Other Workshops and Events (2006)



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Proceedings of the 15th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2005)

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Proceedings of the 15th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2005)
Stefan Werner

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Robust stochastic parsing: Comparing and combining two approaches for processing extra-grammatical sentences
Marita Ailomaa | Vladimír Kadlec | Martin Rajman | Jean-Cédric Chappelier

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A new semantic similarity measure evaluated in word sense disambiguation
Ergin Altintas | Elif Karsligil | Vedat Coskun

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Reformulations of Finnish questions for question answering
Lili Aunimo | Reeta Kuuskoski

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Dictionary acquisition using parallel text and co-occurrence statistics
Chris Biemann | Uwe Quasthoff

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The influence of written task descriptions in Wizard of Oz experiments
Heidi Brøseth

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Improving search engine retrieval using a compound splitter for Swedish
Hercules Dalianis

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Improbable morphological forms in a computational lexicon
Kristin Hagen | Lars Nygaard

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A generic architecture for data-driven dependency parsing
Johan Hall | Joakim Nivre

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The ‘Specifier’ in an HPSG grammar implementation of Norwegian
Lars Hellan | Dorothee Beermann

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LiSa–morphological analysis for information retrieval
Hans Hjelm | Christoph Schwarz

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Creating bilingual lexica using reference wordlists for alignment of monolingual semantic vector spaces
Jon Holmlund | Magnus Sahlgren | Jussi Karlgren

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Naive Bayes spam filtering using word-position-based attributes and length-sensitive classification thresholds
Johan Hovold

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An analytical relation between analogical modeling and memory based learning
Christer Johansson | Lars G. Johnsen

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Dependency treebanks: methods, annotation schemes and tools
Tuomo Kakkonen

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Free construction of a free Swedish dictionary of synonyms
Viggo Kann | Magnus Rosell

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Compound terms and their constituent elements in information retrieval
Jussi Karlgren

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Synthetic regional Danish
Bodil Kyst | Peter Juel Henrichsen

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Compounds and other oddities in machine translation
Hanne Moa

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Towards modeling the semantics of calendar expressions as extended regular expressions
Jyrki Niemi | Lauri Carlson

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SUiS–cross-language ontology-driven information retrieval in a restricted domain
Kristina Nilsson | Hans Hjelm | Henrik Oxhammar

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Towards automatic recognition of product names: an exploratory study of brand names in economic texts
Kristina Nilsson | Aisha Malmgren

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Detecting reference chains in Norwegian
Anders Nøklestad | Christer Johansson

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Mapping product descriptions to a large ontology
Henrik Oxhammar

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The impact of phrases in document clustering for Swedish
Magnus Rosell | Sumithra Velupillai

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Chunking: an unsupervised method to find errors in text
Jonas Sjöbergh

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DanPO–a transcription-based dictionary for Danish speech technology
Peter Rossen Skadhauge | Peter Juel Henrichsen

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Functionality in grammar design
Anders Søgaard | Petter Haugereid

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Optimizing the finite-state description of Estonian morphology
Heli Uibo

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Rigorous dimensionality reduction through linguistically motivated feature selection for text categorization
Hans Friedrich Witschel | Chris Biemann


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Proceedings of the Fifth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing

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Proceedings of the Fifth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing
Hwee Tou Ng | Olivia O.Y. Kwong

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Improving Context Vector Models by Feature Clustering for Automatic Thesaurus Construction
Jia-Ming You | Keh-Jiann Chen

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Regional Variation of Domain-Specific Lexical Items: Toward a Pan-Chinese Lexical Resource
Oi Yee Kwong | Benjamin K. Tsou

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Mining Atomic Chinese Abbreviation Pairs: A Probabilistic Model for Single Character Word Recovery
Jing-Shin Chang | Wei-Lun Teng

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Features, Bagging, and System Combination for the Chinese POS Tagging Task
Fei Xia | Lap Cheung

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Semantic Analysis of Chinese Garden-Path Sentences
Yaohong Jin

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A Clustering Approach for Unsupervised Chinese Coreference Resolution
Chi-shing Wang | Grace Ngai

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Latent Features in Automatic Tense Translation between Chinese and English
Yang Ye | Victoria Li Fossum | Steven Abney

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Cluster-Based Language Model for Sentence Retrieval in Chinese Question Answering
Youzheng Wu | Jun Zhao | Bo Xu

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The Role of Lexical Resources in CJK Natural Language Processing
Jack Halpern

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Hybrid Models for Chinese Named Entity Recognition
Lishuang Li | Tingting Mao | Degen Huang | Yuansheng Yang

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Realization of the Chinese BA-construction in an English-Chinese Machine Translation System
Xiaohong Wu | Sylviane Cardey | Peter Greenfield

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A Hybrid Approach to Chinese Base Noun Phrase Chunking
Fang Xu | Chengqing Zong | Jun Zhao

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A SVM-Based Model for Chinese Functional Chunk Parsing
Yingze Zhao | Qiang Zhou

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Broadcast Audio and Video Bimodal Corpus Exploitation and Application
Yu Zou | Min Hou | Yudong Chen | Fengguo Hu | Li Fu

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The Third International Chinese Language Processing Bakeoff: Word Segmentation and Named Entity Recognition
Gina-Anne Levow

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Chinese Named Entity Recognition with Conditional Random Fields
Wenliang Chen | Yujie Zhang | Hitoshi Isahara

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France Telecom R&D Beijing Word Segmenter for Sighan Bakeoff 2006
Wu Liu | Heng Li | Yuan Dong | Nan He | Haitao Luo | Haila Wang

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Voting between Dictionary-Based and Subword Tagging Models for Chinese Word Segmentation
Dong Song | Anoop Sarkar

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BMM-Based Chinese Word Segmentor with Word Support Model for the SIGHAN Bakeoff 2006
Jia-Lin Tsai

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On Closed Task of Chinese Word Segmentation: An Improved CRF Model Coupled with Character Clustering and Automatically Generated Template Matching
Richard Tzong-Han Tsai | Hsieh-Chuan Hung | Cheng-Lung Sung | Hong-Jie Dai | Wen-Lian Hsu

