Sofie Labat


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A Million Tweets Are Worth a Few Points: Tuning Transformers for Customer Service Tasks
Amir Hadifar | Sofie Labat | Veronique Hoste | Chris Develder | Thomas Demeester
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

In online domain-specific customer service applications, many companies struggle to deploy advanced NLP models successfully, due to the limited availability of and noise in their datasets. While prior research demonstrated the potential of migrating large open-domain pretrained models for domain-specific tasks, the appropriate (pre)training strategies have not yet been rigorously evaluated in such social media customer service settings, especially under multilingual conditions. We address this gap by collecting a multilingual social media corpus containing customer service conversations (865k tweets), comparing various pipelines of pretraining and finetuning approaches, applying them on 5 different end tasks. We show that pretraining a generic multilingual transformer model on our in-domain dataset, before finetuning on specific end tasks, consistently boosts performance, especially in non-English settings.


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LT3 at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Comparing Feature-Based and Transformer-Based Approaches to Detect Funny Headlines
Bram Vanroy | Sofie Labat | Olha Kaminska | Els Lefever | Veronique Hoste
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

This paper presents two different systems for the SemEval shared task 7 on Assessing Humor in Edited News Headlines, sub-task 1, where the aim was to estimate the intensity of humor generated in edited headlines. Our first system is a feature-based machine learning system that combines different types of information (e.g. word embeddings, string similarity, part-of-speech tags, perplexity scores, named entity recognition) in a Nu Support Vector Regressor (NuSVR). The second system is a deep learning-based approach that uses the pre-trained language model RoBERTa to learn latent features in the news headlines that are useful to predict the funniness of each headline. The latter system was also our final submission to the competition and is ranked seventh among the 49 participating teams, with a root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 0.5253.

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Identifying Cognates in English-Dutch and French-Dutch by means of Orthographic Information and Cross-lingual Word Embeddings
Els Lefever | Sofie Labat | Pranaydeep Singh
Proceedings of the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

This paper investigates the validity of combining more traditional orthographic information with cross-lingual word embeddings to identify cognate pairs in English-Dutch and French-Dutch. In a first step, lists of potential cognate pairs in English-Dutch and French-Dutch are manually labelled. The resulting gold standard is used to train and evaluate a multi-layer perceptron that can distinguish cognates from non-cognates. Fifteen orthographic features capture string similarities between source and target words, while the cosine similarity between their word embeddings represents the semantic relation between these words. By adding domain-specific information to pretrained fastText embeddings, we are able to obtain good embeddings for words that did not yet have a pretrained embedding (e.g. Dutch compound nouns). These embeddings are then aligned in a cross-lingual vector space by exploiting their structural similarity (cf. adversarial learning). Our results indicate that although the classifier already achieves good results on the basis of orthographic information, the performance further improves by including semantic information in the form of cross-lingual word embeddings.


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A Classification-Based Approach to Cognate Detection Combining Orthographic and Semantic Similarity Information
Sofie Labat | Els Lefever
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2019)

This paper presents proof-of-concept experiments for combining orthographic and semantic information to distinguish cognates from non-cognates. To this end, a context-independent gold standard is developed by manually labelling English-Dutch pairs of cognates and false friends in bilingual term lists. These annotated cognate pairs are then used to train and evaluate a supervised binary classification system for the automatic detection of cognates. Two types of information sources are incorporated in the classifier: fifteen string similarity metrics capture form similarity between source and target words, while word embeddings model semantic similarity between the words. The experimental results show that even though the system already achieves good results by only incorporating orthographic information, the performance further improves by including semantic information in the form of embeddings.