Other Workshops and Events (2010)



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Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text

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Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text
Diana Inkpen | Carlo Strapparava

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Emotion Analysis Using Latent Affective Folding and Embedding
Jerome Bellegarda

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Emotion Detection in Email Customer Care
Narendra Gupta | Mazin Gilbert | Giuseppe Di Fabbrizio

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Toward Plot Units: Automatic Affect State Analysis
Amit Goyal | Ellen Riloff | Hal Daume III | Nathan Gilbert

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Emotions Evoked by Common Words and Phrases: Using Mechanical Turk to Create an Emotion Lexicon
Saif Mohammad | Peter Turney

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A Corpus-based Method for Extracting Paraphrases of Emotion Terms
Fazel Keshtkar | Diana Inkpen

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A Text-driven Rule-based System for Emotion Cause Detection
Sophia Yat Mei Lee | Ying Chen | Chu-Ren Huang

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Wishful Thinking - Finding suggestions and ’buy’ wishes from product reviews
J. Ramanand | Krishna Bhavsar | Niranjan Pedanekar

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Evaluation of Unsupervised Emotion Models to Textual Affect Recognition
Sunghwan Mac Kim | Alessandro Valitutti | Rafael A. Calvo

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Identifying Emotions, Intentions, and Attitudes in Text Using a Game with a Purpose
Lisa Pearl | Mark Steyvers

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@AM: Textual Attitude Analysis Model
Alena Neviarouskaya | Helmut Prendinger | Mitsuru Ishizuka

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Generating Shifting Sentiment for a Conversational Agent
Simon Whitehead | Lawrence Cavedon

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Emotional Perception of Fairy Tales: Achieving Agreement in Emotion Annotation of Text
Ekaterina P. Volkova | Betty Mohler | Detmar Meurers | Dale Gerdemann | Heinrich H. Bülthoff

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Experiments on Summary-based Opinion Classification
Elena Lloret | Horacio Saggion | Manuel Palomar

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Recognizing Stances in Ideological On-Line Debates
Swapna Somasundaran | Janyce Wiebe

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NewsViz: Emotional Visualization of News Stories
Eva Hanser | Paul Mc Kevitt | Tom Lunney | Joan Condell

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Sentiment Classification using Automatically Extracted Subgraph Features
Shilpa Arora | Elijah Mayfield | Carolyn Penstein-Rosé | Eric Nyberg

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Hierarchical versus Flat Classification of Emotions in Text
Diman Ghazi | Diana Inkpen | Stan Szpakowicz


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Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Linguistics in a World of Social Media

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Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Linguistics in a World of Social Media
Ben Hachey | Miles Osborne

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The “Nays” Have It: Exploring Effects of Sentiment in Collaborative Knowledge Sharing
Ablimit Aji | Eugene Agichtein

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An Analysis of Verbs in Financial News Articles and their Impact on Stock Price
Robert Schumaker

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Detecting Word Misuse in Chinese
Wei Liu

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An Information-Retrieval Approach to Language Modeling: Applications to Social Data
Juan Huerta

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Towards Automatic Question Answering over Social Media by Learning Question Equivalence Patterns
Tianyong Hao | Wenyin Liu | Eugene Agichtein

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Modeling Message Roles and Influence in Q&A Forums
Jeonhyung Kang | Jihie Kim

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Towards Modeling Social and Content Dynamics in Discussion Forums
Jihie Kim | Aram Galstyan

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Intelligent Linux Information Access by Data Mining: the ILIAD Project
Timothy Baldwin | David Martinez | Richard Penman | Su Nam Kim | Marco Lui | Li Wang | Andrew MacKinlay

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Mining User Experiences from Online Forums: An Exploration
Valentin Jijkoun | Wouter Weerkamp | Maarten de Rijke | Paul Ackermans | Gijs Geleijnse

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Social Links from Latent Topics in Microblogs
Kriti Puniyani | Jacob Eisenstein | Shay B. Cohen | Eric Xing

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Automatic Detection of Tags for Political Blogs
Khairun-nisa Hassanali | Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou

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Twitter in Mass Emergency: What NLP Can Contribute
William J. Corvey | Sarah Vieweg | Travis Rood | Martha Palmer

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The Edinburgh Twitter Corpus
Saša Petrović | Miles Osborne | Victor Lavrenko

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Labelling and Spatio-Temporal Grounding of News Events
Bea Alex | Claire Grover

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Tracking Information Flow between Primary and Secondary News Sources
Will Radford | Ben Hachey | James Curran | Maria Milosavljevic

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Detecting controversies in Twitter: a first study
Marco Pennacchiotti | Ana-Maria Popescu


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Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk

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Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk
Chris Callison-Burch | Mark Dredze

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Creating Speech and Language Data With Amazon’s Mechanical Turk
Chris Callison-Burch | Mark Dredze

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Corpus Creation for New Genres: A Crowdsourced Approach to PP Attachment
Mukund Jha | Jacob Andreas | Kapil Thadani | Sara Rosenthal | Kathleen McKeown

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Clustering dictionary definitions using Amazon Mechanical Turk
Gabriel Parent | Maxine Eskenazi

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Semi-supervised Word Alignment with Mechanical Turk
Qin Gao | Stephan Vogel

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Rating Computer-Generated Questions with Mechanical Turk
Michael Heilman | Noah A. Smith

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Crowdsourced Accessibility: Elicitation of Wikipedia Articles
Scott Novotney | Chris Callison-Burch

Document Image Collection Using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk
Audrey Le | Jerome Ajot | Mark Przybocki | Stephanie Strassel

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Using Amazon Mechanical Turk for Transcription of Non-Native Speech
Keelan Evanini | Derrick Higgins | Klaus Zechner

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Exploring Normalization Techniques for Human Judgments of Machine Translation Adequacy Collected Using Amazon Mechanical Turk
Michael Denkowski | Alon Lavie

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Can Crowds Build parallel corpora for Machine Translation Systems?
Vamshi Ambati | Stephan Vogel

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Turker-Assisted Paraphrasing for English-Arabic Machine Translation
Michael Denkowski | Hassan Al-Haj | Alon Lavie

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Annotating Large Email Datasets for Named Entity Recognition with Mechanical Turk
Nolan Lawson | Kevin Eustice | Mike Perkowitz | Meliha Yetisgen-Yildiz

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Annotating Named Entities in Twitter Data with Crowdsourcing
Tim Finin | William Murnane | Anand Karandikar | Nicholas Keller | Justin Martineau | Mark Dredze

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MTurk Crowdsourcing: A Viable Method for Rapid Discovery of Arabic Nicknames?
Chiara Higgins | Elizabeth McGrath | Laila Moretto

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An Enriched MT Grammar for Under $100
Omar F. Zaidan | Juri Ganitkevitch

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Using the Amazon Mechanical Turk to Transcribe and Annotate Meeting Speech for Extractive Summarization
Matthew Marge | Satanjeev Banerjee | Alexander Rudnicky

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Using Mechanical Turk to Annotate Lexicons for Less Commonly Used Languages
Ann Irvine | Alexandre Klementiev

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Opinion Mining of Spanish Customer Comments with Non-Expert Annotations on Mechanical Turk
Bart Mellebeek | Francesc Benavent | Jens Grivolla | Joan Codina | Marta R. Costa-jussà | Rafael Banchs

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Crowdsourcing and language studies: the new generation of linguistic data
Robert Munro | Steven Bethard | Victor Kuperman | Vicky Tzuyin Lai | Robin Melnick | Christopher Potts | Tyler Schnoebelen | Harry Tily

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Not-So-Latent Dirichlet Allocation: Collapsed Gibbs Sampling Using Human Judgments
Jonathan Chang

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Collecting Image Annotations Using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk
Cyrus Rashtchian | Peter Young | Micah Hodosh | Julia Hockenmaier

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Non-Expert Evaluation of Summarization Systems is Risky
Dan Gillick | Yang Liu

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Shedding (a Thousand Points of) Light on Biased Language
Tae Yano | Philip Resnik | Noah A. Smith

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Evaluation of Commonsense Knowledge with Mechanical Turk
Jonathan Gordon | Benjamin Van Durme | Lenhart Schubert

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Cheap Facts and Counter-Facts
Rui Wang | Chris Callison-Burch

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The Wisdom of the Crowd’s Ear: Speech Accent Rating and Annotation with Amazon Mechanical Turk
Stephen Kunath | Steven Weinberger

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Crowdsourcing Document Relevance Assessment with Mechanical Turk
Catherine Grady | Matthew Lease

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Preliminary Experiments with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk for Annotating Medical Named Entities
Meliha Yetisgen-Yildiz | Imre Solti | Fei Xia | Scott Halgrim

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Tools for Collecting Speech Corpora via Mechanical-Turk
Ian Lane | Matthias Eck | Kay Rottmann | Alex Waibel

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Measuring Transitivity Using Untrained Annotators
Nitin Madnani | Jordan Boyd-Graber | Philip Resnik

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Amazon Mechanical Turk for Subjectivity Word Sense Disambiguation
Cem Akkaya | Alexander Conrad | Janyce Wiebe | Rada Mihalcea

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Non-Expert Correction of Automatically Generated Relation Annotations
Matthew R. Gormley | Adam Gerber | Mary Harper | Mark Dredze

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Using Mechanical Turk to Build Machine Translation Evaluation Sets
Michael Bloodgood | Chris Callison-Burch

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Creating a Bi-lingual Entailment Corpus through Translations with Mechanical Turk: $100 for a 10-day Rush
Matteo Negri | Yashar Mehdad

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Error Driven Paraphrase Annotation using Mechanical Turk
Olivia Buzek | Philip Resnik | Ben Bederson


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Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First International Workshop on Formalisms and Methodology for Learning by Reading

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Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First International Workshop on Formalisms and Methodology for Learning by Reading
Rutu Mulkar-Mehta | James Allen | Jerry Hobbs | Eduard Hovy | Bernardo Magnini | Chris Manning

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Machine Reading as a Process of Partial Question-Answering
Peter Clark | Phil Harrison

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Building an end-to-end text reading system based on a packed representation
Doo Soon Kim | Ken Barker | Bruce Porter

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Semantic Enrichment of Text with Background Knowledge
Anselmo Peñas | Eduard Hovy

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Large Scale Relation Detection
Chris Welty | James Fan | David Gondek | Andrew Schlaikjer

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Mining Script-Like Structures from the Web
Niels Kasch | Tim Oates

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Open-domain Commonsense Reasoning Using Discourse Relations from a Corpus of Weblog Stories
Matthew Gerber | Andrew Gordon | Kenji Sagae

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Semantic Role Labeling for Open Information Extraction
Janara Christensen | Mausam | Stephen Soderland | Oren Etzioni

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Empirical Studies in Learning to Read
Marjorie Freedman | Edward Loper | Elizabeth Boschee | Ralph Weischedel

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Learning Rules from Incomplete Examples: A Pragmatic Approach
Janardhan Rao Doppa | Mohammad NasrEsfahani | Mohammad Sorower | Thomas G. Dietterich | Xiaoli Fern | Prasad Tadepalli

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Unsupervised techniques for discovering ontology elements from Wikipedia article links
Zareen Syed | Tim Finin

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Machine Reading at the University of Washington
Hoifung Poon | Janara Christensen | Pedro Domingos | Oren Etzioni | Raphael Hoffmann | Chloe Kiddon | Thomas Lin | Xiao Ling | Mausam | Alan Ritter | Stefan Schoenmackers | Stephen Soderland | Dan Weld | Fei Wu | Congle Zhang

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Analogical Dialogue Acts: Supporting Learning by Reading Analogies
David Barbella | Kenneth Forbus

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A Hybrid Approach to Unsupervised Relation Discovery Based on Linguistic Analysis and Semantic Typing
Zareen Syed | Evelyne Viegas

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Supporting rule-based representations with corpus-derived lexical information.
Annie Zaenen | Cleo Condoravdi | Daniel Bobrow | Raphael Hoffmann