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Chinese Word Segmentation with Maximum Entropy and N-gram Language Model
Xinhao Wang | Xiaojun Lin | Dianhai Yu | Hao Tian | Xihong Wu

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On Using Ensemble Methods for Chinese Named Entity Recognition
Chia-Wei Wu | Shyh-Yi Jan | Richard Tzong-Han Tsai | Wen-Lian Hsu

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Chinese Word Segmentation and Named Entity Recognition by Character Tagging
Kun Yu | Sadao Kurohashi | Hao Liu | Toshiaki Nakazawa

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Boosting for Chinese Named Entity Recognition
Xiaofeng Yu | Marine Carpuat | Dekai Wu

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Chinese Word Segmentation and Named Entity Recognition Based on a Context-Dependent Mutual Information Independence Model
Min Zhang | GuoDong Zhou | LingPeng Yang | DongHong Ji

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Word Segmentation and Named Entity Recognition for SIGHAN Bakeoff3
Suxiang Zhang | Ying Qin | Juan Wen | Xiaojie Wang

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An Improved Chinese Word Segmentation System with Conditional Random Field
Hai Zhao | Chang-Ning Huang | Mu Li

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Chinese Word Segmentation Using Various Dictionaries
Guo-Wei Bian

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Character Language Models for Chinese Word Segmentation and Named Entity Recognition
Bob Carpenter

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Chinese Named Entity Recognition with Conditional Probabilistic Models
Aitao Chen | Fuchun Peng | Roy Shan | Gordon Sun

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POC-NLW Template for Chinese Word Segmentation
Bo Chen | Weiran Xu | Tao Peng | Jun Guo

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Chinese Word Segmentation and Named Entity Recognition Based on Conditional Random Fields Models
Yuanyong Feng | Le Sun | Yuanhua Lv

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Maximum Entropy Word Segmentation of Chinese Text
Aaron J. Jacobs | Yuk Wah Wong

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A Pragmatic Chinese Word Segmentation System
Wei Jiang | Yi Guan | Xiao-Long Wang

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NetEase Automatic Chinese Word Segmentation
Xin Li | Shuaixiang Dai

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N-gram Based Two-Step Algorithm for Word Segmentation
Dong-Hee Lim | Kyu-Baek Hwang | Seung-Shik Kang

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Chinese Word Segmentation Based on an Approach of Maximum Entropy Modeling
Yan Song | Jiaqing Guo | Dongfeng Cai

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Using Part-of-Speech Reranking to Improve Chinese Word Segmentation
Mengqiu Wang | Yanxin Shi

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Description of the NCU Chinese Word Segmentation and Named Entity Recognition System for SIGHAN Bakeoff 2006
Yu-Chieh Wu | Jie-Chi Yang | Qian-Xiang Lin

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Chinese Named Entity Recognition with a Multi-Phase Model
Junsheng Zhou | Liang He | Xinyu Dai | Jiajun Chen

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Designing Special Post-Processing Rules for SVM-Based Chinese Word Segmentation
Muhua Zhu | Yilin Wang | Zhenxing Wang | Huizhen Wang | Jingbo Zhu


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Proceedings of the Workshop on Frontiers in Linguistically Annotated Corpora 2006

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Proceedings of the Workshop on Frontiers in Linguistically Annotated Corpora 2006
Timothy Baldwin | Francis Bond | Adam Meyers | Shigeko Nariyama

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Challenges for Annotating Images for Sense Disambiguation
Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm | Nicolas Loeff | David A. Forsyth

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A Semi-Automatic Method for Annotating a Biomedical Proposition Bank
Wen-Chi Chou | Richard Tzong-Han Tsai | Ying-Shan Su | Wei Ku | Ting-Yi Sung | Wen-Lian Hsu

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How and Where do People Fail with Time: Temporal Reference Mapping Annotation by Chinese and English Bilinguals
Yang Ye | Steven Abney

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Probing the Space of Grammatical Variation: Induction of Cross-Lingual Grammatical Constraints from Treebanks
Felice Dell’Orletta | Alessandro Lenci | Simonetta Montemagni | Vito Pirrelli

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Frontiers in Linguistic Annotation for Lower-Density Languages
Mike Maxwell | Baden Hughes

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Annotation Compatibility Working Group Report
Adam Meyers

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Manual Annotation of Opinion Categories in Meetings
Swapna Somasundaran | Janyce Wiebe | Paul Hoffmann | Diane Litman

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The Hinoki Sensebank — A Large-Scale Word Sense Tagged Corpus of Japanese —
Takaaki Tanaka | Francis Bond | Sanae Fujita

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Issues in Synchronizing the English Treebank and PropBank
Olga Babko-Malaya | Ann Bies | Ann Taylor | Szuting Yi | Martha Palmer | Mitch Marcus | Seth Kulick | Libin Shen

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On Distance between Deep Syntax and Semantic Representation
Václav Novák

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Corpus Annotation by Generation
Elke Teich | John A. Bateman | Richard Eckart

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Constructing an English Valency Lexicon
Jiří Semecký | Silvie Cinková


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Proceedings of the Workshop on Multilingual Language Resources and Interoperability

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Proceedings of the Workshop on Multilingual Language Resources and Interoperability
Andreas Witt | Gilles Sérasset | Susan Armstrong | Jim Breen | Ulrich Heid | Felix Sasaki

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Lexical Markup Framework (LMF) for NLP Multilingual Resources
Gil Francopoulo | Nuria Bel | Monte George | Nicoletta Calzolari | Monica Monachini | Mandy Pet | Claudia Soria

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The Role of Lexical Resources in CJK Natural Language Processing
Jack Halpern

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Towards Agent-based Cross-Lingual Interoperability of Distributed Lexical Resources
Claudia Soria | Maurizio Tesconi | Andrea Marchetti | Francesca Bertagna | Monica Monachini | Chu-Ren Huang | Nicoletta Calzolari

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The LexALP Information System: Term Bank and Corpus for Multilingual Legal Terminology Consolidated
Verena Lyding | Elena Chiocchetti | Gilles Sérasset | Francis Brunet-Manquat

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The Development of a Multilingual Collocation Dictionary
Sylviane Cardey | Rosita Chan | Peter Greenfield

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Multilingual Collocation Extraction: Issues and Solutions
Violeta Seretan | Eric Wehrli

