Ashwin Paranjape


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Effective Social Chatbot Strategies for Increasing User Initiative
Amelia Hardy | Ashwin Paranjape | Christopher Manning
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue

Many existing chatbots do not effectively support mixed initiative, forcing their users to either respond passively or lead constantly. We seek to improve this experience by introducing new mechanisms to encourage user initiative in social chatbot conversations. Since user initiative in this setting is distinct from initiative in human-human or task-oriented dialogue, we first propose a new definition that accounts for the unique behaviors users take in this context. Drawing from linguistics, we propose three mechanisms to promote user initiative: back-channeling, personal disclosure, and replacing questions with statements. We show that simple automatic metrics of utterance length, number of noun phrases, and diversity of user responses correlate with human judgement of initiative. Finally, we use these metrics to suggest that these strategies do result in statistically significant increases in user initiative, where frequent, but not excessive, back-channeling is the most effective strategy.

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Human-like informative conversations: Better acknowledgements using conditional mutual information
Ashwin Paranjape | Christopher Manning
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

This work aims to build a dialogue agent that can weave new factual content into conversations as naturally as humans. We draw insights from linguistic principles of conversational analysis and annotate human-human conversations from the Switchboard Dialog Act Corpus to examine humans strategies for acknowledgement, transition, detail selection and presentation. When current chatbots (explicitly provided with new factual content) introduce facts into a conversation, their generated responses do not acknowledge the prior turns. This is because models trained with two contexts - new factual content and conversational history - generate responses that are non-specific w.r.t. one of the contexts, typically the conversational history. We show that specificity w.r.t. conversational history is better captured by pointwise conditional mutual information (pcmi_h) than by the established use of pointwise mutual information (pmi). Our proposed method, Fused-PCMI, trades off pmi for pcmi_h and is preferred by humans for overall quality over the Max-PMI baseline 60% of the time. Human evaluators also judge responses with higher pcmi_h better at acknowledgement 74% of the time. The results demonstrate that systems mimicking human conversational traits (in this case acknowledgement) improve overall quality and more broadly illustrate the utility of linguistic principles in improving dialogue agents.


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Importance sampling for unbiased on-demand evaluation of knowledge base population
Arun Chaganty | Ashwin Paranjape | Percy Liang | Christopher D. Manning
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Knowledge base population (KBP) systems take in a large document corpus and extract entities and their relations. Thus far, KBP evaluation has relied on judgements on the pooled predictions of existing systems. We show that this evaluation is problematic: when a new system predicts a previously unseen relation, it is penalized even if it is correct. This leads to significant bias against new systems, which counterproductively discourages innovation in the field. Our first contribution is a new importance-sampling based evaluation which corrects for this bias by annotating a new system’s predictions on-demand via crowdsourcing. We show this eliminates bias and reduces variance using data from the 2015 TAC KBP task. Our second contribution is an implementation of our method made publicly available as an online KBP evaluation service. We pilot the service by testing diverse state-of-the-art systems on the TAC KBP 2016 corpus and obtain accurate scores in a cost effective manner.