Llion Jones
Natural Questions: A Benchmark for Question Answering Research
Tom Kwiatkowski
Jennimaria Palomaki
Olivia Redfield
Michael Collins
Ankur Parikh
Chris Alberti
Danielle Epstein
Illia Polosukhin
Jacob Devlin
Kenton Lee
Kristina Toutanova
Llion Jones
Matthew Kelcey
Ming-Wei Chang
Andrew M. Dai
Jakob Uszkoreit
Quoc Le
Slav Petrov
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 7
The Best of Both Worlds: Combining Recent Advances in Neural Machine Translation
Mia Xu Chen
Orhan Firat
Ankur Bapna
Melvin Johnson
Wolfgang Macherey
George Foster
Llion Jones
Mike Schuster
Noam Shazeer
Niki Parmar
Ashish Vaswani
Jakob Uszkoreit
Lukasz Kaiser
Zhifeng Chen
Yonghui Wu
Macduff Hughes
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Tensor2Tensor for Neural Machine Translation
Ashish Vaswani
Samy Bengio
Eugene Brevdo
Francois Chollet
Aidan Gomez
Stephan Gouws
Llion Jones
Łukasz Kaiser
Nal Kalchbrenner
Niki Parmar
Ryan Sepassi
Noam Shazeer
Jakob Uszkoreit
Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (Volume 1: Research Track)
Accurate Supervised and Semi-Supervised Machine Reading for Long Documents
Daniel Hewlett
Llion Jones
Alexandre Lacoste
Izzeddin Gur
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
WikiReading: A Novel Large-scale Language Understanding Task over Wikipedia
Daniel Hewlett
Alexandre Lacoste
Llion Jones
Illia Polosukhin
Andrew Fandrianto
Jay Han
Matthew Kelcey
David Berthelot
Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
- Jakob Uszkoreit 3
- Noam Shazeer 2
- Niki Parmar 2
- Ashish Vaswani 2
- Łukasz Kaiser 2
- show all...
- Daniel Hewlett 2
- Alexandre Lacoste 2
- Illia Polosukhin 2
- Matthew Kelcey 2
- Mia Xu Chen 1
- Orhan Firat 1
- Ankur Bapna 1
- Melvin Johnson 1
- Wolfgang Macherey 1
- George Foster 1
- Mike Schuster 1
- Zhifeng Chen 1
- Yonghui Wu 1
- Macduff Hughes 1
- Izzeddin Gür 1
- Samy Bengio 1
- Eugene Brevdo 1
- Francois Chollet 1
- Aidan Gomez 1
- Stephan Gouws 1
- Nal Kalchbrenner 1
- Ryan Sepassi 1
- Andrew Fandrianto 1
- Jay Han 1
- David Berthelot 1
- Tom Kwiatkowski 1
- Jennimaria Palomaki 1
- Olivia Redfield 1
- Michael Collins 1
- Ankur Parikh 1
- Chris Alberti 1
- Danielle Epstein 1
- Jacob Devlin 1
- Kenton Lee 1
- Kristina Toutanova 1
- Ming-Wei Chang 1
- Andrew M. Dai 1
- Quoc Le 1
- Slav Petrov 1