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Structural Properties of Lexical Systems: Monolingual and Multilingual Perspectives
Alain Polguère

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A Fast and Accurate Method for Detecting English-Japanese Parallel Texts
Ken’ichi Fukushima | Kenjiro Taura | Takashi Chikayama

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Evaluation of the Bible as a Resource for Cross-Language Information Retrieval
Peter A. Chew | Steve J. Verzi | Travis L. Bauer | Jonathan T. McClain


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Proceedings of the 7th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue

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Proceedings of the 7th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue
Jan Alexandersson | Alistair Knott

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Adaptive Help for Speech Dialogue Systems Based on Learning and Forgetting of Speech Commands
Alexander Hof | Eli Hagen | Alexander Huber

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Multi-Domain Spoken Dialogue System with Extensibility and Robustness against Speech Recognition Errors
Kazunori Komatani | Naoyuki Kanda | Mikio Nakano | Kazuhiro Nakadai | Hiroshi Tsujino | Tetsuya Ogata | Hiroshi G. Okuno

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Building Effective Question Answering Characters
Anton Leuski | Ronakkumar Patel | David Traum | Brandon Kennedy

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Interactive Question Answering and Constraint Relaxation in Spoken Dialogue Systems
Sebastian Varges | Fuliang Weng | Heather Pon-Barry

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Content Recognition in Dialogue
Jonathan Ginzburg

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Multidimensional Dialogue Management
Simon Keizer | Harry Bunt

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DRT Representation of Degrees of Belief
Yafa Al-Raheb

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Resolution of Referents Groupings in Practical Dialogues
Alexandre Denis | Guillaume Pitel | Matthieu Quignard

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Tracing Actions Helps in Understanding Interactions
Bernd Ludwig

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Semantic and Pragmatic Presupposition in Discourse Representation Theory
Yafa Al-Raheb

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Semantic tagging for resolution of indirect anaphora
R. Vieira | E. Bick | J. Coelho | V. Muller | S. Collovini | J. Souza | L. Rino

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An annotation scheme for citation function
Simone Teufel | Advaith Siddharthan | Dan Tidhar

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An Information State-Based Dialogue Manager for Call for Fire Dialogues
Antonio Roque | David Traum

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Automatically Detecting Action Items in Audio Meeting Recordings
William Morgan | Pi-Chuan Chang | Surabhi Gupta | Jason M. Brenier

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Empirical Verification of Adjacency Pairs Using Dialogue Segmentation
T. Daniel Midgley | Shelly Harrison | Cara MacNish

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Multimodal Dialog Description Language for Rapid System Development
Masahiro Araki | Kenji Tachibana

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Classification of Discourse Coherence Relations: An Exploratory Study using Multiple Knowledge Sources
Ben Wellner | James Pustejovsky | Catherine Havasi | Anna Rumshisky | Roser Saurí

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Measuring annotator agreement in a complex hierarchical dialogue act annotation scheme
Jeroen Geertzen | Harry Bunt

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Balancing Conflicting Factors in Argument Interpretation
Ingrid Zukerman | Michael Niemann | Sarah George

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An Analysis of Quantitative Aspects in the Evaluation of Thematic Segmentation Algorithms
Maria Georgescul | Alexander Clark | Susan Armstrong

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Discourse and Dialogue Processing in Spoken Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Diane J. Litman

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A computational model of multi-modal grounding for human robot interaction
Shuyin Li | Britta Wrede | Gerhard Sagerer

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Relationship between Utterances and “Enthusiasm” in Non-task-oriented Conversational Dialogue
Ryoko Tokuhisa | Ryuta Terashima


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Proceedings of the Fourth International Natural Language Generation Conference

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Proceedings of the Fourth International Natural Language Generation Conference
Nathalie Colineau | Cécile Paris | Stephen Wan | Robert Dale

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Lessons Learned from Large Scale Evaluation of Systems that Produce Text: Nightmares and Pleasant Surprises
Kathleen R. McKeown

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A Generation-Oriented Workbench for Performance Grammar: Capturing Linear Order Variability in German and Dutch
Karin Harbusch | Gerard Kempen | Camiel van Breugel | Ulrich Koch

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CCG Chart Realization from Disjunctive Inputs
Michael White

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Overgeneration and Ranking for Spoken Dialogue Systems
Sebastian Varges

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Individuality and Alignment in Generated Dialogues
Amy Isard | Carsten Brockmann | Jon Oberlander

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Using Distributional Similarity to Identify Individual Verb Choice
Jing Lin

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Adjective-to-Verb Paraphrasing in Japanese Based on Lexical Constraints of Verbs
Atsushi Fujita | Naruaki Masuno | Satoshi Sato | Takehito Utsuro

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Generating References to Parts of Recursively Structured Objects
Helmut Horacek

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Overspecified Reference in Hierarchical Domains: Measuring the Benefits for Readers
Ivandré Paraboni | Judith Masthoff | Kees van Deemter

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Algorithms for Generating Referring Expressions: Do They Do What People Do?
Jette Viethen | Robert Dale

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Group-Based Generation of Referring Expressions
Kotaro Funakoshi | Satoru Watanabe | Takenobu Tokunaga

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Noun Phrase Generation for Situated Dialogs
Laura Stoia | Darla Magdalene Shockley | Donna K. Byron | Eric Fosler-Lussier

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The Clarity-Brevity Trade-off in Generating Referring Expressions
Imtiaz Hussain Khan | Graeme Ritchie | Kees van Deemter

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Generic Querying of Relational Databases using Natural Language Generation Techniques
Catalina Hallett

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Generating Intelligent Numerical Answers in a Question-Answering System
Véronique Moriceau

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Generating Multiple-Choice Test Items from Medical Text: A Pilot Study
Nikiforos Karamanis | Le An Ha | Ruslan Mitkov

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Generation of Biomedical Arguments for Lay Readers
Nancy Green

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Introduction to the INLG’06 Special Session on Sharing Data and Comparative Evaluation
Anja Belz | Robert Dale

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Evaluations of NLG Systems: Common Corpus and Tasks or Common Dimensions and Metrics?
Cécile Paris | Nathalie Colineau | Ross Wilkinson