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PRISMATIC: Inducing Knowledge from a Large Scale Lexicalized Relation Resource
James Fan | David Ferrucci | David Gondek | Aditya Kalyanpur


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Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Fifth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications

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Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Fifth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications
Joel Tetreault | Jill Burstein | Claudia Leacock

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Readability Assessment for Text Simplification
Sandra Aluisio | Lucia Specia | Caroline Gasperin | Carolina Scarton

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Enhancing Authentic Web Pages for Language Learners
Detmar Meurers | Ramon Ziai | Luiz Amaral | Adriane Boyd | Aleksandar Dimitrov | Vanessa Metcalf | Niels Ott

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AutoLearn’s authoring tool: a piece of cake for teachers
Martí Quixal | Susanne Preuß | David García-Narbona | Beto Boullosa

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Annotating ESL Errors: Challenges and Rewards
Alla Rozovskaya | Dan Roth

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Search right and thou shalt find ... Using Web Queries for Learner Error Detection
Michael Gamon | Claudia Leacock

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Rethinking Grammatical Error Annotation and Evaluation with the Amazon Mechanical Turk
Joel Tetreault | Elena Filatova | Martin Chodorow

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Predicting Cloze Task Quality for Vocabulary Training
Adam Skory | Maxine Eskenazi

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Generating Quantifiers and Negation to Explain Homework Testing
Jason Perry | Chung-chieh Shan

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Leveraging Hidden Dialogue State to Select Tutorial Moves
Kristy Boyer | Rob Phillips | Eun Young Ha | Michael Wallis | Mladen Vouk | James Lester

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Towards Using Structural Events To Assess Non-native Speech
Lei Chen | Joel Tetreault | Xiaoming Xi

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A Human-Computer Collaboration Approach to Improve Accuracy of an Automated English Scoring System
Jee Eun Kim | Kong Joo Lee

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Towards Identifying Unresolved Discussions in Student Online Forums
Jihie Kim | Jia Li | Taehwan Kim

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Off-topic essay detection using short prompt texts
Annie Louis | Derrick Higgins


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Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Second Louhi Workshop on Text and Data Mining of Health Documents

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Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Second Louhi Workshop on Text and Data Mining of Health Documents
Hercules Dalianis | Martin Hassel | Gunnar Nilsson

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MedEval- A Swedish Medical Test Collection with Doctors and Patients User Groups
Karin Friberg Heppin

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Extracting Information for Generating A Diabetes Report Card from Free Text in Physicians Notes
Ramanjot Singh Bhatia | Amber Graystone | Ross A Davies | Susan McClinton | Jason Morin | Richard F Davies

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Negation Detection in Swedish Clinical Text
Maria Skeppstedt

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Using Domain Knowledge about Medications to Correct Recognition Errors in Medical Report Creation
Stephanie Schreitter | Alexandra Klein | Johannes Matiasek | Harald Trost

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Assessment of Utility in Web Mining for the Domain of Public Health
Peter von Etter | Silja Huttunen | Arto Vihavainen | Matti Vuorinen | Roman Yangarber

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Reliability and Type of Consumer Health Documents on the World Wide Web: an Annotation Study
Melanie Martin

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Automated Identification of Synonyms in Biomedical Acronym Sense Inventories
Genevieve B. Melton | SungRim Moon | Bridget McInnes | Serguei Pakhomov

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Characteristics and Analysis of Finnish and Swedish Clinical Intensive Care Nursing Narratives
Helen Allvin | Elin Carlsson | Hercules Dalianis | Riitta Danielsson-Ojala | Vidas Daudaravicius | Martin Hassel | Dimitrios Kokkinakis | Heljä Lundgren-Laine | Gunnar Nilsson | Øystein Nytrø | Sanna Salanterä | Maria Skeppstedt | Hanna Suominen | Sumithra Velupillai

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Extracting Medication Information from Discharge Summaries
Scott Halgrim | Fei Xia | Imre Solti | Eithon Cadag | Özlem Uzuner

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Linking SweFN++ with Medical Resources, towards a MedFrameNet for Swedish
Dimitrios Kokkinakis | Maria Toporowska Gronostaj

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Measuring Risk and Information Preservation: Toward New Metrics for De-identification of Clinical Texts
Lynette Hirschman | John Aberdeen

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A Comparison of Several Key Information Visualization Systems for Secondary Use of Electronic Health Record Content
Francisco Roque | Laura Slaughter | Aleksandr Tkatšenko

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Machine learning and features selection for semi-automatic ICD-9-CM encoding
Julia Medori | Cédrick Fairon

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Extracting Formulaic and Free Text Clinical Research Articles Metadata using Conditional Random Fields
Sein Lin | Jun-Ping Ng | Shreyasee Pradhan | Jatin Shah | Ricardo Pietrobon | Min-Yen Kan


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Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies

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Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies
Melanie Fried-Oken | Kathleen F. McCoy | Brian Roark

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Using NLG and Sensors to Support Personal Narrative for Children with Complex Communication Needs
Rolf Black | Joseph Reddington | Ehud Reiter | Nava Tintarev | Annalu Waller

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Automatic generation of conversational utterances and narrative for Augmentative and Alternative Communication: a prototype system
Martin Dempster | Norman Alm | Ehud Reiter

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Implications of Pragmatic and Cognitive Theories on the Design of Utterance-Based AAC Systems
Kathleen F. McCoy | Jan Bedrosian | Linda Hoag

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Scanning methods and language modeling for binary switch typing
Brian Roark | Jacques de Villiers | Christopher Gibbons | Melanie Fried-Oken

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A Platform for Automated Acoustic Analysis for Assistive Technology
Suzanne Boyce | Harriet Fell | Joel MacAuslan | Lorin Wilde

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An Approach for Anonymous Spelling for Voter Write-Ins Using Speech Interaction
Shaneé Dawkins | Juan Gilbert

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Using Reinforcement Learning to Create Communication Channel Management Strategies for Diverse Users
Rebecca Lunsford | Peter A. Heeman

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A Multimodal Vocabulary for Augmentative and Alternative Communication from Sound/Image Label Datasets
Xiaojuan Ma | Christiane Fellbaum | Perry Cook

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Demo Session Abstracts
Brian Roark

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State-Transition Interpolation and MAP Adaptation for HMM-based Dysarthric Speech Recognition
Harsh Vardhan Sharma | Mark Hasegawa-Johnson

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Towards a noisy-channel model of dysarthria in speech recognition
Frank Rudzicz

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Collecting a Motion-Capture Corpus of American Sign Language for Data-Driven Generation Research
Pengfei Lu | Matt Huenerfauth

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Automated Skimming System in Response to Questions for NonVisual Readers
Debra Yarrington | Kathleen F. McCoy


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Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages

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Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages
Djame Seddah | Sandra Koebler | Reut Tsarfaty

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Statistical Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages (SPMRL) What, How and Whither
Reut Tsarfaty | Djamé Seddah | Yoav Goldberg | Sandra Kuebler | Yannick Versley | Marie Candito | Jennifer Foster | Ines Rehbein | Lamia Tounsi

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Improving Arabic Dependency Parsing with Lexical and Inflectional Morphological Features
Yuval Marton | Nizar Habash | Owen Rambow

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Two Methods to Incorporate ’Local Morphosyntactic’ Features in Hindi Dependency Parsing
Bharat Ram Ambati | Samar Husain | Sambhav Jain | Dipti Misra Sharma | Rajeev Sangal

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Application of Different Techniques to Dependency Parsing of Basque
Kepa Bengoetxea | Koldo Gojenola

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Modeling Morphosyntactic Agreement in Constituency-Based Parsing of Modern Hebrew
Reut Tsarfaty | Khalil Sima’an

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Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Korean Parsing
Tagyoung Chung | Matt Post | Daniel Gildea

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Direct Parsing of Discontinuous Constituents in German
Wolfgang Maier

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Handling Unknown Words in Statistical Latent-Variable Parsing Models for Arabic, English and French
Mohammed Attia | Jennifer Foster | Deirdre Hogan | Joseph Le Roux | Lamia Tounsi | Josef van Genabith

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Parsing Word Clusters
Marie Candito | Djamé Seddah

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Lemmatization and Lexicalized Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages: the Case of French
Djamé Seddah | Grzegorz Chrupała | Özlem Çetinoğlu | Josef van Genabith | Marie Candito

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On the Role of Morphosyntactic Features in Hindi Dependency Parsing
Bharat Ram Ambati | Samar Husain | Joakim Nivre | Rajeev Sangal

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Easy-First Dependency Parsing of Modern Hebrew
Yoav Goldberg | Michael Elhadad


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Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Young Investigators Workshop on Computational Approaches to Languages of the Americas

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Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Young Investigators Workshop on Computational Approaches to Languages of the Americas
Thamar Solorio | Ted Pedersen

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Computational Linguistics in Brazil: An Overview
Thiago Pardo | Caroline Gasperin | Helena de Medeiros Caseli | Maria das Graças Nunes

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Data-driven computational linguistics at FaMAF-UNC, Argentina
Laura Alonso Alemany | Gabriel Infante-Lopez

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Variable-Length Markov Models and Ambiguous Words in Portuguese
Fabio Natanael Kepler | Marcelo Finger

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Using Common Sense to generate culturally contextualized Machine Translation
Helena de Medeiros Caseli | Bruno Akio Sugiyama | Junia Coutinho Anacleto

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Human Language Technology for Text-based Analysis of Psychotherapy Sessions in the Spanish Language
Horacio Saggion | Elena Stein-Sparvieri | David Maldavsky | Sandra Szasz

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Computational Linguistics in Costa Rica: an overview
Jorge Antonio Leoni de León

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Fostering Digital Inclusion and Accessibility: The PorSimples project for Simplification of Portuguese Texts
Sandra Aluísio | Caroline Gasperin

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Opinion Identification in Spanish Texts
Aiala Rosá | Dina Wonsever | Jean-Luc Minel

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A Machine Learning Approach for Recognizing Textual Entailment in Spanish
Julio Castillo

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The emergence of the modern concept of introspection: a quantitative linguistic analysis
Iván Raskovsky | Diego Fernández Slezak | Carlos Diuk | Guillermo A. Cecchi

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Combining CBIR and NLP for Multilingual Terminology Alignment and Cross-Language Image Indexing
Diego Burgos

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IRASubcat, a highly parametrizable, language independent tool for the acquisition of verbal subcategorization information from corpus
Ivana Romina Altamirano | Laura Alonso Alemany

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The TermiNet Project: an Overview
Ariani Di Felippo

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Automated Detection of Language Issues Affecting Accuracy, Ambiguity and Verifiability in Software Requirements Written in Natural Language
Allan Berrocal Rojas | Elena Gabriela Barrantes Sliesarieva

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Recognition and extraction of definitional contexts in Spanish for sketching a lexical network
César Aguilar | Olga Acosta | Gerardo Sierra

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Computational Linguistics for helping Requirements Elicitation: a dream about Automated Software Development
Carlos Mario Zapata Jaramillo

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Text Generation for Brazilian Portuguese: the Surface Realization Task
Eder Novais | Thiago Tadeu | Ivandré Paraboni

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Dialogue Systems for Virtual Environments
Luciana Benotti | Paula Estrella | Carlos Areces


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Proceedings of the Joint Fifth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation and MetricsMATR

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Proceedings of the Joint Fifth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation and MetricsMATR
Chris Callison-Burch | Philipp Koehn | Christof Monz | Kay Peterson | Omar Zaidan

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A Semi-Supervised Word Alignment Algorithm with Partial Manual Alignments
Qin Gao | Nguyen Bach | Stephan Vogel

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Fast Consensus Hypothesis Regeneration for Machine Translation
Boxing Chen | George Foster | Roland Kuhn

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Findings of the 2010 Joint Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation and Metrics for Machine Translation
Chris Callison-Burch | Philipp Koehn | Christof Monz | Kay Peterson | Mark Przybocki | Omar Zaidan

