Andrew Caines


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Efficient Unsupervised NMT for Related Languages with Cross-Lingual Language Models and Fidelity Objectives
Rami Aly | Andrew Caines | Paula Buttery
Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects

The most successful approach to Neural Machine Translation (NMT) when only monolingual training data is available, called unsupervised machine translation, is based on back-translation where noisy translations are generated to turn the task into a supervised one. However, back-translation is computationally very expensive and inefficient. This work explores a novel, efficient approach to unsupervised NMT. A transformer, initialized with cross-lingual language model weights, is fine-tuned exclusively on monolingual data of the target language by jointly learning on a paraphrasing and denoising autoencoder objective. Experiments are conducted on WMT datasets for German-English, French-English, and Romanian-English. Results are competitive to strong baseline unsupervised NMT models, especially for closely related source languages (German) compared to more distant ones (Romanian, French), while requiring about a magnitude less training time.


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The Teacher-Student Chatroom Corpus
Andrew Caines | Helen Yannakoudakis | Helena Edmondson | Helen Allen | Pascual Pérez-Paredes | Bill Byrne | Paula Buttery
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on NLP for Computer Assisted Language Learning

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Detecting Trending Terms in Cybersecurity Forum Discussions
Jack Hughes | Seth Aycock | Andrew Caines | Paula Buttery | Alice Hutchings
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2020)

We present a lightweight method for identifying currently trending terms in relation to a known prior of terms, using a weighted log-odds ratio with an informative prior. We apply this method to a dataset of posts from an English-language underground hacking forum, spanning over ten years of activity, with posts containing misspellings, orthographic variation, acronyms, and slang. Our statistical approach supports analysis of linguistic change and discussion topics over time, without a requirement to train a topic model for each time interval for analysis. We evaluate the approach by comparing the results to TF-IDF using the discounted cumulative gain metric with human annotations, finding our method outperforms TF-IDF on information retrieval.

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Grammatical error detection in transcriptions of spoken English
Andrew Caines | Christian Bentz | Kate Knill | Marek Rei | Paula Buttery
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

We describe the collection of transcription corrections and grammatical error annotations for the CrowdED Corpus of spoken English monologues on business topics. The corpus recordings were crowdsourced from native speakers of English and learners of English with German as their first language. The new transcriptions and annotations are obtained from different crowdworkers: we analyse the 1108 new crowdworker submissions and propose that they can be used for automatic transcription post-editing and grammatical error correction for speech. To further explore the data we train grammatical error detection models with various configurations including pre-trained and contextual word representations as input, additional features and auxiliary objectives, and extra training data from written error-annotated corpora. We find that a model concatenating pre-trained and contextual word representations as input performs best, and that additional information does not lead to further performance gains.

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REPROLANG 2020: Automatic Proficiency Scoring of Czech, English, German, Italian, and Spanish Learner Essays
Andrew Caines | Paula Buttery
Proceedings of the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

We report on our attempts to reproduce the work described in Vajjala & Rama 2018, ‘Experiments with universal CEFR classification’, as part of REPROLANG 2020: this involves featured-based and neural approaches to essay scoring in Czech, German and Italian. Our results are broadly in line with those from the original paper, with some differences due to the stochastic nature of machine learning and programming language used. We correct an error in the reported metrics, introduce new baselines, apply the experiments to English and Spanish corpora, and generate adversarial data to test classifier robustness. We conclude that feature-based approaches perform better than neural network classifiers for text datasets of this size, though neural network modifications do bring performance closer to the best feature-based models.

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An Expectation Maximisation Algorithm for Automated Cognate Detection
Roddy MacSween | Andrew Caines
Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning

In historical linguistics, cognate detection is the task of determining whether sets of words have common etymological roots. Inspired by the comparative method used by human linguists, we develop a system for automated cognate detection that frames the task as an inference problem for a general statistical model consisting of observed data (potentially cognate pairs of words), latent variables (the cognacy status of pairs) and unknown global parameters (which sounds correspond between languages). We then give a specific instance of such a model along with an expectation-maximisation algorithm to infer its parameters. We evaluate our system on a corpus of 8140 cognate sets, finding the performance of our method to be comparable to the state of the art. We additionally carry out qualitative analysis demonstrating advantages it has over existing systems. We also suggest several ways our work could be extended within the general theoretical framework we propose.

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Investigating the effect of auxiliary objectives for the automated grading of learner English speech transcriptions
Hannah Craighead | Andrew Caines | Paula Buttery | Helen Yannakoudakis
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

We address the task of automatically grading the language proficiency of spontaneous speech based on textual features from automatic speech recognition transcripts. Motivated by recent advances in multi-task learning, we develop neural networks trained in a multi-task fashion that learn to predict the proficiency level of non-native English speakers by taking advantage of inductive transfer between the main task (grading) and auxiliary prediction tasks: morpho-syntactic labeling, language modeling, and native language identification (L1). We encode the transcriptions with both bi-directional recurrent neural networks and with bi-directional representations from transformers, compare against a feature-rich baseline, and analyse performance at different proficiency levels and with transcriptions of varying error rates. Our best performance comes from a transformer encoder with L1 prediction as an auxiliary task. We discuss areas for improvement and potential applications for text-only speech scoring.


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CAMsterdam at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Neural and graph-based feature extraction for the identification of offensive tweets
Guy Aglionby | Chris Davis | Pushkar Mishra | Andrew Caines | Helen Yannakoudakis | Marek Rei | Ekaterina Shutova | Paula Buttery
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

We describe the CAMsterdam team entry to the SemEval-2019 Shared Task 6 on offensive language identification in Twitter data. Our proposed model learns to extract textual features using a multi-layer recurrent network, and then performs text classification using gradient-boosted decision trees (GBDT). A self-attention architecture enables the model to focus on the most relevant areas in the text. In order to enrich input representations, we use node2vec to learn globally optimised embeddings for hashtags, which are then given as additional features to the GBDT classifier. Our best model obtains 78.79% macro F1-score on detecting offensive language (subtask A), 66.32% on categorising offence types (targeted/untargeted; subtask B), and 55.36% on identifying the target of offence (subtask C).


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Aggressive language in an online hacking forum
Andrew Caines | Sergio Pastrana | Alice Hutchings | Paula Buttery
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Abusive Language Online (ALW2)

We probe the heterogeneity in levels of abusive language in different sections of the Internet, using an annotated corpus of Wikipedia page edit comments to train a binary classifier for abuse detection. Our test data come from the CrimeBB Corpus of hacking-related forum posts and we find that (a) forum interactions are rarely abusive, (b) the abusive language which does exist tends to be relatively mild compared to that found in the Wikipedia comments domain, and tends to involve aggressive posturing rather than hate speech or threats of violence. We observe that the purpose of conversations in online forums tend to be more constructive and informative than those in Wikipedia page edit comments which are geared more towards adversarial interactions, and that this may explain the lower levels of abuse found in our forum data than in Wikipedia comments. Further work remains to be done to compare these results with other inter-domain classification experiments, and to understand the impact of aggressive language in forum conversations.


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A Text Normalisation System for Non-Standard English Words
Emma Flint | Elliot Ford | Olivia Thomas | Andrew Caines | Paula Buttery
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text

This paper investigates the problem of text normalisation; specifically, the normalisation of non-standard words (NSWs) in English. Non-standard words can be defined as those word tokens which do not have a dictionary entry, and cannot be pronounced using the usual letter-to-phoneme conversion rules; e.g. lbs, 99.3%, #EMNLP2017. NSWs pose a challenge to the proper functioning of text-to-speech technology, and the solution is to spell them out in such a way that they can be pronounced appropriately. We describe our four-stage normalisation system made up of components for detection, classification, division and expansion of NSWs. Performance is favourabe compared to previous work in the field (Sproat et al. 2001, Normalization of non-standard words), as well as state-of-the-art text-to-speech software. Further, we update Sproat et al.’s NSW taxonomy, and create a more customisable system where users are able to input their own abbreviations and specify into which variety of English (currently available: British or American) they wish to normalise.

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Parsing transcripts of speech
Andrew Caines | Michael McCarthy | Paula Buttery
Proceedings of the Workshop on Speech-Centric Natural Language Processing

We present an analysis of parser performance on speech data, comparing word type and token frequency distributions with written data, and evaluating parse accuracy by length of input string. We find that parser performance tends to deteriorate with increasing length of string, more so for spoken than for written texts. We train an alternative parsing model with added speech data and demonstrate improvements in accuracy on speech-units, with no deterioration in performance on written text.

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Collecting fluency corrections for spoken learner English
Andrew Caines | Emma Flint | Paula Buttery
Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications

We present crowdsourced collection of error annotations for transcriptions of spoken learner English. Our emphasis in data collection is on fluency corrections, a more complete correction than has traditionally been aimed for in grammatical error correction research (GEC). Fluency corrections require improvements to the text, taking discourse and utterance level semantics into account: the result is a more naturalistic, holistic version of the original. We propose that this shifted emphasis be reflected in a new name for the task: ‘holistic error correction’ (HEC). We analyse crowdworker behaviour in HEC and conclude that the method is useful with certain amendments for future work.


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Automated speech-unit delimitation in spoken learner English
Russell Moore | Andrew Caines | Calbert Graham | Paula Buttery
Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers

In order to apply computational linguistic analyses and pass information to downstream applications, transcriptions of speech obtained via automatic speech recognition (ASR) need to be divided into smaller meaningful units, in a task we refer to as ‘speech-unit (SU) delimitation’. We closely recreate the automatic delimitation system described by Lee and Glass (2012), ‘Sentence detection using multiple annotations’, Proceedings of INTERSPEECH, which combines a prosodic model, language model and speech-unit length model in log-linear fashion. Since state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) tools have been developed to deal with written text and its characteristic sentence-like units, SU delimitation helps bridge the gap between ASR and NLP, by normalising spoken data into a more canonical format. Previous work has focused on native speaker recordings; we test the system of Lee and Glass (2012) on non-native speaker (or ‘learner’) data, achieving performance above the state-of-the-art. We also consider alternative evaluation metrics which move away from the idea of a single ‘truth’ in SU delimitation, and frame this work in the context of downstream NLP applications.

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Crowdsourcing a Multi-lingual Speech Corpus: Recording, Transcription and Annotation of the CrowdIS Corpora
Andrew Caines | Christian Bentz | Calbert Graham | Tim Polzehl | Paula Buttery
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)

We announce the release of the CROWDED CORPUS: a pair of speech corpora collected via crowdsourcing, containing a native speaker corpus of English (CROWDED_ENGLISH), and a corpus of German/English bilinguals (CROWDED_BILINGUAL). Release 1 of the CROWDED CORPUS contains 1000 recordings amounting to 33,400 tokens collected from 80 speakers and is freely available to other researchers. We recruited participants via the Crowdee application for Android. Recruits were prompted to respond to business-topic questions of the type found in language learning oral tests. We then used the CrowdFlower web application to pass these recordings to crowdworkers for transcription and annotation of errors and sentence boundaries. Finally, the sentences were tagged and parsed using standard natural language processing tools. We propose that crowdsourcing is a valid and economical method for corpus collection, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this approach.

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Predicting Author Age from Weibo Microblog Posts
Wanru Zhang | Andrew Caines | Dimitrios Alikaniotis | Paula Buttery
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)

Binary file summaries/958.html matches


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The effect of disfluencies and learner errors on the parsing of spoken learner language
Andrew Caines | Paula Buttery
Proceedings of the First Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages and Syntactic Analysis of Non-Canonical Languages


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Reclassifying subcategorization frames for experimental analysis and stimulus generation
Paula Buttery | Andrew Caines
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)

Researchers in the fields of psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics increasingly test their experimental hypotheses against probabilistic models of language. VALEX (Korhonen et al., 2006) is a large-scale verb lexicon that specifies verb usage as probability distributions over a set of 163 verb SUBCATEGORIZATION FRAMES (SCFs). VALEX has proved to be a popular computational linguistic resource and may also be used by psycho- and neurolinguists for experimental analysis and stimulus generation. However, a probabilistic model based upon a set of 163 SCFs often proves too fine grained for experimenters in these fields. Our goal is to simplify the classification by grouping the frames into genera―explainable clusters that may be used as experimental parameters. We adopted two methods for reclassification. One was a manual linguistic approach derived from verb argumentation and clause features; the other was an automatic, computational approach driven from a graphical representation of SCFs. The premise was not only to compare the results of two quite different methods for our own interest, but also to enable other researchers to choose whichever reclassification better suited their purpose (one being grounded purely in theoretical linguistics and the other in practical language engineering). The various classifications are available as an online resource to researchers.

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Annotating progressive aspect constructions in the spoken section of the British National Corpus
Andrew Caines | Paula Buttery
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)

We present a set of stand-off annotations for the ninety thousand sentences in the spoken section of the British National Corpus (BNC) which feature a progressive aspect verb group. These annotations may be matched to the original BNC text using the supplied document and sentence identifiers. The annotated features mostly relate to linguistic form: subject type, subject person and number, form of auxiliary verb, and clause type, tense and polarity. In addition, the sentences are classified for register, the formality of recording context: three levels of `spontaneity' with genres such as sermons and scripted speech at the most formal level and casual conversation at the least formal. The resource has been designed so that it may easily be augmented with further stand-off annotations. Expert linguistic annotations of spoken data, such as these, are valuable for improving the performance of natural language processing tools in the spoken language domain and assist linguistic research in general.


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You Talking to Me? A Predictive Model for Zero Auxiliary Constructions
Andrew Caines | Paula Buttery
Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on NLP and Linguistics: Finding the Common Ground