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Building a Semantically Transparent Corpus for the Generation of Referring Expressions.
Kees van Deemter | Ielka van der Sluis | Albert Gatt

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Shared-Task Evaluations in HLT: Lessons for NLG
Anja Belz | Adam Kilgarriff

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GENEVAL: A Proposal for Shared-task Evaluation in NLG
Ehud Reiter | Anja Belz


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Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammar and Related Formalisms

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Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammar and Related Formalisms
Tilman Becker | Laura Kallmeyer

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The Hidden TAG Model: Synchronous Grammars for Parsing Resource-Poor Languages
David Chiang | Owen Rambow

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A Constraint Driven Metagrammar
Joseph Le Roux | Benoît Crabbé | Yannick Parmentier

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The Metagrammar Goes Multilingual: A Cross-Linguistic Look at the V2-Phenomenon
Alexandra Kinyon | Owen Rambow | Tatjana Scheffler | SinWon Yoon | Aravind K. Joshi

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The Weak Generative Capacity of Linear Tree-Adjoining Grammars
David Chiang

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A Tree Adjoining Grammar Analysis of the Syntax and Semantics of It-Clefts
Chung-hye Han | Nancy Hedberg

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Pied-Piping in Relative Clauses: Syntax and Compositional Semantics Based on Synchronous Tree Adjoining Grammar
Chung-hye Han

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Negative Concord and Restructuring in Palestinian Arabic: A Comparison of TAG and CCG Analyses
Frederick M. Hoyt

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Stochastic Multiple Context-Free Grammar for RNA Pseudoknot Modeling
Yuki Kato | Hiroyuki Seki | Tadao Kasami

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Binding of Anaphors in LTAG
Neville Ryant | Tatjana Scheffler

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Quantifier Scope in German: An MCTAG Analysis
Laura Kallmeyer | Maribel Romero

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Licensing German Negative Polarity Items in LTAG
Timm Lichte | Laura Kallmeyer

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Semantic Interpretation of Unrealized Syntactic Material in LTAG
Olga Babko-Malaya

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Three Reasons to Adopt TAG-Based Surface Realisation
Claire Gardent | Eric Kow

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Generating XTAG Parsers from Algebraic Specifications
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez | Miguel A. Alonso | Manuel Vilares

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Constraint-Based Computational Semantics: A Comparison between LTAG and LRS
Laura Kallmeyer | Frank Richter

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SemTAG, the LORIA toolbox for TAG-based Parsing and Generation
Eric Kow | Yannick Parmentier | Claire Gardent

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Extended Cross-Serial Dependencies in Tree Adjoining Grammars
Marco Kuhlmann | Mathias Möhl

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Using LTAG-Based Features for Semantic Role Labeling
Yudong Liu | Anoop Sarkar

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Extracting Syntactic Features from a Korean Treebank
Jungyeul Park

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Handling Unlike Coordinated Phrases in TAG by Mixing Syntactic Category and Grammatical Function
Carlos A. Prolo

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Parsing TAG with Abstract Categorial Grammar
Sylvain Salvati

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Modeling and Analysis of Elliptic Coordination by Dynamic Exploitation of Derivation Forests in LTAG Parsing
Djamé Seddah | Benoît Sagot

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‘Single Cycle’ Languages: Empirical Evidence for TAG-Adjoining
Arthur Stepanov

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Reconsidering Raising and Experiencers in English
Dennis Ryan Storoshenko


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Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

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Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Dan Jurafsky | Eric Gaussier

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Unsupervised Discovery of a Statistical Verb Lexicon
Trond Grenager | Christopher D. Manning

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An Empirical Approach to the Interpretation of Superlatives
Johan Bos | Malvina Nissim

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Paraphrase Recognition via Dissimilarity Significance Classification
Long Qiu | Min-Yen Kan | Tat-Seng Chua

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Detecting Parser Errors Using Web-based Semantic Filters
Alexander Yates | Stefan Schoenmackers | Oren Etzioni

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Distributional measures of concept-distance: A task-oriented evaluation
Saif Mohammad | Graeme Hirst

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SPMT: Statistical Machine Translation with Syntactified Target Language Phrases
Daniel Marcu | Wei Wang | Abdessamad Echihabi | Kevin Knight

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Phrasetable Smoothing for Statistical Machine Translation
George Foster | Roland Kuhn | Howard Johnson

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The impact of parse quality on syntactically-informed statistical machine translation
Chris Quirk | Simon Corston-Oliver

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Statistical Machine Reordering
Marta R. Costa-jussà | José A. R. Fonollosa

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Re-evaluating Machine Translation Results with Paraphrase Support
Liang Zhou | Chin-Yew Lin | Eduard Hovy

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Exploiting Discourse Structure for Spoken Dialogue Performance Analysis
Mihai Rotaru | Diane J. Litman

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Learning Information Status of Discourse Entities
Malvina Nissim

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Automatic classification of citation function
Simone Teufel | Advaith Siddharthan | Dan Tidhar

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Is it Really that Difficult to Parse German?
Sandra Kübler | Erhard W. Hinrichs | Wolfgang Maier

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Domain Adaptation with Structural Correspondence Learning
John Blitzer | Ryan McDonald | Fernando Pereira

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Incremental Integer Linear Programming for Non-projective Dependency Parsing
Sebastian Riedel | James Clarke

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Semantic Role Labeling of NomBank: A Maximum Entropy Approach
Zheng Ping Jiang | Hwee Tou Ng

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Identification of Event Mentions and their Semantic Class
Steven Bethard | James H. Martin

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Extremely Lexicalized Models for Accurate and Fast HPSG Parsing
Takashi Ninomiya | Takuya Matsuzaki | Yoshimasa Tsuruoka | Yusuke Miyao | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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Multilingual Deep Lexical Acquisition for HPSGs via Supertagging
Phil Blunsom | Timothy Baldwin

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Lexical Reference: a Semantic Matching Subtask
Oren Glickman | Eyal Shnarch | Ido Dagan

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Semantic Role Labeling via Instance-Based Learning
Chi-San Althon Lin | Tony C. Smith

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Inducing Temporal Graphs
Philip Bramsen | Pawan Deshpande | Yoong Keok Lee | Regina Barzilay