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LIMSI’s Statistical Translation Systems for WMT’10
Alexandre Allauzen | Josep M. Crego | İlknur Durgar El-Kahlout | François Yvon

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2010 Failures in English-Czech Phrase-Based MT
Ondřej Bojar | Kamil Kos

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An Empirical Study on Development Set Selection Strategy for Machine Translation Learning
Cong Hui | Hai Zhao | Bao-Liang Lu | Yan Song

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The University of Maryland Statistical Machine Translation System for the Fifth Workshop on Machine Translation
Vladimir Eidelman | Chris Dyer | Philip Resnik

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Further Experiments with Shallow Hybrid MT Systems
Christian Federmann | Andreas Eisele | Yu Chen | Sabine Hunsicker | Jia Xu | Hans Uszkoreit

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Improved Features and Grammar Selection for Syntax-Based MT
Greg Hanneman | Jonathan Clark | Alon Lavie

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FBK at WMT 2010: Word Lattices for Morphological Reduction and Chunk-Based Reordering
Christian Hardmeier | Arianna Bisazza | Marcello Federico

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The RWTH Aachen Machine Translation System for WMT 2010
Carmen Heger | Joern Wuebker | Matthias Huck | Gregor Leusch | Saab Mansour | Daniel Stein | Hermann Ney

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Using Collocation Segmentation to Augment the Phrase Table
Carlos A. Henríquez Q. | Marta Ruiz Costa-jussà | Vidas Daudaravicius | Rafael E. Banchs | José B. Mariño

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The RALI Machine Translation System for WMT 2010
Stéphane Huet | Julien Bourdaillet | Alexandre Patry | Philippe Langlais

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Exodus - Exploring SMT for EU Institutions
Michael Jellinghaus | Alexandros Poulis | David Kolovratník

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More Linguistic Annotation for Statistical Machine Translation
Philipp Koehn | Barry Haddow | Philip Williams | Hieu Hoang

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LIUM SMT Machine Translation System for WMT 2010
Patrik Lambert | Sadaf Abdul-Rauf | Holger Schwenk

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Lessons from NRC’s Portage System at WMT 2010
Samuel Larkin | Boxing Chen | George Foster | Ulrich Germann | Eric Joanis | Howard Johnson | Roland Kuhn

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Joshua 2.0: A Toolkit for Parsing-Based Machine Translation with Syntax, Semirings, Discriminative Training and Other Goodies
Zhifei Li | Chris Callison-Burch | Chris Dyer | Juri Ganitkevitch | Ann Irvine | Sanjeev Khudanpur | Lane Schwartz | Wren Thornton | Ziyuan Wang | Jonathan Weese | Omar Zaidan

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The Karlsruhe Institute for Technology Translation System for the ACL-WMT 2010
Jan Niehues | Teresa Herrmann | Mohammed Mediani | Alex Waibel

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MATREX: The DCU MT System for WMT 2010
Sergio Penkale | Rejwanul Haque | Sandipan Dandapat | Pratyush Banerjee | Ankit K. Srivastava | Jinhua Du | Pavel Pecina | Sudip Kumar Naskar | Mikel L. Forcada | Andy Way

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The Cunei Machine Translation Platform for WMT ’10
Aaron Phillips

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The CUED HiFST System for the WMT10 Translation Shared Task
Juan Pino | Gonzalo Iglesias | Adrià de Gispert | Graeme Blackwood | Jamie Brunning | William Byrne

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The LIG Machine Translation System for WMT 2010
Marion Potet | Laurent Besacier | Hervé Blanchon

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Linear Inversion Transduction Grammar Alignments as a Second Translation Path
Markus Saers | Joakim Nivre | Dekai Wu

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UPV-PRHLT English–Spanish System for WMT10
Germán Sanchis-Trilles | Jesús Andrés-Ferrer | Guillem Gascó | Jesús González-Rubio | Pascual Martínez-Gómez | Martha-Alicia Rocha | Joan-Andreu Sánchez | Francisco Casacuberta

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Reproducible Results in Parsing-Based Machine Translation: The JHU Shared Task Submission
Lane Schwartz

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Vs and OOVs: Two Problems for Translation between German and English
Sara Stymne | Maria Holmqvist | Lars Ahrenberg

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To Cache or Not To Cache? Experiments with Adaptive Models in Statistical Machine Translation
Jörg Tiedemann

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Applying Morphological Decompositions to Statistical Machine Translation
Sami Virpioja | Jaakko Väyrynen | André Mansikkaniemi | Mikko Kurimo

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Maximum Entropy Translation Model in Dependency-Based MT Framework
Zdeněk Žabokrtský | Martin Popel | David Mareček

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UCH-UPV English–Spanish System for WMT10
Francisco Zamora-Martínez | Germán Sanchis-Trilles

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Hierarchical Phrase-Based MT at the Charles University for the WMT 2010 Shared Task
Daniel Zeman

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Incremental Decoding for Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation
Baskaran Sankaran | Ajeet Grewal | Anoop Sarkar

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How to Avoid Burning Ducks: Combining Linguistic Analysis and Corpus Statistics for German Compound Processing
Fabienne Fritzinger | Alexander Fraser

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Chunk-Based Verb Reordering in VSO Sentences for Arabic-English Statistical Machine Translation
Arianna Bisazza | Marcello Federico

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Head Finalization: A Simple Reordering Rule for SOV Languages
Hideki Isozaki | Katsuhito Sudoh | Hajime Tsukada | Kevin Duh

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Aiding Pronoun Translation with Co-Reference Resolution
Ronan Le Nagard | Philipp Koehn

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Jane: Open Source Hierarchical Translation, Extended with Reordering and Lexicon Models
David Vilar | Daniel Stein | Matthias Huck | Hermann Ney

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MANY: Open Source MT System Combination at WMT’10
Loïc Barrault

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Adaptive Model Weighting and Transductive Regression for Predicting Best System Combinations
Ergun Biçici | S. Serdar Kozat

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L1 Regularized Regression for Reranking and System Combination in Machine Translation
Ergun Biçici | Deniz Yuret

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An Augmented Three-Pass System Combination Framework: DCU Combination System for WMT 2010
Jinhua Du | Pavel Pecina | Andy Way

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The UPV-PRHLT Combination System for WMT 2010
Jesús González-Rubio | Germán Sanchis-Trilles | Joan-Andreu Sánchez | Jesús Andrés-Ferrer | Guillem Gascó | Pascual Martínez-Gómez | Martha-Alicia Rocha | Francisco Casacuberta

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CMU Multi-Engine Machine Translation for WMT 2010
Kenneth Heafield | Alon Lavie

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CMU System Combination via Hypothesis Selection for WMT’10
Almut Silja Hildebrand | Stephan Vogel

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JHU System Combination Scheme for WMT 2010
Sushant Narsale

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The RWTH System Combination System for WMT 2010
Gregor Leusch | Hermann Ney

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BBN System Description for WMT10 System Combination Task
Antti-Veikko Rosti | Bing Zhang | Spyros Matsoukas | Richard Schwartz

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LRscore for Evaluating Lexical and Reordering Quality in MT
Alexandra Birch | Miles Osborne

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Document-Level Automatic MT Evaluation based on Discourse Representations
Elisabet Comelles | Jesús Giménez | Lluís Màrquez | Irene Castellón | Victoria Arranz

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METEOR-NEXT and the METEOR Paraphrase Tables: Improved Evaluation Support for Five Target Languages
Michael Denkowski | Alon Lavie

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Normalized Compression Distance Based Measures for MetricsMATR 2010
Marcus Dobrinkat | Tero Tapiovaara | Jaakko Väyrynen | Kimmo Kettunen

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The DCU Dependency-Based Metric in WMT-MetricsMATR 2010
Yifan He | Jinhua Du | Andy Way | Josef van Genabith

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TESLA: Translation Evaluation of Sentences with Linear-Programming-Based Analysis
Chang Liu | Daniel Dahlmeier | Hwee Tou Ng

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The Parameter-Optimized ATEC Metric for MT Evaluation
Billy Wong | Chunyu Kit

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A Unified Approach to Minimum Risk Training and Decoding
Abhishek Arun | Barry Haddow | Philipp Koehn

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N-Best Reranking by Multitask Learning
Kevin Duh | Katsuhito Sudoh | Hajime Tsukada | Hideki Isozaki | Masaaki Nagata

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Taming Structured Perceptrons on Wild Feature Vectors
Ralf Brown

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Translation Model Adaptation by Resampling
Kashif Shah | Loïc Barrault | Holger Schwenk

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Integration of Multiple Bilingually-Learned Segmentation Schemes into Statistical Machine Translation
Michael Paul | Andrew Finch | Eiichiro Sumita

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Improved Translation with Source Syntax Labels
Hieu Hoang | Philipp Koehn

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Divide and Translate: Improving Long Distance Reordering in Statistical Machine Translation
Katsuhito Sudoh | Kevin Duh | Hajime Tsukada | Tsutomu Hirao | Masaaki Nagata

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Decision Trees for Lexical Smoothing in Statistical Machine Translation
Rabih Zbib | Spyros Matsoukas | Richard Schwartz | John Makhoul


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Proceedings of the Fourth Linguistic Annotation Workshop

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Proceedings of the Fourth Linguistic Annotation Workshop
Nianwen Xue | Massimo Poesio

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EmotiBlog: A Finer-Grained and More Precise Learning of Subjectivity Expression Models
Ester Boldrini | Alexandra Balahur | Patricio Martínez-Barco | Andrés Montoyo

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Error-Tagged Learner Corpus of Czech
Jirka Hana | Alexandr Rosen | Svatava Škodová | Barbora Štindlová

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Annotation Scheme for Social Network Extraction from Text
Apoorv Agarwal | Owen C. Rambow | Rebecca J. Passonneau

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Agile Corpus Annotation in Practice: An Overview of Manual and Automatic Annotation of CVs
Bea Alex | Claire Grover | Rongzhou Shen | Mijail Kabadjov

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Consistency Checking for Treebank Alignment
Markus Dickinson | Yvonne Samuelsson

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Anveshan: A Framework for Analysis of Multiple Annotators’ Labeling Behavior
Vikas Bhardwaj | Rebecca Passonneau | Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi | Nancy Ide

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Influence of Pre-Annotation on POS-Tagged Corpus Development
Karën Fort | Benoît Sagot

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To Annotate More Accurately or to Annotate More
Dmitriy Dligach | Rodney Nielsen | Martha Palmer

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Annotating Underquantification
Aurelie Herbelot | Ann Copestake

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PropBank Annotation of Multilingual Light Verb Constructions
Jena D. Hwang | Archna Bhatia | Claire Bonial | Aous Mansouri | Ashwini Vaidya | Nianwen Xue | Martha Palmer

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Retrieving Correct Semantic Boundaries in Dependency Structure
Jinho Choi | Martha Palmer

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Complex Predicates Annotation in a Corpus of Portuguese
Iris Hendrickx | Amália Mendes | Sílvia Pereira | Anabela Gonçalves | Inês Duarte

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Using an Online Tool for the Documentation of Edo Language
Ota Ogie

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Cross-Lingual Validity of PropBank in the Manual Annotation of French
Lonneke van der Plas | Tanja Samardžić | Paola Merlo

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Characteristics of High Agreement Affect Annotation in Text
Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm

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The Deep Re-Annotation in a Chinese Scientific Treebank
Kun Yu | Xiangli Wang | Yusuke Miyao | Takuya Matsuzaki | Junichi Tsujii

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The Unified Annotation of Syntax and Discourse in the Copenhagen Dependency Treebanks
Matthias Buch-Kromann | Iørn Korzen

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Identifying Sources of Inter-Annotator Variation: Evaluating Two Models of Argument Analysis
Barbara White

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Dependency-Based PropBanking of Clinical Finnish
Katri Haverinen | Filip Ginter | Timo Viljanen | Veronika Laippala | Tapio Salakoski

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Building the Syntactic Reference Corpus of Medieval French Using NotaBene RDF Annotation Tool
Nicolas Mazziotta

