Jingang Wang


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ASAP: A Chinese Review Dataset Towards Aspect Category Sentiment Analysis and Rating Prediction
Jiahao Bu | Lei Ren | Shuang Zheng | Yang Yang | Jingang Wang | Fuzheng Zhang | Wei Wu
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Sentiment analysis has attracted increasing attention in e-commerce. The sentiment polarities underlying user reviews are of great value for business intelligence. Aspect category sentiment analysis (ACSA) and review rating prediction (RP) are two essential tasks to detect the fine-to-coarse sentiment polarities. ACSA and RP are highly correlated and usually employed jointly in real-world e-commerce scenarios. While most public datasets are constructed for ACSA and RP separately, which may limit the further exploitation of both tasks. To address the problem and advance related researches, we present a large-scale Chinese restaurant review dataset ASAP including 46, 730 genuine reviews from a leading online-to-offline (O2O) e-commerce platform in China. Besides a 5-star scale rating, each review is manually annotated according to its sentiment polarities towards 18 pre-defined aspect categories. We hope the release of the dataset could shed some light on the field of sentiment analysis. Moreover, we propose an intuitive yet effective joint model for ACSA and RP. Experimental results demonstrate that the joint model outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on both tasks.

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Improving Document Representations by Generating Pseudo Query Embeddings for Dense Retrieval
Hongyin Tang | Xingwu Sun | Beihong Jin | Jingang Wang | Fuzheng Zhang | Wei Wu
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Recently, the retrieval models based on dense representations have been gradually applied in the first stage of the document retrieval tasks, showing better performance than traditional sparse vector space models. To obtain high efficiency, the basic structure of these models is Bi-encoder in most cases. However, this simple structure may cause serious information loss during the encoding of documents since the queries are agnostic. To address this problem, we design a method to mimic the queries to each of the documents by an iterative clustering process and represent the documents by multiple pseudo queries (i.e., the cluster centroids). To boost the retrieval process using approximate nearest neighbor search library, we also optimize the matching function with a two-step score calculation procedure. Experimental results on several popular ranking and QA datasets show that our model can achieve state-of-the-art results while still remaining high efficiency.


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Alibaba’s Neural Machine Translation Systems for WMT18
Yongchao Deng | Shanbo Cheng | Jun Lu | Kai Song | Jingang Wang | Shenglan Wu | Liang Yao | Guchun Zhang | Haibo Zhang | Pei Zhang | Changfeng Zhu | Boxing Chen
Proceedings of the Third Conference on Machine Translation: Shared Task Papers

This paper describes the submission systems of Alibaba for WMT18 shared news translation task. We participated in 5 translation directions including English ↔ Russian, English ↔ Turkish in both directions and English → Chinese. Our systems are based on Google’s Transformer model architecture, into which we integrated the most recent features from the academic research. We also employed most techniques that have been proven effective during the past WMT years, such as BPE, back translation, data selection, model ensembling and reranking, at industrial scale. For some morphologically-rich languages, we also incorporated linguistic knowledge into our neural network. For the translation tasks in which we have participated, our resulting systems achieved the best case sensitive BLEU score in all 5 directions. Notably, our English → Russian system outperformed the second reranked system by 5 BLEU score.


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LDTM: A Latent Document Type Model for Cumulative Citation Recommendation
Jingang Wang | Dandan Song | Zhiwei Zhang | Lejian Liao | Luo Si | Chin-Yew Lin
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing