavitharana
Alon Lavie
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XI: Papers
Iterative refinement of lexicon and phrasal alignment
Jae Dong Kim
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XI: Papers
PanDoRA: a large-scale two-way statistical machine translation system for hand-held devices
Ying Zhang
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XI: Papers
Word reordering in statistical machine translation with a POS-based distortion model
Kay Rottmann
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation of Natural Languages: Papers
A Walk on the Other Side: Using SMT Components in a Transfer-Based Translation System
Ariadna Font Llitjós
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of SSST, NAACL-HLT 2007 / AMTA Workshop on Syntax and Structure in Statistical Translation
The ISL Phrase-Based MT System for the 2007 ACL Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Matthias Paulik
Kay Rottmann
Jan Niehues
Silja Hildebrand
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
The Syntax Augmented MT (SAMT) System at the Shared Task for the 2007 ACL Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Andreas Zollmann
Ashish Venugopal
Matthias Paulik
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Bridging the Inflection Morphology Gap for Arabic Statistical Machine Translation
Andreas Zollmann
Ashish Venugopal
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference of the NAACL, Companion Volume: Short Papers
A Flexible Online Server for Machine Translation Evaluation
Matthias Eck
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of the 11th Annual conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
The UKA/CMU statistical machine translation system for IWSLT 2006
Matthias Eck
Ian Lane
Nguyen Bach
Sanjika Hewavitharana
Muntsin Kolss
Bing Zhao
Almut Silja Hildebrand
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation: Evaluation Campaign
The CMU-UKA syntax augmented machine translation system for IWSLT-06
Andreas Zollmann
Ashish Venugopal
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation: Evaluation Campaign
Distributed Language Modeling for N-best List Re-ranking
Ying Zhang
Almut Silja Hildebrand
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
A Generalized Alignment-Free Phrase Extraction
Bing Zhao
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Building and Using Parallel Texts
Competitive Grouping in Integrated Phrase Segmentation and Alignment Model
Ying Zhang
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Building and Using Parallel Texts
Augmenting a statistical translation system with a translation memory
Sanjika Hewavitharana
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of the 10th EAMT Conference: Practical applications of machine translation
Adaptation of the translation model for statistical machine translation based on information retrieval
Almut Silja Hildebrand
Matthias Eck
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of the 10th EAMT Conference: Practical applications of machine translation
Considerations in maximum mutual information and minimum classification error training for statistical machine translation
Ashish Vengupol
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 10th EAMT Conference: Practical applications of machine translation
An efficient phrase-to-phrase alignment model for arbitrarily long phrase and large corpora
Ying Zhang
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 10th EAMT Conference: Practical applications of machine translation
The CMU Statistical Machine Translation System for IWSLT2005
Sanjika Hewavitharana
Bing Zhao
Almut Silja
Matthias Eck
Chiori Hori
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation
Low Cost Portability for Statistical Machine Translation based on N-gram Frequency and TF-IDF
Matthias Eck
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation
Low Cost Portability for Statistical Machine Translation based on N-gram Coverage
Matthias Eck
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit X: Papers
PESA: Phrase Pair Extraction as Sentence Splitting
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit X: Papers
Statistical Machine Translation Part I: Hands-On Introduction
Stephan Vogel
Companion Volume to the Proceedings of Conference including Posters/Demos and tutorial abstracts
Mining Key Phrase Translations from Web Corpora
Fei Huang
Ying Zhang
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of Human Language Technology Conference and Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Improving Named Entity Translation Combining Phonetic and Semantic Similarities
Fei Huang
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: HLT-NAACL 2004
Language Model Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation via Structured Query Models
Bing Zhao
Matthias Eck
Stephan Vogel
COLING 2004: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Improving Statistical Machine Translation in the Medical Domain using the Unified Medical Language system
Matthias Eck
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
COLING 2004: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Phrase Pair Rescoring with Term Weighting for Statistical Machine Translation
Bing Zhao
Stephan Vogel
Matthias Eck
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of the 2004 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
A trainable transfer-based MT approach for languages with limited resources
Alon Lavie
Katharina Probst
Erik Peterson
Stephan Vogel
Lori Levin
Ariadna Font-Llitjos
Jaime Carbonell
Proceedings of the 9th EAMT Workshop: Broadening horizons of machine translation and its applications
Measuring confidence intervals for the machine translation evaluation metrics
Ying Zhang
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation of Natural Languages
The ISL statistical translation system for spoken language translation
Stephan Vogel
Sanjika Hewavitharana
Muntsin Kolss
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation: Evaluation Campaign
Toward named entity extraction and translation in spoken language translation
Fei Huang
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation: Papers
Language Model Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation Based on Information Retrieval
Matthias Eck
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’04)
Augmenting Manual Dictionaries for Statistical Machine Translation Systems
Stephan Vogel
Christian Monson
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’04)
Interpreting BLEU/NIST Scores: How Much Improvement do We Need to Have a Better System?