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Chunking German: An Unsolved Problem
Sandra Kübler | Kathrin Beck | Erhard Hinrichs | Heike Telljohann

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Proposal for MWE Annotation in Running Text
Iris Hendrickx | Amália Mendes | Sandra Antunes

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A Feature Type Classification for Therapeutic Purposes: A Preliminary Evaluation with Non-Expert Speakers
Gianluca E. Lebani | Emanuele Pianta

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Annotating Korean Demonstratives
Sun-Hee Lee | Jae-young Song

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Creating and Exploiting a Resource of Parallel Parses
Christian Chiarcos | Kerstin Eckart | Julia Ritz

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From Descriptive Annotation to Grammar Specification
Lars Hellan

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An Annotation Schema for Preposition Senses in German
Antje Müller | Olaf Hülscher | Claudia Roch | Katja Keßelmeier | Tobias Stadtfeld | Jan Strunk | Tibor Kiss

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OTTO: A Transcription and Management Tool for Historical Texts
Stefanie Dipper | Lara Kresse | Martin Schnurrenberger | Seong-Eun Cho

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Multimodal Annotation of Conversational Data
Philippe Blache | Roxane Bertrand | Emmanuel Bruno | Brigitte Bigi | Robert Espesser | Gaelle Ferré | Mathilde Guardiola | Daniel Hirst | Ning Tan | Edlira Cela | Jean-Claude Martin | Stéphane Rauzy | Mary-Annick Morel | Elisabeth Murisasco | Irina Nesterenko

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Combining Parallel Treebanks and Geo-Tagging
Martin Volk | Anne Goehring | Torsten Marek

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Challenges of Cheap Resource Creation
Jirka Hana | Anna Feldman

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Discourse Relation Configurations in Turkish and an Annotation Environment
Berfin Aktaş | Cem Bozsahin | Deniz Zeyrek

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An Overview of the CRAFT Concept Annotation Guidelines
Michael Bada | Miriam Eckert | Martha Palmer | Lawrence Hunter

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Syntactic Tree Queries in Prolog
Gerlof Bouma

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An Integrated Tool for Annotating Historical Corpora
Pablo Picasso Feliciano de Faria | Fabio Natanael Kepler | Maria Clara Paixão de Sousa

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The Revised Arabic PropBank
Wajdi Zaghouani | Mona Diab | Aous Mansouri | Sameer Pradhan | Martha Palmer

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PackPlay: Mining Semantic Data in Collaborative Games
Nathan Green | Paul Breimyer | Vinay Kumar | Nagiza Samatova

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A Proposal for a Configurable Silver Standard
Udo Hahn | Katrin Tomanek | Elena Beisswanger | Erik Faessler

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A Hybrid Model for Annotating Named Entity Training Corpora
Robert Voyer | Valerie Nygaard | Will Fitzgerald | Hannah Copperman

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Anatomy of Annotation Schemes: Mapping to GrAF
Nancy Ide | Harry Bunt

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Annotating Participant Reference in English Spoken Conversation
John Niekrasz | Johanna D. Moore

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Design and Evaluation of Shared Prosodic Annotation for Spontaneous French Speech: From Expert Knowledge to Non-Expert Annotation
Anne Lacheret-Dujour | Nicolas Obin | Mathieu Avanzi

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Depends on What the French Say - Spoken Corpus Annotation with and beyond Syntactic Functions
José Deulofeu | Lucie Duffort | Kim Gerdes | Sylvain Kahane | Paola Pietrandrea

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The Annotation Scheme of the Turkish Discourse Bank and an Evaluation of Inconsistent Annotations
Deniz Zeyrek | Işin Demirşahin | Ayişiği Sevdik-Çalli | Hale Ögel Balaban | İhsan Yalçinkaya | Ümit Deniz Turan


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Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing

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Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing
K. Bretonnel Cohen | Dina Demner-Fushman | Sophia Ananiadou | John Pestian | Jun’ichi Tsujii | Bonnie Webber

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Two Strong Baselines for the BioNLP 2009 Event Extraction Task
Andreas Vlachos

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Recognizing Biomedical Named Entities Using Skip-Chain Conditional Random Fields
Jingchen Liu | Minlie Huang | Xiaoyan Zhu

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Event Extraction for Post-Translational Modifications
Tomoko Ohta | Sampo Pyysalo | Makoto Miwa | Jin-Dong Kim | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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Scaling up Biomedical Event Extraction to the Entire PubMed
Jari Björne | Filip Ginter | Sampo Pyysalo | Jun’ichi Tsujii | Tapio Salakoski

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A Comparative Study of Syntactic Parsers for Event Extraction
Makoto Miwa | Sampo Pyysalo | Tadayoshi Hara | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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Arguments of Nominals in Semantic Interpretation of Biomedical Text
Halil Kilicoglu | Marcelo Fiszman | Graciela Rosemblat | Sean Marimpietri | Thomas Rindflesch

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Improving Summarization of Biomedical Documents Using Word Sense Disambiguation
Laura Plaza | Mark Stevenson | Alberto Díaz

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Cancer Stage Prediction Based on Patient Online Discourse
Mukund Jha | Noémie Elhadad

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An Exploration of Mining Gene Expression Mentions and Their Anatomical Locations from Biomedical Text
Martin Gerner | Goran Nenadic | Casey M. Bergman

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Exploring Surface-Level Heuristics for Negation and Speculation Discovery in Clinical Texts
Emilia Apostolova | Noriko Tomuro

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Disease Mention Recognition with Specific Features
Md. Faisal Mahbub Chowdhury | Alberto Lavelli

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Extraction of Disease-Treatment Semantic Relations from Biomedical Sentences
Oana Frunza | Diana Inkpen

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Identifying the Information Structure of Scientific Abstracts: An Investigation of Three Different Schemes
Yufan Guo | Anna Korhonen | Maria Liakata | Ilona Silins | Lin Sun | Ulla Stenius

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Reconstruction of Semantic Relationships from Their Projections in Biomolecular Domain
Juho Heimonen | Jari Björne | Tapio Salakoski

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Towards Internet-Age Pharmacovigilance: Extracting Adverse Drug Reactions from User Posts in Health-Related Social Networks
Robert Leaman | Laura Wojtulewicz | Ryan Sullivan | Annie Skariah | Jian Yang | Graciela Gonzalez

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Semantic Role Labeling of Gene Regulation Events: Preliminary Results
Roser Morante

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Ontology-Based Extraction and Summarization of Protein Mutation Impact Information
Nona Naderi | René Witte

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Extracting Distinctive Features of Swine (H1N1) Flu through Data Mining Clinical Documents
Heekyong Park | Jinwook Choi

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Towards Event Extraction from Full Texts on Infectious Diseases
Sampo Pyysalo | Tomoko Ohta | Han-Cheol Cho | Dan Sullivan | Chunhong Mao | Bruno Sobral | Jun’ichi Tsujii | Sophia Ananiadou

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Applying the TARSQI Toolkit to Augment Text Mining of EHRs
Amber Stubbs | Benjamin Harshfield

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Integration of Static Relations to Enhance Event Extraction from Text
Sofie Van Landeghem | Sampo Pyysalo | Tomoko Ohta | Yves Van de Peer


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Proceedings of TextGraphs-5 - 2010 Workshop on Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing

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Proceedings of TextGraphs-5 - 2010 Workshop on Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing
Carmen Banea | Alessandro Moschitti | Swapna Somasundaran | Fabio Massimo Zanzotto

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Graph-Based Clustering for Computational Linguistics: A Survey
Zheng Chen | Heng Ji

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Towards the Automatic Creation of a Wordnet from a Term-Based Lexical Network
Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira | Paulo Gomes

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An Investigation on the Influence of Frequency on the Lexical Organization of Verbs
Daniel Cerato Germann | Aline Villavicencio | Maity Siqueira

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Robust and Efficient Page Rank for Word Sense Disambiguation
Diego De Cao | Roberto Basili | Matteo Luciani | Francesco Mesiano | Riccardo Rossi

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Hierarchical Spectral Partitioning of Bipartite Graphs to Cluster Dialects and Identify Distinguishing Features
Martijn Wieling | John Nerbonne

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A Character-Based Intersection Graph Approach to Linguistic Phylogeny
Jessica Enright

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Spectral Approaches to Learning in the Graph Domain
Edwin Hancock

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Cross-Lingual Comparison between Distributionally Determined Word Similarity Networks
Olof Görnerup | Jussi Karlgren

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Co-Occurrence Cluster Features for Lexical Substitutions in Context
Chris Biemann

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Contextually-Mediated Semantic Similarity Graphs for Topic Segmentation
Geetu Ambwani | Anthony Davis

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MuLLinG: MultiLevel Linguistic Graphs for Knowledge Extraction
Vincent Archer

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Experiments with CST-Based Multidocument Summarization
Maria Lucía Castro Jorge | Thiago Pardo

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Distinguishing between Positive and Negative Opinions with Complex Network Features
Diego Raphael Amancio | Renato Fabbri | Osvaldo Novais Oliveira Jr. | Maria das Graças Volpe Nunes | Luciano da Fontoura Costa

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Image and Collateral Text in Support of Auto-Annotation and Sentiment Analysis
Pamela Zontone | Giulia Boato | Jonathon Hare | Paul Lewis | Stefan Siersdorfer | Enrico Minack

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Aggregating Opinions: Explorations into Graphs and Media Content Analysis
Gabriele Tatzl | Christoph Waldhauser

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Eliminating Redundancy by Spectral Relaxation for Multi-Document Summarization
Fumiyo Fukumoto | Akina Sakai | Yoshimi Suzuki

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Computing Word Senses by Semantic Mirroring and Spectral Graph Partitioning
Martin Fagerlund | Magnus Merkel | Lars Eldén | Lars Ahrenberg


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Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop

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Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop
A Kumaran | Haizhou Li

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Report of NEWS 2010 Transliteration Generation Shared Task
Haizhou Li | A Kumaran | Min Zhang | Vladimir Pervouchine

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Whitepaper of NEWS 2010 Shared Task on Transliteration Generation
Haizhou Li | A Kumaran | Min Zhang | Vladimir Pervouchine

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Report of NEWS 2010 Transliteration Mining Shared Task
A Kumaran | Mitesh M. Khapra | Haizhou Li

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Whitepaper of NEWS 2010 Shared Task on Transliteration Mining
A Kumaran | Mitesh M. Khapra | Haizhou Li

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Transliteration Generation and Mining with Limited Training Resources
Sittichai Jiampojamarn | Kenneth Dwyer | Shane Bergsma | Aditya Bhargava | Qing Dou | Mi-Young Kim | Grzegorz Kondrak

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Transliteration Using a Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation System to Re-Score the Output of a Joint Multigram Model
Andrew Finch | Eiichiro Sumita

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Transliteration Mining with Phonetic Conflation and Iterative Training
Kareem Darwish

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Language Independent Transliteration Mining System Using Finite State Automata Framework
Sara Noeman | Amgad Madkour

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Reranking with Multiple Features for Better Transliteration
Yan Song | Chunyu Kit | Hai Zhao

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Syllable-Based Thai-English Machine Transliteration
Chai Wutiwiwatchai | Ausdang Thangthai

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English to Indian Languages Machine Transliteration System at NEWS 2010
Amitava Das | Tanik Saikh | Tapabrata Mondal | Asif Ekbal | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

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Mining Transliterations from Wikipedia Using Pair HMMs
Peter Nabende

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Phrase-Based Transliteration with Simple Heuristics
Avinesh PVS | Ankur Parikh

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Classifying Wikipedia Articles into NE’s Using SVM’s with Threshold Adjustment
Iman Saleh | Kareem Darwish | Aly Fahmy

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Assessing the Challenge of Fine-Grained Named Entity Recognition and Classification
Asif Ekbal | Eva Sourjikova | Anette Frank | Simone Paolo Ponzetto

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Using Deep Belief Nets for Chinese Named Entity Categorization
Yu Chen | You Ouyang | Wenjie Li | Dequan Zheng | Tiejun Zhao

