Peng Wang


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WikiAsp: A Dataset for Multi-domain Aspect-based Summarization
Hiroaki Hayashi | Prashant Budania | Peng Wang | Chris Ackerson | Raj Neervannan | Graham Neubig
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 9

Abstract Aspect-based summarization is the task of generating focused summaries based on specific points of interest. Such summaries aid efficient analysis of text, such as quickly understanding reviews or opinions from different angles. However, due to large differences in the type of aspects for different domains (e.g., sentiment, product features), the development of previous models has tended to be domain-specific. In this paper, we propose WikiAsp,1 a large-scale dataset for multi-domain aspect- based summarization that attempts to spur research in the direction of open-domain aspect-based summarization. Specifically, we build the dataset using Wikipedia articles from 20 different domains, using the section titles and boundaries of each article as a proxy for aspect annotation. We propose several straightforward baseline models for this task and conduct experiments on the dataset. Results highlight key challenges that existing summarization models face in this setting, such as proper pronoun handling of quoted sources and consistent explanation of time-sensitive events.

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Sketch and Refine: Towards Faithful and Informative Table-to-Text Generation
Peng Wang | Junyang Lin | An Yang | Chang Zhou | Yichang Zhang | Jingren Zhou | Hongxia Yang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021

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Hyperbolic Hierarchy-Aware Knowledge Graph Embedding for Link Prediction
Zhe Pan | Peng Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021

Knowledge graph embedding (KGE) using low-dimensional representations to predict missing information is widely applied in knowledge completion. Existing embedding methods are mostly built on Euclidean space, which are difficult to handle hierarchical structures. Hyperbolic embedding methods have shown the promise of high fidelity and concise representation for hierarchical data. However, the logical patterns in knowledge graphs are not considered well in these methods. To address this problem, we propose a novel KGE model with extended Poincaré Ball and polar coordinate system to capture hierarchical structures. We use the tangent space and exponential transformation to initialize and map the corresponding vectors to the Poincaré Ball in hyperbolic space. To solve the boundary conditions, the boundary is stretched and zoomed by expanding the modulus length in the Poincaré Ball. We optimize our model using polar coordinate and changing operators in the extended Poincaré Ball. Experiments achieve new state-of-the-art results on part of link prediction tasks, which demonstrates the effectiveness of our method.


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Ferryman as SemEval-2020 Task 5: Optimized BERT for Detecting Counterfactuals
Weilong Chen | Yan Zhuang | Peng Wang | Feng Hong | Yan Wang | Yanru Zhang
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

The main purpose of this article is to state the effect of using different methods and models for counterfactual determination and detection of causal knowledge. Nowadays, counterfactual reasoning has been widely used in various fields. In the realm of natural language process(NLP), counterfactual reasoning has huge potential to improve the correctness of a sentence. In the shared Task 5 of detecting counterfactual in SemEval 2020, we pre-process the officially given dataset according to case conversion, extract stem and abbreviation replacement. We use last-5 bidirectional encoder representation from bidirectional encoder representation from transformer (BERT)and term frequency–inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) vectorizer for counterfactual detection. Meanwhile, multi-sample dropout and cross validation are used to improve versatility and prevent problems such as poor generosity caused by overfitting. Finally, our team Ferryman ranked the 8th place in the sub-task 1 of this competition.

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MeisterMorxrc at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Fine-Tune Bert and Multitask Learning for Sentiment Analysis of Code-Mixed Tweets
Qi Wu | Peng Wang | Chenghao Huang
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

Natural language processing (NLP) has been applied to various fields including text classification and sentiment analysis. In the shared task of sentiment analysis of code-mixed tweets, which is a part of the SemEval-2020 competition, we preprocess datasets by replacing emoji and deleting uncommon characters and so on, and then fine-tune the Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers(BERT) to perform the best. After exhausting top3 submissions, Our team MeisterMorxrc achieves an averaged F1 score of 0.730 in this task, and and our codalab username is MeisterMorxrc

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Ferryman at SemEval-2020 Task 12: BERT-Based Model with Advanced Improvement Methods for Multilingual Offensive Language Identification
Weilong Chen | Peng Wang | Jipeng Li | Yuanshuai Zheng | Yan Wang | Yanru Zhang
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

Indiscriminately posting offensive remarks on social media may promote the occurrence of negative events such as violence, crime, and hatred. This paper examines different approaches and models for solving offensive tweet classification, which is a part of the OffensEval 2020 competition. The dataset is Offensive Language Identification Dataset (OLID), which draws 14,200 annotated English Tweet comments. The main challenge of data preprocessing is the unbalanced class distribution, abbreviation, and emoji. To overcome these issues, methods such as hashtag segmentation, abbreviation replacement, and emoji replacement have been adopted for data preprocessing approaches. The main task can be divided into three sub-tasks, and are solved by Term Frequency–Inverse Document Frequency(TF-IDF), Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformer (BERT), and Multi-dropout respectively. Meanwhile, we applied different learning rates for different languages and tasks based on BERT and non-BERTmodels in order to obtain better results. Our team Ferryman ranked the 18th, 8th, and 21st with F1-score of 0.91152 on the English Sub-task A, Sub-task B, and Sub-task C, respectively. Furthermore, our team also ranked in the top 20 on the Sub-task A of other languages.

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AprilE: Attention with Pseudo Residual Connection for Knowledge Graph Embedding
Yuzhang Liu | Peng Wang | Yingtai Li | Yizhan Shao | Zhongkai Xu
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Knowledge graph embedding maps entities and relations into low-dimensional vector space. However, it is still challenging for many existing methods to model diverse relational patterns, especially symmetric and antisymmetric relations. To address this issue, we propose a novel model, AprilE, which employs triple-level self-attention and pseudo residual connection to model relational patterns. The triple-level self-attention treats head entity, relation, and tail entity as a sequence and captures the dependency within a triple. At the same time the pseudo residual connection retains primitive semantic features. Furthermore, to deal with symmetric and antisymmetric relations, two schemas of score function are designed via a position-adaptive mechanism. Experimental results on public datasets demonstrate that our model can produce expressive knowledge embedding and significantly outperforms most of the state-of-the-art works.


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CVTE at IJCNLP-2017 Task 1: Character Checking System for Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis Task
Xian Li | Peng Wang | Suixue Wang | Guanyu Jiang | Tianyuan You
Proceedings of the IJCNLP 2017, Shared Tasks

Grammatical error diagnosis is an important task in natural language processing. This paper introduces CVTE Character Checking System in the NLP-TEA-4 shared task for CGED 2017, we use Bi-LSTM to generate the probability of every character, then take two kinds of strategies to decide whether a character is correct or not. This system is probably more suitable to deal with the error type of bad word selection, which is one of four types of errors, and the rest are words re-dundancy, words missing and words disorder. Finally the second strategy achieves better F1 score than the first one at all of detection level, identification level, position level.


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Short Text Clustering via Convolutional Neural Networks
Jiaming Xu | Peng Wang | Guanhua Tian | Bo Xu | Jun Zhao | Fangyuan Wang | Hongwei Hao
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Vector Space Modeling for Natural Language Processing

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Semantic Clustering and Convolutional Neural Network for Short Text Categorization
Peng Wang | Jiaming Xu | Bo Xu | Chenglin Liu | Heng Zhang | Fangyuan Wang | Hongwei Hao
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)