Deepak Alok
KMI-Panlingua-IITKGP @SIGTYP2020: Exploring rules and hybrid systems for automatic prediction of typological features
Ritesh Kumar
Deepak Alok
Akanksha Bansal
Bornini Lahiri
Atul Kr. Ojha
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computational Research in Linguistic Typology
This paper enumerates SigTyP 2020 Shared Task on the prediction of typological features as performed by the KMI-Panlingua-IITKGP team. The task entailed the prediction of missing values in a particular language, provided, the name of the language family, its genus, location (in terms of latitude and longitude coordinates and name of the country where it is spoken) and a set of feature-value pair are available. As part of fulfillment of the aforementioned task, the team submitted 3 kinds of system - 2 rule-based and one hybrid system. Of these 3, one rule-based system generated the best performance on the test set. All the systems were ‘constrained’ in the sense that no additional dataset or information, other than those provided by the organisers, was used for developing the systems.
Developing a POS tagger for Magahi: A Comparative Study
Ritesh Kumar
Bornini Lahiri
Deepak Alok
Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Asian Language Resources