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Simplified Feature Set for Arabic Named Entity Recognition
Ahmed Abdul-Hamid | Kareem Darwish

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Think Globally, Apply Locally: Using Distributional Characteristics for Hindi Named Entity Identification
Shalini Gupta | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

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Rule-Based Named Entity Recognition in Urdu
Kashif Riaz

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CONE: Metrics for Automatic Evaluation of Named Entity Co-Reference Resolution
Bo Lin | Rushin Shah | Robert Frederking | Anatole Gershman


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Proceedings of the Fourteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning

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Proceedings of the Fourteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning
Mirella Lapata | Anoop Sarkar

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Improvements in Unsupervised Co-Occurrence Based Parsing
Christian Hänig

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Viterbi Training Improves Unsupervised Dependency Parsing
Valentin I. Spitkovsky | Hiyan Alshawi | Daniel Jurafsky | Christopher D. Manning

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Driving Semantic Parsing from the World’s Response
James Clarke | Dan Goldwasser | Ming-Wei Chang | Dan Roth

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Efficient, Correct, Unsupervised Learning for Context-Sensitive Languages
Alexander Clark

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Identifying Patterns for Unsupervised Grammar Induction
Jesús Santamaría | Lourdes Araujo

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Learning Better Monolingual Models with Unannotated Bilingual Text
David Burkett | Slav Petrov | John Blitzer | Dan Klein

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(Invited Talk) Clueless: Explorations in Unsupervised, Knowledge-Lean Extraction of Lexical-Semantic Information
Lillian Lee

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(Invited Talk) Bayesian Hidden Markov Models and Extensions
Zoubin Ghahramani

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Improved Unsupervised POS Induction Using Intrinsic Clustering Quality and a Zipfian Constraint
Roi Reichart | Raanan Fattal | Ari Rappoport

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Syntactic and Semantic Structure for Opinion Expression Detection
Richard Johansson | Alessandro Moschitti

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Type Level Clustering Evaluation: New Measures and a POS Induction Case Study
Roi Reichart | Omri Abend | Ari Rappoport

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Recession Segmentation: Simpler Online Word Segmentation Using Limited Resources
Constantine Lignos | Charles Yang

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Computing Optimal Alignments for the IBM-3 Translation Model
Thomas Schoenemann

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Semi-Supervised Recognition of Sarcasm in Twitter and Amazon
Dmitry Davidov | Oren Tsur | Ari Rappoport

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Learning Probabilistic Synchronous CFGs for Phrase-Based Translation
Markos Mylonakis | Khalil Sima’an

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A Semi-Supervised Batch-Mode Active Learning Strategy for Improved Statistical Machine Translation
Sankaranarayanan Ananthakrishnan | Rohit Prasad | David Stallard | Prem Natarajan

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Improving Word Alignment by Semi-Supervised Ensemble
Shujian Huang | Kangxi Li | Xinyu Dai | Jiajun Chen

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A Comparative Study of Bayesian Models for Unsupervised Sentiment Detection
Chenghua Lin | Yulan He | Richard Everson

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A Hybrid Approach to Emotional Sentence Polarity and Intensity Classification
Jorge Carrillo de Albornoz | Laura Plaza | Pablo Gervás

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Cross-Caption Coreference Resolution for Automatic Image Understanding
Micah Hodosh | Peter Young | Cyrus Rashtchian | Julia Hockenmaier

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Improved Natural Language Learning via Variance-Regularization Support Vector Machines
Shane Bergsma | Dekang Lin | Dale Schuurmans

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Online Entropy-Based Model of Lexical Category Acquisition
Grzegorz Chrupała | Afra Alishahi

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Tagging and Linking Web Forum Posts
Su Nam Kim | Li Wang | Timothy Baldwin

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Joint Entity and Relation Extraction Using Card-Pyramid Parsing
Rohit J. Kate | Raymond Mooney

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Distributed Asynchronous Online Learning for Natural Language Processing
Kevin Gimpel | Dipanjan Das | Noah A. Smith

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On Reverse Feature Engineering of Syntactic Tree Kernels
Daniele Pighin | Alessandro Moschitti

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Inspecting the Structural Biases of Dependency Parsing Algorithms
Yoav Goldberg | Michael Elhadad


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Proceedings of the Fourteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning – Shared Task

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Proceedings of the Fourteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning – Shared Task
Richárd Farkas | Veronika Vincze | György Szarvas | György Móra | János Csirik

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The CoNLL-2010 Shared Task: Learning to Detect Hedges and their Scope in Natural Language Text
Richárd Farkas | Veronika Vincze | György Móra | János Csirik | György Szarvas

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A Cascade Method for Detecting Hedges and their Scope in Natural Language Text
Buzhou Tang | Xiaolong Wang | Xuan Wang | Bo Yuan | Shixi Fan

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Detecting Speculative Language Using Syntactic Dependencies and Logistic Regression
Andreas Vlachos | Mark Craven

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A Hedgehop over a Max-Margin Framework Using Hedge Cues
Maria Georgescul

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Detecting Hedge Cues and their Scopes with Average Perceptron
Feng Ji | Xipeng Qiu | Xuanjing Huang

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Memory-Based Resolution of In-Sentence Scopes of Hedge Cues
Roser Morante | Vincent Van Asch | Walter Daelemans

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Resolving Speculation: MaxEnt Cue Classification and Dependency-Based Scope Rules
Erik Velldal | Lilja Øvrelid | Stephan Oepen

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Combining Manual Rules and Supervised Learning for Hedge Cue and Scope Detection
Marek Rei | Ted Briscoe

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Hedge Detection Using the RelHunter Approach
Eraldo Fernandes | Carlos Crestana | Ruy Milidiú

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A High-Precision Approach to Detecting Hedges and their Scopes
Halil Kilicoglu | Sabine Bergler

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Exploiting Rich Features for Detecting Hedges and their Scope
Xinxin Li | Jianping Shen | Xiang Gao | Xuan Wang

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Uncertainty Detection as Approximate Max-Margin Sequence Labelling
Oscar Täckström | Sumithra Velupillai | Martin Hassel | Gunnar Eriksson | Hercules Dalianis | Jussi Karlgren

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Hedge Detection and Scope Finding by Sequence Labeling with Procedural Feature Selection
Shaodian Zhang | Hai Zhao | Guodong Zhou | Bao-Liang Lu

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Learning to Detect Hedges and their Scope Using CRF
Qi Zhao | Chengjie Sun | Bingquan Liu | Yong Cheng

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Exploiting Multi-Features to Detect Hedges and their Scope in Biomedical Texts
Huiwei Zhou | Xiaoyan Li | Degen Huang | Zezhong Li | Yuansheng Yang

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A Lucene and Maximum Entropy Model Based Hedge Detection System
Lin Chen | Barbara Di Eugenio

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HedgeHunter: A System for Hedge Detection and Uncertainty Classification
David Clausen

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Exploiting CCG Structures with Tree Kernels for Speculation Detection
Liliana Mamani Sánchez | Baoli Li | Carl Vogel

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Uncertainty Learning Using SVMs and CRFs
Vinodkumar Prabhakaran

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Features for Detecting Hedge Cues
Nobuyuki Shimizu | Hiroshi Nakagawa

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A Simple Ensemble Method for Hedge Identification
Ferenc Szidarovszky | Illés Solt | Domonkos Tikk

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A Baseline Approach for Detecting Sentences Containing Uncertainty
Erik Tjong Kim Sang

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Hedge Classification with Syntactic Dependency Features Based on an Ensemble Classifier
Yi Zheng | Qifeng Dai | Qiming Luo | Enhong Chen


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Proceedings of the Workshop on Negation and Speculation in Natural Language Processing

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Proceedings of the Workshop on Negation and Speculation in Natural Language Processing
Roser Morante | Caroline Sporleder

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Zones of conceptualisation in scientific papers: a window to negative and speculative statements
Maria Liakata

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Creating and evaluating a consensus for negated and speculative words in a Swedish clinical corpus
Hercules Dalianis | Maria Skeppstedt

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Towards a better understanding of uncertainties and speculations in Swedish clinical text – Analysis of an initial annotation trial
Sumithra Velupillai

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Does negation really matter?
Ira Goldstein | Özlem Uzuner

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Speculation and negation annotation in natural language texts: what the case of BioScope might (not) reveal
Veronika Vincze

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Automatic annotation of speculation in biomedical texts: new perspectives and large-scale evaluation
Julien Desclés | Olfa Makkaoui | Taouise Hacène

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Levels of certainty in knowledge-intensive corpora: an initial annotation study
Aron Henriksson | Sumithra Velupillai

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Importance of negations and experimental qualifiers in biomedical literature
Martin Krallinger

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Negation and modality in distributional semantics
Ed Hovy

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What's great and what's not: learning to classify the scope of negation for improved sentiment analysis
Isaac Councill | Ryan McDonald | Leonid Velikovich

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A survey on the role of negation in sentiment analysis
Michael Wiegand | Alexandra Balahur | Benjamin Roth | Dietrich Klakow | Andrés Montoyo

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Evaluating a meta-knowledge annotation scheme for bio-events
Raheel Nawaz | Paul Thompson | Sophia Ananiadou

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Using SVMs with the Command Relation features to identify negated events in biomedical literature
Farzaneh Sarafraz | Goran Nenadic

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Contradiction-focused qualitative evaluation of textual entailment
Bernardo Magnini | Elena Cabrio


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Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces

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Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces
Sarmad Hussain | Virach Sornlertlamvanich | Hammam Riza

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A Thesaurus of Predicate-Argument Structure for Japanese Verbs to Deal with Granularity of Verb Meanings
Koichi Takeuchi | Kentaro Inui | Nao Takeuchi | Atsushi Fujita

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Collaborative Work on Indonesian WordNet through Asian WordNet (AWN)
Hammam Riza | Budiono | Chairil Hakim

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Considerations on Automatic Mapping Large-Scale Heterogeneous Language Resources: Sejong Semantic Classes and KorLex
Heum Park | Ae sun Yoon | Woo Chul Park | Hyuk-Chul Kwon

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Sequential Tagging of Semantic Roles on Chinese FrameNet
Jihong Li | Ruibo Wang | Yahui Gao

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Augmenting a Bilingual Lexicon with Information for Word Translation Disambiguation
Takashi Tsunakawa | Hiroyuki Kaji

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Construction of bilingual multimodal corpora of referring expressions in collaborative problem solving
Takenobu Tokunaga | Ryu Iida | Masaaki Yasuhara | Asuka Terai | David Morris | Anja Belz

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Labeling Emotion in Bengali Blog Corpus – A Fine Grained Tagging at Sentence Level
Dipankar Das | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

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SentiWordNet for Indian Languages
Amitava Das | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

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Constructing Thai Opinion Mining Resource: A Case Study on Hotel Reviews
Choochart Haruechaiyasak | Alisa Kongthon | Pornpimon Palingoon | Chatchawal Sangkeettrakarn

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The Annotation of Event Schema in Chinese
Hongjian Zou | Erhong Yang | Yan Gao | Qingqing Zeng

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Query Expansion for Khmer Information Retrieval
Channa Van | Wataru Kameyama

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Word Segmentation for Urdu OCR System
Misbah Akram | Sarmad Hussain

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Dzongkha Word Segmentation
Sithar Norbu | Pema Choejey | Tenzin Dendup | Sarmad Hussain | Ahmed Muaz

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Building NLP resources for Dzongkha: A Tagset and A Tagged Corpus
Chungku Chungku | Jurmey Rabgay | Gertrud Faaß

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Unaccusative/Unergative Distinction in Turkish: A Connectionist Approach
Cengiz Acartürk | Deniz Zeyrek

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A Preliminary Work on Hindi Causatives
Rafiya Begum | Dipti Misra Sharma

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A Supervised Learning based Chunking in Thai using Categorial Grammar
Thepchai Supnithi | Chanon Onman | Peerachet Porkaew | Taneth Ruangrajitpakorn | Kanokorn Trakultaweekool | Asanee Kawtrakul

