Sabine Weber


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Fine-grained General Entity Typing in German using GermaNet
Sabine Weber | Mark Steedman
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Workshop on Graph-Based Methods for Natural Language Processing (TextGraphs-15)

Fine-grained entity typing is important to tasks like relation extraction and knowledge base construction. We find however, that fine-grained entity typing systems perform poorly on general entities (e.g. “ex-president”) as compared to named entities (e.g. “Barack Obama”). This is due to a lack of general entities in existing training data sets. We show that this problem can be mitigated by automatically generating training data from WordNets. We use a German WordNet equivalent, GermaNet, to automatically generate training data for German general entity typing. We use this data to supplement named entity data to train a neural fine-grained entity typing system. This leads to a 10% improvement in accuracy of the prediction of level 1 FIGER types for German general entities, while decreasing named entity type prediction accuracy by only 1%.

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Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer is a Hard Baseline to Beat in German Fine-Grained Entity Typing
Sabine Weber | Mark Steedman
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Insights from Negative Results in NLP

The training of NLP models often requires large amounts of labelled training data, which makes it difficult to expand existing models to new languages. While zero-shot cross-lingual transfer relies on multilingual word embeddings to apply a model trained on one language to another, Yarowski and Ngai (2001) propose the method of annotation projection to generate training data without manual annotation. This method was successfully used for the tasks of named entity recognition and coarse-grained entity typing, but we show that it is outperformed by zero-shot cross-lingual transfer when applied to the similar task of fine-grained entity typing. In our study of fine-grained entity typing with the FIGER type ontology for German, we show that annotation projection amplifies the English model’s tendency to underpredict level 2 labels and is beaten by zero-shot cross-lingual transfer on three novel test sets.


Construction and Alignment of Multilingual Entailment Graphs for Semantic Inference
Sabine Weber | Mark Steedman
Proceedings of the 2019 Workshop on Widening NLP

This paper presents ongoing work on the construction and alignment of predicate entailment graphs in English and German. We extract predicate-argument pairs from large corpora of monolingual English and German news text and construct monolingual paraphrase clusters and entailment graphs. We use an aligned subset of entities to derive the bilingual alignment of entities and relations, and achieve better than baseline results on a translated subset of a predicate entailment data set (Levy and Dagan, 2016) and the German portion of XNLI (Conneau et al., 2018).