Combined spoken language translation
Markus Freitag
Joern Wuebker
Stephan Peitz
Hermann Ney
Matthias Huck
Alexandra Birch
Nadir Durrani
Philipp Koehn
Mohammed Mediani
Isabel Slawik
Jan Niehues
Eunach Cho
Alex Waibel
Nicola Bertoldi
Mauro Cettolo
Marcello Federico
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation: Evaluation Campaign
EU-BRIDGE is a European research project which is aimed at developing innovative speech translation technology. One of the collaborative efforts within EU-BRIDGE is to produce joint submissions of up to four different partners to the evaluation campaign at the 2014 International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT). We submitted combined translations to the German→English spoken language translation (SLT) track as well as to the German→English, English→German and English→French machine translation (MT) tracks. In this paper, we present the techniques which were applied by the different individual translation systems of RWTH Aachen University, the University of Edinburgh, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, and Fondazione Bruno Kessler. We then show the combination approach developed at RWTH Aachen University which combined the individual systems. The consensus translations yield empirical gains of up to 2.3 points in BLEU and 1.2 points in TER compared to the best individual system.
The KIT translation systems for IWSLT 2012
Mohammed Mediani
Yuqi Zhang
Thanh-Le Ha
Jan Niehues
Eunach Cho
Teresa Herrmann
Rainer Kärgel
Alexander Waibel
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation: Evaluation Campaign
In this paper, we present the KIT systems participating in the English-French TED Translation tasks in the framework of the IWSLT 2012 machine translation evaluation. We also present several additional experiments on the English-German, English-Chinese and English-Arabic translation pairs. Our system is a phrase-based statistical machine translation system, extended with many additional models which were proven to enhance the translation quality. For instance, it uses the part-of-speech (POS)-based reordering, translation and language model adaptation, bilingual language model, word-cluster language model, discriminative word lexica (DWL), and continuous space language model. In addition to this, the system incorporates special steps in the preprocessing and in the post-processing step. In the preprocessing the noisy corpora are filtered by removing the noisy sentence pairs, whereas in the postprocessing the agreement between a noun and its surrounding words in the French translation is corrected based on POS tags with morphological information. Our system deals with speech transcription input by removing case information and punctuation except periods from the text translation model.
The KIT English-French translation systems for IWSLT 2011
Mohammed Mediani
Eunach Cho
Jan Niehues
Teresa Herrmann
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation: Evaluation Campaign
This paper presents the KIT system participating in the English→French TALK Translation tasks in the framework of the IWSLT 2011 machine translation evaluation. Our system is a phrase-based translation system using POS-based reordering extended with many additional features. First of all, a special preprocessing is devoted to the Giga corpus in order to minimize the effect of the great amount of noise it contains. In addition, the system gives more importance to the in-domain data by adapting the translation and the language models as well as by using a wordcluster language model. Furthermore, the system is extended by a bilingual language model and a discriminative word lexicon. The automatic speech transcription input usually has no or wrong punctuation marks, therefore these marks were especially removed from the source training data for the SLT system training.