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A hybrid approach to Urdu verb phrase chunking
Wajid Ali | Sarmad Hussain

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Development of the Korean Resource Grammar: Towards Grammar Customization
Sanghoun Song | Jong-Bok Kim | Francis Bond | Jaehyung Yang

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An Open Source Urdu Resource Grammar
Shafqat Mumtaz Virk | Muhammad Humayoun | Aarne Ranta

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A Current Status of Thai Categorial Grammars and Their Applications
Taneth Ruangrajitpakorn | Thepchai Supnithi

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Chained Machine Translation Using Morphemes as Pivot Language
Li Wen | Chen Lei | Han Wudabala | Li Miao


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Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Multiword Expressions: from Theory to Applications

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Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Multiword Expressions: from Theory to Applications
Éric Laporte | Preslav Nakov | Carlos Ramisch | Aline Villavicencio

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Being Theoretical is Being Practical: Multiword Units and Terminological Structure Revitalised
Kyo Kageura

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Computational Lexicography of Multi-Word Units. How Efficient Can It Be?
Filip Graliński | Agata Savary | Monika Czerepowicka | Filip Makowiecki

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Construction of Chinese Idiom Knowledge-base and Its Applications
Lei Wang | Shiwen Yu

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Automatic Extraction of Arabic Multiword Expressions
Mohammed Attia | Antonio Toral | Lamia Tounsi | Pavel Pecina | Josef van Genabith

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Sentence Analysis and Collocation Identification
Eric Wehrli | Violeta Seretan | Luka Nerima

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Automatic Extraction of Complex Predicates in Bengali
Dipankar Das | Santanu Pal | Tapabrata Mondal | Tanmoy Chakraborty | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

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Handling Named Entities and Compound Verbs in Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation
Santanu Pal | Sudip Kumar Naskar | Pavel Pecina | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay | Andy Way

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Application of the Tightness Continuum Measure to Chinese Information Retrieval
Ying Xu | Randy Goebel | Christoph Ringlstetter | Grzegorz Kondrak

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Standardizing Complex Functional Expressions in Japanese Predicates: Applying Theoretically-Based Paraphrasing Rules
Tomoko Izumi | Kenji Imamura | Genichiro Kikui | Satoshi Sato

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Identification of Reduplication in Bengali Corpus and their Semantic Analysis: A Rule Based Approach
Tanmoy Chakraborty | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

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Contrastive Filtering of Domain-Specific Multi-Word Terms from Different Types of Corpora
Francesca Bonin | Felice Dell’Orletta | Giulia Venturi | Simonetta Montemagni

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A Hybrid Approach for Functional Expression Identification in a Japanese Reading Assistant
Gregory Hazelbeck | Hiroaki Saito

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An Efficient, Generic Approach to Extracting Multi-Word Expressions from Dependency Trees
Scott Martens | Vincent Vandeghinste

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Multiword Expressions as Discourse Relation Markers (DRMs)
Aravind Joshi


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Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Syntax and Structure in Statistical Translation

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Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Syntax and Structure in Statistical Translation
Dekai Wu

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Intersecting Hierarchical and Phrase-Based Models of Translation: Formal Aspects and Algorithms
Marc Dymetman | Nicola Cancedda

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A Systematic Comparison between Inversion Transduction Grammar and Linear Transduction Grammar for Word Alignment
Markus Saers | Joakim Nivre | Dekai Wu

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Source-side Syntactic Reordering Patterns with Functional Words for Improved Phrase-based SMT
Jie Jiang | Jinhua Du | Andy Way

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Syntactic Constraints on Phrase Extraction for Phrase-Based Machine Translation
Hailong Cao | Andrew Finch | Eiichiro Sumita

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Phrase Based Decoding using a Discriminative Model
Prasanth Kolachina | Sriram Venkatapathy | Srinivas Bangalore | Sudheer Kolachina | Avinesh PVS

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Seeding Statistical Machine Translation with Translation Memory Output through Tree-Based Structural Alignment
Ventsislav Zhechev | Josef van Genabith

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Semantic vs. Syntactic vs. N-gram Structure for Machine Translation Evaluation
Chi-kiu Lo | Dekai Wu

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Arabic morpho-syntactic feature disambiguation in a translation context
Ines Turki Khemakhem | Salma Jamoussi | Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou

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A Discriminative Approach for Dependency Based Statistical Machine Translation
Sriram Venkatapathy | Rajeev Sangal | Aravind Joshi | Karthik Gali

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Improved Language Modeling for English-Persian Statistical Machine Translation
Mahsa Mohaghegh | Abdolhossein Sarrafzadeh | Tom Moir

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Manipuri-English Bidirectional Statistical Machine Translation Systems using Morphology and Dependency Relations
Thoudam Doren Singh | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

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A Discriminative Syntactic Model for Source Permutation via Tree Transduction
Maxim Khalilov | Khalil Sima’an

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HMM Word-to-Phrase Alignment with Dependency Constraints
Yanjun Ma | Andy Way

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New Parameterizations and Features for PSCFG-Based Machine Translation
Andreas Zollmann | Stephan Vogel

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Deep Syntax Language Models and Statistical Machine Translation
Yvette Graham | Josef van Genabith


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Proceedings of the Second Workshop on NLP Challenges in the Information Explosion Era (NLPIX 2010)

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Proceedings of the Second Workshop on NLP Challenges in the Information Explosion Era (NLPIX 2010)
Sadao Kurohashi | Takehito Utsuro

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Query Understanding in Web Search - by Large Scale Log Data Mining and Statistical Learning
Hang Li

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Exploiting Term Importance Categories and Dependency Relations for Natural Language Search
Keiji Shinzato | Sadao Kurohashi

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Summarizing Search Results using PLSI
Jun Harashima | Sadao Kurohashi

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Automatic Classification of Semantic Relations between Facts and Opinions
Koji Murakami | Eric Nichols | Junta Mizuno | Yotaro Watanabe | Hayato Goto | Megumi Ohki | Suguru Matsuyoshi | Kentaro Inui | Yuji Matsumoto

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Statistical Relational Learning for Knowledge Extraction from the Web
Hoifung Poon

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Even Unassociated Features Can Improve Lexical Distributional Similarity
Kazuhide Yamamoto | Takeshi Asakura

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A Look inside the Distributionally Similar Terms
Kow Kuroda | Jun’ichi Kazama | Kentaro Torisawa

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Utilizing Citations of Foreign Words in Corpus-Based Dictionary Generation
Reinhard Rapp | Michael Zock

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Large Corpus-based Semantic Feature Extraction for Pronoun Coreference
Shasha Liao | Ralph Grishman

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Mining Coreference Relations between Formulas and Text using Wikipedia
Minh Nghiem Quoc | Keisuke Yokoi | Yuichiroh Matsubayashi | Akiko Aizawa

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Adverse-Effect Relations Extraction from Massive Clinical Records
Yasuhide Miura | Eiji Aramaki | Tomoko Ohkuma | Masatsugu Tonoike | Daigo Sugihara | Hiroshi Masuichi | Kazuhiko Ohe


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Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access

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Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access
Sudeshna Sarkar | Min Zhang | Adam Lopez | Raghavendra Udupa

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Word Sense Disambiguation and IR
Pushpak Bhattacharyya

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Multiliguality at NTCIR, and moving on ...
Tetsuya Sakai

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Filtering news for epidemic surveillance: towards processing more languages with fewer resources
Gaël Lejeune | Antoine Doucet | Roman Yangarber | Nadine Lucas

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How to Get the Same News from Different Language News Papers
T. Pattabhi R. K Rao | Sobha Lalitha Devi

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The Noisier the Better: Identifying Multilingual Word Translations Using a Single Monolingual Corpus
Reinhard Rapp | Michael Zock | Andrew Trotman | Yue Xu

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Multi-Word Expression-Sensitive Word Alignment
Tsuyoshi Okita | Alfredo Maldonado Guerra | Yvette Graham | Andy Way

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Co-occurrence Graph Based Iterative Bilingual Lexicon Extraction From Comparable Corpora
Diptesh Chatterjee | Sudeshna Sarkar | Arpit Mishra

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A Voting Mechanism for Named Entity Translation in English–Chinese Question Answering
Ling-Xiang Tang | Shlomo Geva | Andrew Trotman | Yue Xu

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Ontology driven content extraction using interlingual annotation of texts in the OMNIA project
Achille Falaise | David Rouquet | Didier Schwab | Hervé Blanchon | Christian Boitet

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Towards multi-lingual summarization: A comparative analysis of sentence extraction methods on English and Hebrew corpora
Marina Litvak | Mark Last | Slava Kisilevich | Daniel Keim | Hagay Lipman | Assaf Ben Gur

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More Languages, More MAP?: A Study of Multiple Assisting Languages in Multilingual PRF
Vishal Vachhani | Manoj Chinnakotla | Mitesh Khapra | Pushpak Bhattacharyya

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Multilinguization and Personalization of NL-based Systems
Najeh Hajlaoui | Christian Boitet


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CIPS-SIGHAN Joint Conference on Chinese Language Processing

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CIPS-SIGHAN Joint Conference on Chinese Language Processing

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Word Segmentation needs change- From a linguist’s view
Zhendong Dong | Qiang Dong | Changling Hao

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Textual Emotion Processing From Event Analysis
Chu-Ren Huang | Ying Chen | Sophia Yat Mei Lee

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Classical Chinese Sentence Segmentation
Hen-Hsen Huang | Chuen-Tsai Sun | Hsin-Hsi Chen

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On Generalized-Topic-Based Chinese Discourse Structure
Rou Song | Yuru Jiang | Jingyi Wang

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Semantic Computing and Language Knowledge Bases
Lei Wang | Shiwen Yu

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Semantic class induction and its application for a Chinese voice search system
Yali Li | Weiqun Xu | Yonghong Yan

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Reducing the False Alarm Rate of Chinese Character Error Detection and Correction
Shih-Hung Wu | Yong-Zhi Chen | Ping-che Yang | Tsun Ku | Chao-Lin Liu

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Automatic Identification of Chinese Event Descriptive Clause
Liou Chen | Qiang Zhou

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Bigram HMM with Context Distribution Clustering for Unsupervised Chinese Part-of-Speech tagging
Lidan Zhang | Kwok-Ping Chan | Chunyu Kit | Dongfeng Cai

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Mining Large-scale Parallel Corpora from Multilingual Patents: An English-Chinese example and its application to SMT
Bin Lu | Benjamin K. Tsou | Tao Jiang | Oi Yee Kwong | Jingbo Zhu

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Studies on Automatic Recognition of Common Chinese Adverb’s usages Based on Statistics Methods
Hongying Zan | Junhui Zhang | Xuefeng Zhu | Shiwen Yu

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Automatic Identification of Predicate Heads in Chinese Sentences
Xiaona Ren | Qiaoli Zhou | Chunyu Kit | Dongfeng Cai

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Selecting Optimal Feature Template Subset for CRFs
Xingjun Xu | Guanglu Sun | Yi Guan | Xishuang Dong | Sheng Li

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A Statistical NLP Approach for Feature and Sentiment Identification from Chinese Reviews
Zhen Hai | Kuiyu Chang | Qinbao Song | Jung-jae Kim

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Exploring Deep Belief Network for Chinese Relation Extraction
Yu Chen | Wenjie Li | Yan Liu | Dequan Zheng | Tiejun Zhao

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Exploring English Lexicon Knowledge for Chinese Sentiment Analysis
Yulan He | Harith Alani | Deyu Zhou

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Exploiting Social Q&A Collection in Answering Complex Questions
Youzheng Wu | Kawai Hisashi

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Treebank of Chinese Bible Translations
Andi Wu

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Using Topic Sentiment Sentences to Recognize Sentiment Polarity in Chinese Reviews
Jiang Yang | Min Hou

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The Method of Improving the Specific Language Focused Crawler
Shan-Bin Chan | Hayato Yamana

