Guangluan Xu


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Multistage Fusion with Forget Gate for Multimodal Summarization in Open-Domain Videos
Nayu Liu | Xian Sun | Hongfeng Yu | Wenkai Zhang | Guangluan Xu
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Multimodal summarization for open-domain videos is an emerging task, aiming to generate a summary from multisource information (video, audio, transcript). Despite the success of recent multiencoder-decoder frameworks on this task, existing methods lack fine-grained multimodality interactions of multisource inputs. Besides, unlike other multimodal tasks, this task has longer multimodal sequences with more redundancy and noise. To address these two issues, we propose a multistage fusion network with the fusion forget gate module, which builds upon this approach by modeling fine-grained interactions between the modalities through a multistep fusion schema and controlling the flow of redundant information between multimodal long sequences via a forgetting module. Experimental results on the How2 dataset show that our proposed model achieves a new state-of-the-art performance. Comprehensive analysis empirically verifies the effectiveness of our fusion schema and forgetting module on multiple encoder-decoder architectures. Specially, when using high noise ASR transcripts (WER>30%), our model still achieves performance close to the ground-truth transcript model, which reduces manual annotation cost.