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A Weakly Supervised Learning Approach for Spoken Language Understanding
Wei-Lin Wu | Ru-Zhan Lu | Jian-Yong Duan | Hui Liu | Feng Gao | Yu-Quan Chen

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Humor: Prosody Analysis and Automatic Recognition for F*R*I*E*N*D*S*
Amruta Purandare | Diane Litman

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Distributed Language Modeling for N-best List Re-ranking
Ying Zhang | Almut Silja Hildebrand | Stephan Vogel

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Efficient Search for Inversion Transduction Grammar
Hao Zhang | Daniel Gildea

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A Discriminative Model for Tree-to-Tree Translation
Brooke Cowan | Ivona Kuc̆erová | Michael Collins

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Modeling Impression in Probabilistic Transliteration into Chinese
LiLi Xu | Atsushi Fujii | Tetsuya Ishikawa

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Unsupervised Named Entity Transliteration Using Temporal and Phonetic Correlation
Tao Tao | Su-Youn Yoon | Andrew Fister | Richard Sproat | ChengXiang Zhai

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Capturing Out-of-Vocabulary Words in Arabic Text
Abdusalam F.A. Nwesri | S.M.M. Tahaghoghi | Falk Scholer

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Using linguistically motivated features for paragraph boundary identification
Katja Filippova | Michael Strube

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BESTCUT: A Graph Algorithm for Coreference Resolution
Cristina Nicolae | Gabriel Nicolae

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Automatic Construction of Predicate-argument Structure Patterns for Biomedical Information Extraction
Akane Yakushiji | Yusuke Miyao | Tomoko Ohta | Yuka Tateisi | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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Protein folding and chart parsing
Julia Hockenmaier | Aravind K. Joshi | Ken A. Dill

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Learning Phrasal Categories
William P. Headden III | Eugene Charniak | Mark Johnson

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Priming Effects in Combinatory Categorial Grammar
David Reitter | Julia Hockenmaier | Frank Keller

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Better Informed Training of Latent Syntactic Features
Markus Dreyer | Jason Eisner

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Get out the vote: Determining support or opposition from Congressional floor-debate transcripts
Matt Thomas | Bo Pang | Lillian Lee

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Partially Supervised Coreference Resolution for Opinion Summarization through Structured Rule Learning
Veselin Stoyanov | Claire Cardie

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Sentiment Retrieval using Generative Models
Koji Eguchi | Victor Lavrenko

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Fully Automatic Lexicon Expansion for Domain-oriented Sentiment Analysis
Hiroshi Kanayama | Tetsuya Nasukawa

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A Skip-Chain Conditional Random Field for Ranking Meeting Utterances by Importance
Michel Galley

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Style & Topic Language Model Adaptation Using HMM-LDA
Bo-June Paul Hsu | James Glass

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Text data acquisition for domain-specific language models
Abhinav Sethy | Panayiotis G. Georgiou | Shrikanth Narayanan

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Corrective Models for Speech Recognition of Inflected Languages
Izhak Shafran | Keith Hall

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Lexicon Acquisition for Dialectal Arabic Using Transductive Learning
Kevin Duh | Katrin Kirchhoff

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Arabic OCR Error Correction Using Character Segment Correction, Language Modeling, and Shallow Morphology
Walid Magdy | Kareem Darwish

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Partially Supervised Sense Disambiguation by Learning Sense Number from Tagged and Untagged Corpora
Zheng-Yu Niu | Dong-Hong Ji | Chew Lim Tan

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Automatically Assessing Review Helpfulness
Soo-Min Kim | Patrick Pantel | Tim Chklovski | Marco Pennacchiotti

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Joint Extraction of Entities and Relations for Opinion Recognition
Yejin Choi | Eric Breck | Claire Cardie

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Feature Subsumption for Opinion Analysis
Ellen Riloff | Siddharth Patwardhan | Janyce Wiebe

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Relevance Feedback Models for Recommendation
Masao Utiyama | Mikio Yamamoto

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Random Indexing using Statistical Weight Functions
James Gorman | James R. Curran

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A Hybrid Markov/Semi-Markov Conditional Random Field for Sequence Segmentation
Galen Andrew

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Boosting Unsupervised Relation Extraction by Using NER
Ronen Feldman | Benjamin Rosenfeld

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Short Text Authorship Attribution via Sequence Kernels, Markov Chains and Author Unmasking: An Investigation
Conrad Sanderson | Simon Guenter

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Entity Annotation based on Inverse Index Operations
Ganesh Ramakrishnan | Sreeram Balakrishnan | Sachindra Joshi

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Unsupervised Information Extraction Approach Using Graph Mutual Reinforcement
Hany Hassan | Ahmed Hassan | Ossama Emam

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Empirical Study on the Performance Stability of Named Entity Recognition Model across Domains
Hong Lei Guo | Li Zhang | Zhong Su

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Statistical Ranking in Tactical Generation
Erik Velldal | Stephan Oepen

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Sentence ordering with manifold-based classification in multi-document summarization
Paul D Ji | Stephen Pulman

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Quality Assessment of Large Scale Knowledge Resources
Montse Cuadros | German Rigau

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Graph-based Word Clustering using a Web Search Engine
Yutaka Matsuo | Takeshi Sakaki | Kôki Uchiyama | Mitsuru Ishizuka

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Context-Dependent Term Relations for Information Retrieval
Jing Bai | Jian-Yun Nie | Guihong Cao

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Loss Minimization in Parse Reranking
Ivan Titov | James Henderson

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Unsupervised Relation Disambiguation with Order Identification Capabilities
Jinxiu Chen | Donghong Ji | Chew Lim Tan | Zhengyu Niu

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Competitive generative models with structure learning for NLP classification tasks
Kristina Toutanova

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Two graph-based algorithms for state-of-the-art WSD
Eneko Agirre | David Martínez | Oier López de Lacalle | Aitor Soroa

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Broad-Coverage Sense Disambiguation and Information Extraction with a Supersense Sequence Tagger
Massimiliano Ciaramita | Yasemin Altun

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Learning Field Compatibilities to Extract Database Records from Unstructured Text
Michael Wick | Aron Culotta | Andrew McCallum