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Active Learning Based Corpus Annotation
Hongyan Song | Tianfang Yao | Chunyu Kit | Dongfeng Cai

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Improving Chinese Word Segmentation by Adopting Self-Organized Maps of Character N-gram
Chongyang Zhang | Zhigang Chen | Guoping Hu

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CMDMC: A Diachronic Digital Museum of Chinese Mandarin
Min Hou | Yu Zou | Yonglin Teng | Wei He | Yan Wang | Jun Liu | Jiyuan Wu

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Kazakh Segmentation System of Inflectional Affixes
Gulila Altenbek | Xiao-long Wang

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Space characters in Chinese semi-structured texts
Rongzhou Shen | Claire Grover | Ewan Klein

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The CIPS-SIGHAN CLP2010 Chinese Word Segmentation Backoff
Hongmei Zhao | Qiu Liu

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A Multi-layer Chinese Word Segmentation System Optimized for Out-of-domain Tasks
Qin Gao | Stephan Vogel

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HMM Revises Low Marginal Probability by CRF for Chinese Word Segmentation
Degen Huang | Deqin Tong | Yanyan Luo

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A Chinese Word Segmentation System Based on Structured Support Vector Machine Utilization of Unlabeled Text Corpus
Chongyang Zhang | Zhigang Chen | Guoping Hu

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Chinese Word Segmentation with Conditional Support Vector Inspired Markov Models
Yu-Chieh Wu | Jie-Chi Yang | Yue-Shi Lee

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A Boundary-Oriented Chinese Segmentation Method Using N-Gram Mutual Information
Ling-Xiang Tang | Shlomo Geva | Andrew Trotman | Yue Xu

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Adaptive Chinese Word Segmentation with Online Passive-Aggressive Algorithm
Wenjun Gao | Xipeng Qiu | Xuanjing Huang

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A Character-Based Joint Model for CIPS-SIGHAN Word Segmentation Bakeoff 2010
Kun Wang | Chengqing Zong | Keh-Yih Su

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Incorporating New Words Detection with Chinese Word Segmentation
Hua-Ping Zhang | Jian Gao | Qian Mo | He-Yan Huang

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High OOV-Recall Chinese Word Segmenter
Xiaoming Xu | Muhua Zhu | Xiaoxu Fei | Jingbo Zhu

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Chinese word segmentation model using bootstrapping
Baobao Chang | Mansur Mairgup

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CRF-based Experiments for Cross-Domain Chinese Word Segmentation at CIPS-SIGHAN-2010
Xiao Qin | Liang Zong | Yuqian Wu | Xiaojun Wan | Jianwu Yang

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Term Contributed Boundary Tagging by Conditional Random Fields for SIGHAN 2010 Chinese Word Segmentation Bakeoff
Tian-Jian Jiang | Shih-Hung Liu | Cheng-Lung Sung | Wen-Lian Hsu

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Chinese Word Segmentation based on Mixing Multiple Preprocessor and CRF
Jianping Shen | Xuan Wang | Hainan Zhao | Wenxiao Zhang

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A domain adaption Word Segmenter For Sighan Backoff 2010
Jiang Guo | Wenjie Su | Yangsen Zhang

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An Double Hidden HMM and an CRF for Segmentation Tasks with Pinyin’s Finals
Huixing Jiang | Zhe Dong

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Combining Character-Based and Subsequence-Based Tagging for Chinese Word Segmentation
Jiangde Yu | Chuan Gu | Wenying Ge

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Chinese Syntactic Parsing Evaluation
Qiang Zhou | Jingbo Zhu

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Discriminative Parse Reranking for Chinese with Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Annotations
Weiwei Sun | Rui Wang | Yi Zhang

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The SAU Report for the 1st CIPS-SIGHAN-ParsEval-2010
Qiaoli Zhou | Wenjing Lang | Yingying Wang | Yan Wang | Dongfeng Cai

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Dependency Parser for Chinese Constituent Parsing
Xuezhe Ma | Xiaotian Zhang | Hai Zhao | Bao-Liang Lu

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Technical Report of the CCID System for the 2th Evaluation on Chinese Parsing
Guangfan Sun

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CRF tagging for head recognition based on Stanford parser
Yong Cheng | Chengjie Sun | Bingquan Liu | Lei Lin

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Treebank Conversion based Self-training Strategy for Parsing
Zhiguo Wang | Chengqing Zong

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A Chinese LPCFG Parser with Hybrid Character Information
Wenzhi Xu | Chaobo Sun | Caixia Yuan

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Complete Syntactic Analysis Bases on Multi-level Chunking
Zhipeng Jiang | Yu Zhao | Yi Guan | Chao Li | Sheng Li

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The Chinese Persons Name Diambiguation Evaluation: Exploration of Personal Name Disambiguation in Chinese News
Ying Chen | Peng Jin | Wenjie Li | Chu-Ren Huang

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A Multi-stage Clustering Framework for Chinese Personal Name Disambiguation
Huizhen Wang | Haibo Ding | Yingchao Shi | Ji Ma | Xiao Zhou | Jingbo Zhu

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Combine Person Name and Person Identity Recognition and Document Clustering for Chinese Person Name Disambiguation
Ruifeng Xu | Jun Xu | Xiangying Dai | Chunyu Kit

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A Pipeline Approach to Chinese Personal Name Disambiguation
Yang Song | Zhengyan He | Chen Chen | Houfeng Wang

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Chinese Personal Name Disambiguation: Technical Report of Natural Language Processing Lab of Xiamen University
Xiang Zhu | Xiaodong Shi | Ningfeng Liu | YingMei Guo | Yidong Chen

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Chinese Personal Name Disambiguation Based on Person Modeling
Hua-Ping Zhang | Zhi-Hua Liu | Qian Mo | He-Yan Huang

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Jumping Distance based Chinese Person Name Disambiguation
Yu Hong | Fei Pei | Yue-hui Yang | Jian-min Yao | Qiao-ming Zhu

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Research of People Disambiguation by Combining Multiple knowledges
Erlei Ma | Yuanchao Liu

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DLUT: Chinese Personal Name Disambiguation with Rich Features
Dongliang Wang | Degen Huang

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Person Name Disambiguation based on Topic Model
Jiashen Sun | Tianmin Wang | Li Li | Xing Wu

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PRIS at Chinese Language Processing
Jiayue Zhang | Yichao Cai | Si Li | Weiran Xu | Jun Guo

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Overview of the Chinese Word Sense Induction Task at CLP2010
Le Sun | Zhenzhong Zhang | Qiang Dong

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Chinese Word Sense Induction with Basic Clustering Algorithms
Yuxiang Jia | Shiwen Yu | Zhengyan Chen

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Triplet-Based Chinese Word Sense Induction
Zhao Liu | Xipeng Qiu | Xuanjing Huang

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Word Sense Induction using Cluster Ensemble
Bichuan Zhang | Jiashen Sun

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LSTC System for Chinese Word Sense Induction
Peng Jin | Yihao Zhang | Rui Sun

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NEUNLPLab Chinese Word Sense Induction System for SIGHAN Bakeoff 2010
Hao Zhang | Tong Xiao | Jingbo Zhu

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Chinese Word Sense Induction based on Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm
Ke Cai | Xiaodong Shi | Yidong Chen | Zhehuang Huang | Yan Gao

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ISCAS: A System for Chinese Word Sense Induction Based on K-means Algorithm
Zhenzhong Zhang | Le Sun | Wenbo Li

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Soochow University: Description and Analysis of the Chinese Word Sense Induction System for CLP2010
Hua Xu | Bing Liu | Longhua Qian | Guodong Zhou

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K-means and Graph-based Approaches for Chinese Word Sense Induction Task
Lisha Wang | Yanzhao Dou | Xiaoling Sun | Hongfei Lin

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Applying Spectral Clustering for Chinese Word Sense Induction
Zhengyan He | Yang Song | Houfeng Wang


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Proceedings of the 6th International Natural Language Generation Conference

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Proceedings of the 6th International Natural Language Generation Conference
John Kelleher | Brian Mac Namee | Ielka van der Sluis

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Comparing Rating Scales and Preference Judgements in Language Evaluation
Anja Belz | Eric Kow

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A Discourse-Aware Graph-Based Content-Selection Framework
Seniz Demir | Sandra Carberry | Kathleen F. McCoy

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Generating Referring Expressions with Reference Domain Theory
Alexandre Denis

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Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Text Generation
Nina Dethlefs | Heriberto Cuayáhuitl

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Tense and Aspect Assignment in Narrative Discourse
David Elson | Kathleen McKeown

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Textual Properties and Task-based Evaluation: Investigating the Role of Surface Properties, Structure and Content
Albert Gatt | François Portet

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Situated Reference in a Hybrid Human-Robot Interaction System
Manuel Giuliani | Mary Ellen Foster | Amy Isard | Colin Matheson | Jon Oberlander | Alois Knoll

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Towards a Programmable Instrumented Generator
Chris Mellish

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Using Semantic Web Technology to Support NLG. Case Study: OWL finds RAGS
Chris Mellish

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Natural Reference to Objects in a Visual Domain
Margaret Mitchell | Kees van Deemter | Ehud Reiter

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Generating and Validating Abstracts of Meeting Conversations: a User Study
Gabriel Murray | Giuseppe Carenini | Raymond Ng

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Charting the Potential of Description Logic for the Generation of Referring Expressions
Yuan Ren | Kees van Deemter | Jeff Z. Pan

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Complex Lexico-syntactic Reformulation of Sentences Using Typed Dependency Representations
Advaith Siddharthan

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Towards an Extrinsic Evaluation of Referring Expressions in Situated Dialogs
Philipp Spanger | Ryu Iida | Takenobu Tokunaga | Asuka Terai | Naoko Kuriyama

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Harvesting Re-usable High-level Rules for Expository Dialogue Generation
Svetlana Stoyanchev | Paul Piwek

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Feature Selection for Fluency Ranking
Daniël de Kok

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Extracting Parallel Fragments from Comparable Corpora for Data-to-text Generation
Anja Belz | Eric Kow

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Generating Natural Language Descriptions of Z Test Cases
Maximiliano Cristiá | Brian Plüss

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Applying Semantic Frame Theory to Automate Natural Language Template Generation From Ontology Statements
Dana Dannélls

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‘If you’ve heard it, you can say it’ - Towards an Account of Expressibility
David D. McDonald | Charlie Greenbacker

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Cross-linguistic Attribute Selection for REG: Comparing Dutch and English
Mariët Theune | Ruud Koolen | Emiel Krahmer

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Grouping Axioms for More Coherent Ontology Descriptions
Sandra Williams | Richard Power

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Paraphrase Generation as Monolingual Translation: Data and Evaluation
Sander Wubben | Antal van den Bosch | Emiel Krahmer

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Anchor-Progression in Spatially Situated Discourse: a Production Experiment
Hendrik Zender | Christopher Koppermann | Fai Greeve | Geert-Jan Kruijff

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Generation Challenges 2010 Preface
Anja Belz | Albert Gatt | Alexander Koller

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The GREC Challenges 2010: Overview and Evaluation Results
Anja Belz | Eric Kow

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Named Entity Generation Using Sampling-based Structured Prediction
Guillaume Bouchard

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Poly-co: An Unsupervised Co-reference Detection System
Éric Charton | Michel Gagnon | Benoit Ozell

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JU_CSE_GREC10: Named Entity Generation at GREC 2010
Amitava Das | Tanik Saikh | Tapabrata Mondal | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay

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The UMUS System for Named Entity Generation at GREC 2010
Benoit Favre | Bernd Bohnet

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UDel: Refining a Method of Named Entity Generation
Charles Greenbacker | Nicole Sparks | Kathleen McCoy | Che-Yu Kuo

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UDel: Named Entity Recognition and Reference Regeneration from Surface Text
Nicole Sparks | Charles Greenbacker | Kathleen McCoy | Che-Yu Kuo