Ying Zhang
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’04)
Effective Phrase Translation Extraction from Alignment Models
Ashish Venugopal
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Using Noisy Biligual Data for Statistical Machine Translation
Stephan Vogel
10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
The CMU statistical machine translation system
Stephan Vogel
Ying Zhang
Fei Huang
Alicia Tribble
Ashish Venugopal
Bing Zhao
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit IX: Papers
SMT – TIDES – and all that
Stephan Vogel
Workshop on Machine Translation for Semitic languages: issues and approaches
The CMU Arabic-to-English statistical MT system
Alicia Tribble
Stephan Vogel
Workshop on Machine Translation for Semitic languages: issues and approaches
Word Alignment Based on Bilingual Bracketing
Bing Zhao
Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the HLT-NAACL 2003 Workshop on Building and Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation and Beyond
Efficient Optimization for Bilingual Sentence Alignment Based on Linear Regression
Bing Zhao
Klaus Zechner
Stephen Vogel
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of the HLT-NAACL 2003 Workshop on Building and Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation and Beyond
Automatic Extraction of Named Entity Translingual Equivalence Based on Multi-Feature Cost Minimization
Fei Huang
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of the ACL 2003 Workshop on Multilingual and Mixed-language Named Entity Recognition
The RWTH System for Statistical Translation of Spoken Dialogues
H. Ney
F. J. Och
S. Vogel
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Human Language Technology Research
Translation with Cascaded Finite State Transducers
Stephan Vogel
Hermann Ney
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Construction of a Hierarchical Translation Memory
S. Vogel
H. Ney
COLING 2000 Volume 2: The 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
A DP based Search Algorithm for Statistical Machine Translation
S. Nießen
S. Vogel
H. Ney
C. Tillmann
36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Volume 2
A DP based Search Algorithm for Statistical Machine Translation
S. Nießen
S. Vogel
H. Ney
C. Tillmann
COLING 1998 Volume 2: The 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
A DP-based Search Using Monotone Alignments in Statistical Translation
Christoph Tillmann
Stephan Vogel
Hermann Ney
Alex Zubiaga
35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 8th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
HMM-Based Word Alignment in Statistical Translation
Stephan Vogel
Hermann Ney
Christoph Tillmann
COLING 1996 Volume 2: The 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
- Alex Waibel 27
- Hassan Sajjad 16
- Francisco Guzmán 14
- Matthias Eck 14
- Ahmed Abdelali 12
- show all...
- Nguyen Bach 12
- Qin Gao 12
- Ying Zhang 10
- Nadir Durrani 10
- Ashish Venugopal 10
- Andreas Zollmann 10
- Sanjika Hewavitharana 10
- Bing Zhao 9
- Almut Silja Hildebrand 9
- Preslav Nakov 8
- ThuyLinh Nguyen 7
- Vamshi Ambati 7
- Hermann Ney 7
- Fahim Dalvi 7
- Irina Temnikova 6
- Jaime G. Carbonell 6
- Fei Huang 5
- Ian Lane 4
- Kay Rottmann 4
- Christoph Tillmann 4
- Jan Niehues 3
- Noah A. Smith 3
- Fahad Al Obaidli 3
- Nizar Habash 3
- Ahmed Ali 3
- Yonatan Belinkov 3
- Roger Hsiao 2
- Paisarn Charoenpornsawat 2
- Tanja Schultz 2
- Alan W. Black 2
- Muntsin Kolss 2
- Kamla Al-Mannai 2
- Hamdy Mubarak 2
- Alon Lavie 2
- Ariadna Font Llitjós 2
- Alicia Tribble 2
- Sonja Nießen 2
- Samy Hedaya 2
- Shafiq Joty 2
- Matthias Paulik 2
- Sameer Khurana 2
- Houda Bouamor 1
- Colin Cherry 1
- Kenton Murray 1
- Alaa Khader 1
- Shujian Huang 1
- Jiajun Chen 1
- Ashish Vengupol 1
- Kareem Darwish 1
- Matthais Eck 1
- Thilo Köhler 1
- Sebastian Stüker 1
- Ahmed Thabet 1
- Katharina Probst 1
- Erik Peterson 1
- Lori Levin 1
- Hildebrand 1
- Almut Silja 1
- Chiori Hori 1
- Mridul Gupta 1
- Mohamed Noamany 1
- Quin Gao 1
- Yi Chang 1
- Jie Yang 1
- Jae Dong Kim 1
- Franz Josef Och 1
- Alex Zubiaga 1
- Narges Sharif Razavian 1
- Wajdi Zaghouani 1
- Teresa Herrmann 1
- William Lewis 1
- Robert Munro 1
- Constantin Orašan 1
- Gloria Corpas Pastor 1
- Aishah Al Daher 1
- Tim Schlippe 1
- Klaus Zechner 1
- Christian Monson 1
- Yifan Zhang 1
- Renārs Liepins 1
- Ulrich Germann 1
- Guntis Barzdins 1
- Alexandra Birch 1
- Steve Renals 1
- Susanne Weber 1
- Peggy van der Kreeft 1
- Hervé Bourlard 1
- João Prieto 1
- Ondřej Klejch 1
- Peter Bell 1
- Alexandros Lazaridis 1
- Alfonso Mendes 1
- Sebastian Riedel 1
- Mariana S. C. Almeida 1
- Pedro Balage Filho 1
- Shay B. Cohen 1
- Tomasz Dwojak 1
- Philip N. Garner 1
- Andreas Giefer 1
- Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt 1
- Hina Imran 1
- David Nogueira 1
- Sebastião Miranda 1
- Andrei Popescu-Belis 1
- Lesly Miculicich Werlen 1
- Nikos Papasarantopoulos 1
- Abiola Obamuyide 1
- Clive Jones 1
- Andreas Vlachos 1
- Yang Wang 1
- Sibo Tong 1
- Rico Sennrich 1
- Nikolaos Pappas 1
- Shashi Narayan 1
- Marco Damonte 1
- David Sheppey 1
- Chris Hernon 1
- Jeff Mitchell 1