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Discriminative Methods for Transliteration
Dmitry Zelenko | Chinatsu Aone

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Solving the Problem of Cascading Errors: Approximate Bayesian Inference for Linguistic Annotation Pipelines
Jenny Rose Finkel | Christopher D. Manning | Andrew Y. Ng


bib (full) Proceedings of the Third ACL-SIGSEM Workshop on Prepositions

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Proceedings of the Third ACL-SIGSEM Workshop on Prepositions

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Spatial Prepositions in Context: The Semantics of near in the Presence of Distractor Objects
Fintan J. Costello | John D. Kelleher

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Polish Equivalents of Spatial at
Iwona Knaś

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A Quantitative Approach to Preposition-Pronoun Contraction in Polish
Beata Trawiński

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Marked Adpositions
Sander Lestrade

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Semantic Interpretation of Prepositions for NLP Applications
Sven Hartrumpf | Hermann Helbig | Rainer Osswald

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Coverage and Inheritance in The Preposition Project
Kenneth C. Litkowski | Orin Hargraves

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An Ontology-based View on Prepositional Senses
Tine Lassen

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A Conceptual Analysis of the Notion of Instrumentality via a Multilingual Analysis
Asanee Kawtrakul | Mukda Suktarachan | Bali Ranaivo-Malancon | Pek Kuan | Achla Raina | Sudeshna Sarkar | Alda Mari | Sina Zarriess | Elixabete Murguia | Patrick Saint-Dizier

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German Particle Verbs and Pleonastic Prepositions
Ines Rehbein | Josef van Genabith

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Automatic Identification of English Verb Particle Constructions using Linguistic Features
Su Nam Kim | Timothy Baldwin

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On the Prepositions which Introduce an Adjunct of Duration
Frank Van Eynde

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How Bad is the Problem of PP-Attachment? A Comparison of English, German and Swedish
Martin Volk

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Handling of Prepositions in English to Bengali Machine Translation
Sudip Kumar Naskar | Sivaji Bandyopadhyay


bib (full) Proceedings of the Workshop on Learning Structured Information in Natural Language Applications

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Proceedings of the Workshop on Learning Structured Information in Natural Language Applications

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Maximum Entropy Tagging with Binary and Real-Valued Features
Vanessa Sandrini | Marcello Federico | Mauro Cettolo

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Constraint Satisfaction Inference: Non-probabilistic Global Inference for Sequence Labelling
Sander Canisius | Antal van den Bosch | Walter Daelemans

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Decomposition Kernels for Natural Language Processing
Fabrizio Costa | Sauro Menchetti | Alessio Ceroni | Andrea Passerini | Paolo Frasconi

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A Multiclassifier based Document Categorization System: profiting from the Singular Value Decomposition Dimensionality Reduction Technique
Ana Zelaia | Iñaki Alegria | Olatz Arregi | Basilio Sierra

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Discourse Parsing: Learning FOL Rules based on Rich Verb Semantic Representations to automatically label Rhetorical Relations
Rajen Subba | Barbara Di Eugenio | Su Nam Kim

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Reranking Translation Hypotheses Using Structural Properties
Saša Hasan | Oliver Bender | Hermann Ney

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Tree Kernel Engineering in Semantic Role Labeling Systems
Alessandro Moschitti | Daniele Pighin | Roberto Basili

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Syntagmatic Kernels: a Word Sense Disambiguation Case Study
Claudio Giuliano | Alfio Gliozzo | Carlo Strapparava

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Learning to Identify Definitions using Syntactic Features
Ismail Fahmi | Gosse Bouma

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An Ontology-Based Approach to Disambiguation of Semantic Relations
Tine Lassen | Thomas Vestskov Terney

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Towards Free-text Semantic Parsing: A Unified Framework Based on FrameNet, VerbNet and PropBank
Ana-Maria Giuglea | Alessandro Moschitti

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Constructing a Rule Based Naming System for Thai Names Using the Concept of Ontologies
Chakkrit Snae


bib (full) Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on NLP and XML (NLPXML-2006): Multi-Dimensional Markup in Natural Language Processing

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Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on NLP and XML (NLPXML-2006): Multi-Dimensional Markup in Natural Language Processing

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Representing and Querying Multi-dimensional Markup for Question Answering
Wouter Alink | Valentin Jijkoun | David Ahn | Maarten de Rijke | Peter Boncz | Arjen de Vries

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Annotation and Disambiguation of Semantic Types in Biomedical Text: A Cascaded Approach to Named Entity Recognition
Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann | Harald Kirsch | Sylvain Gaudan | Miguel Arregui | Goran Nenadic

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Tools to Address the Interdependence between Tokenisation and Standoff Annotation
Claire Grover | Michael Matthews | Richard Tobin

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Towards an Alternative Implementation of NXTs Query Language via XQuery
Neil Mayo | Jonathan Kilgour | Jean Carletta

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Multi-dimensional Annotation and Alignment in an English-German Translation Corpus
Silvia Hansen-Schirra | Stella Neumann | Mihaela Vela

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Querying XML documents with multi-dimensional markup
Peter Siniakov

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Annotating text using the Linguistic Description Scheme of MPEG-7: The DIRECT-INFO Scenario
Thierry Declerck | Stephan Busemann | Herwig Rehatschek | Gert Kienast

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Tools for hierarchical annotation of typed dialogue
Myroslava Dzikovska | Charles Callaway | Elaine Farrow

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ANNIS: Complex Multilevel Annotations in a Linguistic Database
Michael Götze | Stefanie Dipper

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The NITE XML Toolkit: Demonstration from five corpora
Jonathan Kilgour | Jean Carletta

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The SAMMIE Multimodal Dialogue Corpus Meets the Nite XML Toolkit
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová | Verena Rieser | Ciprian Gerstenberger | Jan Schehl | Tilman Becker

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Representing and Accessing Multi-Level Annotations in MMAX2
Christoph Müller

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Representing and Accessing Multilevel Linguistic Annotation using the MEANING Format
Emanuele Pianta | Luisa Bentivogli | Christian Girardi | Bernardo Magnini

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Middleware for Creating and Combining Multi-dimensional NLP Markup
Ulrich Schäfer