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Report on the Second NLG Challenge on Generating Instructions in Virtual Environments (GIVE-2)
Alexander Koller | Kristina Striegnitz | Andrew Gargett | Donna Byron | Justine Cassell | Robert Dale | Johanna Moore | Jon Oberlander

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The First Question Generation Shared Task Evaluation Challenge
Vasile Rus | Brendan Wyse | Paul Piwek | Mihai Lintean | Svetlana Stoyanchev | Christian Moldovan

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Generation Under Uncertainty
Oliver Lemon | Srini Janarthanam | Verena Rieser

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Helping Our Own: Text Massaging for Computational Linguistics as a New Shared Task
Robert Dale | Adam Kilgarriff

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Finding Common Ground: Towards a Surface Realisation Shared Task
Anja Belz | Mike White | Josef van Genabith | Deirdre Hogan | Amanda Stent

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Author Index


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Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2010 Conference

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Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2010 Conference
Yasuhiro Katagiri | Mikio Nakano

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Towards Incremental Speech Generation in Dialogue Systems
Gabriel Skantze | Anna Hjalmarsson

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Comparing Local and Sequential Models for Statistical Incremental Natural Language Understanding
Silvan Heintze | Timo Baumann | David Schlangen

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Dynamic Adaptation in Dialog Systems
Marilyn Walker

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Modeling User Satisfaction Transitions in Dialogues from Overall Ratings
Ryuichiro Higashinaka | Yasuhiro Minami | Kohji Dohsaka | Toyomi Meguro

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Evaluation Metrics For End-to-End Coreference Resolution Systems
Jie Cai | Michael Strube

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Probabilistic Ontology Trees for Belief Tracking in Dialog Systems
Neville Mehta | Rakesh Gupta | Antoine Raux | Deepak Ramachandran | Stefan Krawczyk

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‘How was your day?’ An architecture for multimodal ECA systems
Raúl Santos de la Cámara | Markku Turunen | Jaakko Hakulinen | Debora Field

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Middleware for Incremental Processing in Conversational Agents
David Schlangen | Timo Baumann | Hendrik Buschmeier | Okko Buß | Stefan Kopp | Gabriel Skantze | Ramin Yaghoubzadeh

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Towards Semi-Supervised Classification of Discourse Relations using Feature Correlations
Hugo Hernault | Danushka Bollegala | Mitsuru Ishizuka

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Using entity features to classify implicit discourse relations
Annie Louis | Aravind Joshi | Rashmi Prasad | Ani Nenkova

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Same and Elaboration Relations in the Discourse Graphbank
Irina Borisova | Gisela Redeker

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Negotiating causal implicatures
Luciana Benotti | Patrick Blackburn

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Presupposition Accommodation as Exception Handling
Philippe de Groote | Ekaterina Lebedeva

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Exploring the Effectiveness of Lexical Ontologies for Modeling Temporal Relations with Markov Logic
Eun Y. Ha | Alok Baikadi | Carlyle Licata | Bradford Mott | James Lester

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Reference reversibility with Reference Domain Theory
Alexandre Denis

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Utilizing Review Summarization in a Spoken Recommendation System
Jingjing Liu | Stephanie Seneff | Victor Zue

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Dialogue Management Based on Entities and Constraints
Yushi Xu | Stephanie Seneff

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Towards Improving the Naturalness of Social Conversations with Dialogue Systems
Matthew Marge | João Miranda | Alan Black | Alexander Rudnicky

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Route Communication in Dialogue: a Matter of Principles
Theodora Koulouri | Stanislao Lauria

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The Impact of Dimensionality on Natural Language Route Directions in Unconstrained Dialogue
Vivien Mast | Jan Smeddinck | Anna Strotseva | Thora Tenbrink

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Learning Dialogue Strategies from Older and Younger Simulated Users
Kallirroi Georgila | Maria Wolters | Johanna Moore

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Sparse Approximate Dynamic Programming for Dialog Management
Senthilkumar Chandramohan | Matthieu Geist | Olivier Pietquin

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Parameter estimation for agenda-based user simulation
Simon Keizer | Milica Gašić | Filip Jurčíček | François Mairesse | Blaise Thomson | Kai Yu | Steve Young

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Adaptive Referring Expression Generation in Spoken Dialogue Systems: Evaluation with Real Users
Srinivasan Janarthanam | Oliver Lemon

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A unified account of the semantics of discourse particles
Markus Egg

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The Effects of Discourse Connectives Prediction on Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition
Zhi Min Zhou | Man Lan | Zheng Yu Niu | Yu Xu | Jian Su

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Discourse indicators for content selection in summarization
Annie Louis | Aravind Joshi | Ani Nenkova

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Comparing Spoken Language Route Instructions for Robots across Environment Representations
Matthew Marge | Alexander Rudnicky

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The Dynamics of Action Corrections in Situated Interaction
Antoine Raux | Mikio Nakano

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Understanding Humans by Building Androids
Hiroshi Ishiguro

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Non-humanlike Spoken Dialogue: A Design Perspective
Kotaro Funakoshi | Mikio Nakano | Kazuki Kobayashi | Takanori Komatsu | Seiji Yamada

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Enhanced Monitoring Tools and Online Dialogue Optimisation Merged into a New Spoken Dialogue System Design Experience
Ghislain Putois | Romain Laroche | Philippe Bretier

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Don’t tell anyone! Two Experiments on Gossip Conversations
Jenny Brusk | Ron Artstein | David Traum

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Gaussian Processes for Fast Policy Optimisation of POMDP-based Dialogue Managers
Milica Gašić | Filip Jurčíček | Simon Keizer | Francois Mairesse | Blaise Thomson | Kai Yu | Steve Young

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Coherent Back-Channel Feedback Tagging of In-Car Spoken Dialogue Corpus
Yuki Kamiya | Tomohiro Ohno | Shigeki Matsubara

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Representing Uncertainty about Complex User Goals in Statistical Dialogue Systems
Paul A. Crook | Oliver Lemon

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Investigating Clarification Strategies in a Hybrid POMDP Dialog Manager
Sebastian Varges | Silvia Quarteroni | Giuseppe Riccardi | Alexei Ivanov

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Cooperative User Models in Statistical Dialog Simulators
Meritxell González | Silvia Quarteroni | Giuseppe Riccardi | Sebastian Varges

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Modeling Spoken Decision Making Dialogue and Optimization of its Dialogue Strategy
Teruhisa Misu | Komei Sugiura | Kiyonori Ohtake | Chiori Hori | Hideki Kashioka | Hisashi Kawai | Satoshi Nakamura

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The vocal intensity of turn-initial cue phrases in dialogue
Anna Hjalmarsson

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Pamini: A framework for assembling mixed-initiative human-robot interaction from generic interaction patterns
Julia Peltason | Britta Wrede

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Collaborating on Utterances with a Spoken Dialogue System Using an ISU-based Approach to Incremental Dialogue Management
Okko Buß | Timo Baumann | David Schlangen

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Cross-Domain Speech Disfluency Detection
Kallirroi Georgila | Ning Wang | Jonathan Gratch

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Validation of a Dialog System for Language Learners
Alicia Sagae | W. Lewis Johnson | Stephen Bodnar

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I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: An empirical investigation of the upper bound of the selection approach to dialogue
Sudeep Gandhe | David Traum

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Autism and Interactional Aspects of Dialogue
Peter Heeman | Rebecca Lunsford | Ethan Selfridge | Lois Black | Jan van Santen

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Detection of time-pressure induced stress in speech via acoustic indicators
Matthew Frampton | Sandeep Sripada | Ricardo Augusto Hoffmann Bion | Stanley Peters

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How to Drink from a Fire Hose: One Person Can Annoscribe One Million Utterances in One Month
David Suendermann | Jackson Liscombe | Roberto Pieraccini

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Advances in the Witchcraft Workbench Project
Alexander Schmitt | Wolfgang Minker | Nada Sharaf

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MPOWERS: a Multi Points Of VieW Evaluation Refine Studio
Marianne Laurent | Philippe Bretier

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Statistical Dialog Management Methodologies for Real Applications
David Griol | Zoraida Callejas | Ramón López-Cózar

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YouBot: A Simple Framework for Building Virtual Networking Agents
Seiji Takegata | Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii

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‘How was your day?’ An affective companion ECA prototype
Marc Cavazza | Raúl Santos de la Cámara | Markku Turunen | José Relaño Gil | Jaakko Hakulinen | Nigel Crook | Debora Field

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F2 - New Technique for Recognition of User Emotional States in Spoken Dialogue Systems
Ramón López-Cózar | Jan Silovsky | David Griol

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Online Error Detection of Barge-In Utterances by Using Individual Users’ Utterance Histories in Spoken Dialogue System
Kazunori Komatani | Hiroshi G. Okuno

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Dialogue Act Modeling in a Complex Task-Oriented Domain
Kristy Boyer | Eun Y. Ha | Robert Phillips | Michael Wallis | Mladen Vouk | James Lester

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Hand Gestures in Disambiguating Types of You Expressions in Multiparty Meetings
Tyler Baldwin | Joyce Chai | Katrin Kirchhoff

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User-adaptive Coordination of Agent Communicative Behavior in Spoken Dialogue
Kohji Dohsaka | Atsushi Kanemoto | Ryuichiro Higashinaka | Yasuhiro Minami | Eisaku Maeda

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Towards an Empirically Motivated Typology of Follow-Up Questions: The Role of Dialogue Context
Manuel Kirschner | Raffaella Bernardi

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Assessing the effectiveness of conversational features for dialogue segmentation in medical team meetings and in the AMI corpus
Saturnino Luz | Jing Su


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Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammar and Related Frameworks (TAG+10)

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Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammar and Related Frameworks (TAG+10)
Srinivas Bangalore | Robert Frank | Maribel Romero

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Incremental Parsing in Bounded Memory
William Schuler

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Non-local Right Node Raising: an Analysis using Delayed Tree-Local MC-TAG
Chung-hye Han | David Potter | Dennis Ryan Storoshenko

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Unifying Adjunct Islands and Freezing Effects in Minimalist Grammars
Tim Hunter

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Reevaluating Gapping in CCG: Evidence from English & Chinese
Nathaniel Little

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Well-Nested Tree Languages and Attributed Tree Transducers
Uwe Mönnich

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On Calculus of Displacement
Glyn Morrill | Oriol Valentín

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Unavoidable Ill-nestedness in Natural Language and the Adequacy of Tree Local-MCTAG Induced Dependency Structures
Joan Chen-Main | Aravind K. Joshi

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Generating LTAG grammars from a lexicon/ontology interface
Christina Unger | Felix Hieber | Philipp Cimiano

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Restricting Inverse Scope in STAG
Michael Freedman | Robert Frank

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Surprisal Derives the Recent Filler Heuristic in Mildly Context Sensitive Grammars
Kyle Grove

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From Partial VP Fronting towards Spinal TT-MCTAG
Timm Lichte

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Gapping through TAG derivation trees
Timm Lichte | Laura Kallmeyer

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Control Verb, Argument Cluster Coordination and Multi Component TAG
Djamé Seddah | Benoit Sagot | Laurence Danlos

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Building factorized TAGs with meta-grammars
Éric Villemonte de la Clergerie

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Discontinuity and Non-Projectivity: Using Mildly Context-Sensitive Formalisms for Data-Driven Parsing
Wolfgang Maier | Laura Kallmeyer

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Sentence Generation as Planning with Probabilistic LTAG
Daniel Bauer | Alexander Koller

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Cosubstitution, Derivational Locality, and Quantifier Scope
Chris Barker

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Binding Variables in English: An Analysis Using Delayed Tree Locality
Dennis Ryan Storoshenko | Chung-hye Han

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TAG Analysis of Turkish Long Distance Dependencies
Elif Eyigöz

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A TAG-derived Database for Treebank Search and Parser Analysis
Seth Kulick | Ann Bies

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Automated Extraction of Tree Adjoining Grammars from a Treebank for Vietnamese
Phuong Le-Hong | Thi Minh Huyen Nguyen | Phuong Thai Nguyen | Azim Roussanaly