Guocheng Niu


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UNIMO: Towards Unified-Modal Understanding and Generation via Cross-Modal Contrastive Learning
Wei Li | Can Gao | Guocheng Niu | Xinyan Xiao | Hao Liu | Jiachen Liu | Hua Wu | Haifeng Wang
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Existed pre-training methods either focus on single-modal tasks or multi-modal tasks, and cannot effectively adapt to each other. They can only utilize single-modal data (i.e., text or image) or limited multi-modal data (i.e., image-text pairs). In this work, we propose a UNIfied-MOdal pre-training architecture, namely UNIMO, which can effectively adapt to both single-modal and multi-modal understanding and generation tasks. Large scale of free text corpus and image collections are utilized to improve the capability of visual and textual understanding, and cross-modal contrastive learning (CMCL) is leveraged to align the textual and visual information into a unified semantic space, over a corpus of image-text pairs augmented with related images and texts. With the help of rich non-paired single-modal data, our model is able to learn more generalizable representations, by allowing textual knowledge and visual knowledge to enhance each other in the unified semantic space. The experimental results show that UNIMO greatly improves the performance of several single-modal and multi-modal downstream tasks. Our code and pre-trained models are public at


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Enhancing Local Feature Extraction with Global Representation for Neural Text Classification
Guocheng Niu | Hengru Xu | Bolei He | Xinyan Xiao | Hua Wu | Sheng Gao
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

For text classification, traditional local feature driven models learn long dependency by deeply stacking or hybrid modeling. This paper proposes a novel Encoder1-Encoder2 architecture, where global information is incorporated into the procedure of local feature extraction from scratch. In particular, Encoder1 serves as a global information provider, while Encoder2 performs as a local feature extractor and is directly fed into the classifier. Meanwhile, two modes are also designed for their interaction. Thanks to the awareness of global information, our method is able to learn better instance specific local features and thus avoids complicated upper operations. Experiments conducted on eight benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed architecture promotes local feature driven models by a substantial margin and outperforms the previous best models in the fully-supervised setting.