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Multidimensional markup and heterogeneous linguistic resources
Maik Stührenberg | Andreas Witt | Daniela Goecke | Dieter Metzing | Oliver Schonefeld

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Layering and Merging Linguistic Annotations
Keith Suderman | Nancy Ide

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XML-based Phrase Alignment in Parallel Treebanks
Martin Volk | Sofia Gustafson-Capková | Joakim Lundborg | Torsten Marek | Yvonne Samuelsson | Frida Tidström

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A Standoff Annotation Interface between DELPH-IN Components
Benjamin Waldron | Ann Copestake


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Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL-X)

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Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL-X)
Lluís Màrquez | Dan Klein

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A Mission for Computational Natural Language Learning
Walter Daelemans

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Porting Statistical Parsers with Data-Defined Kernels
Ivan Titov | James Henderson

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Non-Local Modeling with a Mixture of PCFGs
Slav Petrov | Leon Barrett | Dan Klein

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Improved Large Margin Dependency Parsing via Local Constraints and Laplacian Regularization
Qin Iris Wang | Colin Cherry | Dan Lizotte | Dale Schuurmans

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What are the Productive Units of Natural Language Grammar? A DOP Approach to the Automatic Identification of Constructions.
Willem Zuidema

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Resolving and Generating Definite Anaphora by Modeling Hypernymy using Unlabeled Corpora
Nikesh Garera | David Yarowsky

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Investigating Lexical Substitution Scoring for Subtitle Generation
Oren Glickman | Ido Dagan | Walter Daelemans | Mikaela Keller | Samy Bengio

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Semantic Role Recognition Using Kernels on Weighted Marked Ordered Labeled Trees
Jun’ichi Kazama | Kentaro Torisawa

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Semantic Role Labeling via Tree Kernel Joint Inference
Alessandro Moschitti | Daniele Pighin | Roberto Basili

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Can Human Verb Associations Help Identify Salient Features for Semantic Verb Classification?
Sabine Schulte im Walde

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Applying Alternating Structure Optimization to Word Sense Disambiguation
Rie Kubota Ando

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Unsupervised Parsing with U-DOP
Rens Bod

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A Lattice-Based Framework for Enhancing Statistical Parsers with Information from Unlabeled Corpora
Michaela Atterer | Hinrich Schütze

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Word Distributions for Thematic Segmentation in a Support Vector Machine Approach
Maria Georgescul | Alexander Clark | Susan Armstrong

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Which Side are You on? Identifying Perspectives at the Document and Sentence Levels
Wei-Hao Lin | Theresa Wilson | Janyce Wiebe | Alexander Hauptmann

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Unsupervised Grammar Induction by Distribution and Attachment
David J. Brooks

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Learning Auxiliary Fronting with Grammatical Inference
Alexander Clark | Rémi Eyraud

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Using Gazetteers in Discriminative Information Extraction
Andrew Smith | Miles Osborne

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A Context Pattern Induction Method for Named Entity Extraction
Partha Pratim Talukdar | Thorsten Brants | Mark Liberman | Fernando Pereira

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CoNLL-X Shared Task on Multilingual Dependency Parsing
Sabine Buchholz | Erwin Marsi

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The Treebanks Used in the Shared Task
Yuval Krymolowski

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Experiments with a Multilanguage Non-Projective Dependency Parser
Giuseppe Attardi

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LingPars, a Linguistically Inspired, Language-Independent Machine Learner for Dependency Treebanks
Eckhard Bick

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Dependency Parsing by Inference over High-recall Dependency Predictions
Sander Canisius | Toine Bogers | Antal van den Bosch | Jeroen Geertzen | Erik Tjong Kim Sang

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Projective Dependency Parsing with Perceptron
Xavier Carreras | Mihai Surdeanu | Lluís Màrquez

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A Pipeline Model for Bottom-Up Dependency Parsing
Ming-Wei Chang | Quang Do | Dan Roth

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Multi-lingual Dependency Parsing at NAIST
Yuchang Cheng | Masayuki Asahara | Yuji Matsumoto

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Dependency Parsing with Reference to Slovene, Spanish and Swedish
Simon Corston-Oliver | Anthony Aue

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Vine Parsing and Minimum Risk Reranking for Speed and Precision
Markus Dreyer | David A. Smith | Noah A. Smith

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Investigating Multilingual Dependency Parsing
Richard Johansson | Pierre Nugues

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Dependency Parsing Based on Dynamic Local Optimization
Ting Liu | Jinshan Ma | Huijia Zhu | Sheng Li

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Multilingual Dependency Analysis with a Two-Stage Discriminative Parser
Ryan McDonald | Kevin Lerman | Fernando Pereira

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Labeled Pseudo-Projective Dependency Parsing with Support Vector Machines
Joakim Nivre | Johan Hall | Jens Nilsson | Gülşen Eryiǧit | Svetoslav Marinov

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Multi-lingual Dependency Parsing with Incremental Integer Linear Programming
Sebastian Riedel | Ruket Çakıcı | Ivan Meza-Ruiz

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Language Independent Probabilistic Context-Free Parsing Bolstered by Machine Learning
Michael Schiehlen | Kristina Spranger

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Maximum Spanning Tree Algorithm for Non-projective Labeled Dependency Parsing
Nobuyuki Shimizu

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The Exploration of Deterministic and Efficient Dependency Parsing
Yu-Chieh Wu | Yue-Shi Lee | Jie-Chi Yang

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Dependency Parsing as a Classication Problem
Deniz Yuret


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Proceedings on the Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation

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Proceedings on the Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Philipp Koehn | Christof Monz

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Morpho-syntactic Information for Automatic Error Analysis of Statistical Machine Translation Output
Maja Popović | Adrià de Gispert | Deepa Gupta | Patrik Lambert | Hermann Ney | José B. Mariño | Marcello Federico | Rafael Banchs

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Initial Explorations in English to Turkish Statistical Machine Translation
İlknur Durgar El-Kahlout | Kemal Oflazer

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Morpho-syntactic Arabic Preprocessing for Arabic to English Statistical Machine Translation
Anas El Isbihani | Shahram Khadivi | Oliver Bender | Hermann Ney

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Quasi-Synchronous Grammars: Alignment by Soft Projection of Syntactic Dependencies
David Smith | Jason Eisner

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Why Generative Phrase Models Underperform Surface Heuristics
John DeNero | Dan Gillick | James Zhang | Dan Klein

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Phrase-Based SMT with Shallow Tree-Phrases
Philippe Langlais | Fabrizio Gotti

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Searching for alignments in SMT. A novel approach based on an Estimation of Distribution Algorithm
Luis Rodríguez | Ismael García-Varea | José A. Gámez

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Discriminative Reordering Models for Statistical Machine Translation
Richard Zens | Hermann Ney

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Generalized Stack Decoding Algorithms for Statistical Machine Translation
Daniel Ortiz Martínez | Ismael García Varea | Francisco Casacuberta

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N-Gram Posterior Probabilities for Statistical Machine Translation
Richard Zens | Hermann Ney

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Partitioning Parallel Documents Using Binary Segmentation
Jia Xu | Richard Zens | Hermann Ney

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Contextual Bitext-Derived Paraphrases in Automatic MT Evaluation
Karolina Owczarzak | Declan Groves | Josef Van Genabith | Andy Way

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How Many Bits Are Needed To Store Probabilities for Phrase-Based Translation?
Marcello Federico | Nicola Bertoldi

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Manual and Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation between European Languages
Philipp Koehn | Christof Monz

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NTT System Description for the WMT2006 Shared Task
Taro Watanabe | Hajime Tsukada | Hideki Isozaki

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Mood at work: Ramses versus Pharaoh
Alexandre Patry | Fabrizio Gotti | Philippe Langlais

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Stochastic Inversion Transduction Grammars for Obtaining Word Phrases for Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation
Joan Andreu Sánchez | José Miguel Benedí

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PORTAGE: with Smoothed Phrase Tables and Segment Choice Models
Howard Johnson | Fatiha Sadat | George Foster | Roland Kuhn | Michel Simard | Eric Joanis | Samuel Larkin

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Syntax Augmented Machine Translation via Chart Parsing
Andreas Zollmann | Ashish Venugopal

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TALP Phrase-based statistical translation system for European language pairs
Marta R. Costa-jussà | Josep M. Crego | Adrià de Gispert | Patrik Lambert | Maxim Khalilov | José B. Mariño | José A. R. Fonollosa | Rafael Banchs

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Phramer - An Open Source Statistical Phrase-Based Translator
Marian Olteanu | Chris Davis | Ionut Volosen | Dan Moldovan

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Language Models and Reranking for Machine Translation
Marian Olteanu | Pasin Suriyentrakorn | Dan Moldovan

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Constraining the Phrase-Based, Joint Probability Statistical Translation Model
Alexandra Birch | Chris Callison-Burch | Miles Osborne | Philipp Koehn

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Microsoft Research Treelet Translation System: NAACL 2006 Europarl Evaluation
Arul Menezes | Kristina Toutanova | Chris Quirk

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N-gram-based SMT System Enhanced with Reordering Patterns
Josep M. Crego | Adrià de Gispert | Patrik Lambert | Marta R. Costa-jussà | Maxim Khalilov | Rafael Banchs | José B. Mariño | José A. R. Fonollosa

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The LDV-COMBO system for SMT
Jesús Giménez | Lluís Màrquez


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Proceedings of the HLT-NAACL BioNLP Workshop on Linking Natural Language and Biology

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Proceedings of the HLT-NAACL BioNLP Workshop on Linking Natural Language and Biology
Karin Verspoor | Kevin Bretonnel Cohen | Ben Goertzel | Inderjeet Mani

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The Semantics of a Definiendum Constrains both the Lexical Semantics and the Lexicosyntactic Patterns in the Definiens
Hong Yu | Ying Wei

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Ontology-Based Natural Language Query Processing for the Biological Domain
Jisheng Liang | Thien Nguyen | Krzysztof Koperski | Giovanni Marchisio

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Term Generalization and Synonym Resolution for Biological Abstracts: Using the Gene Ontology for Subcellular Localization Prediction
Alona Fyshe | Duane Szafron

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Integrating Ontological Knowledge and Textual Evidence in Estimating Gene and Gene Product Similarity
Antonio Sanfilippo | Christian Posse | Banu Gopalan | Stephen Tratz | Michelle Gregory

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A Priority Model for Named Entities
Lorraine Tanabe | W. John Wilbur

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Human Gene Name Normalization using Text Matching with Automatically Extracted Synonym Dictionaries
Haw-ren Fang | Kevin Murphy | Yang Jin | Jessica Kim | Peter White

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Integrating Co-occurrence Statistics with Information Extraction for Robust Retrieval of Protein Interactions from Medline
Razvan Bunescu | Raymond Mooney | Arun Ramani | Edward Marcotte

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BIOSMILE: Adapting Semantic Role Labeling for Biomedical Verbs:
Richard Tzong-Han Tsai | Wen-Chi Chou | Yu-Chun Lin | Cheng-Lung Sung | Wei Ku | Ying-Shan Su | Ting-Yi Sung | Wen-Lian Hsu

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Generative Content Models for Structural Analysis of Medical Abstracts
Jimmy Lin | Damianos Karakos | Dina Demner-Fushman | Sanjeev Khudanpur

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Exploring Text and Image Features to Classify Images in Bioscience Literature
Barry Rafkind | Minsuk Lee | Shih-Fu Chang | Hong Yu

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Mining biomedical texts for disease-related pathways
Andrey Rzhetsky

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Postnominal Prepositional Phrase Attachment in Proteomics
Jonathan Schuman | Sabine Bergler

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BioKI:Enzymes - an adaptable system to locate low-frequency information in full-text proteomics articles
Sabine Bergler | Jonathan Schuman | Julien Dubuc | Alexandr Lebedev

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A Graph-Search Framework for GeneId Ranking
William Cohen

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Semi-supervised anaphora resolution in biomedical texts
Caroline Gasperin

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Using Dependency Parsing and Probabilistic Inference to Extract Relationships between Genes, Proteins and Malignancies Implicit Among Multiple Biomedical Research Abstracts
Ben Goertzel | Hugo Pinto | Ari Heljakka | Michael Ross | Cassio Pennachin | Izabela Goertzel

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Recognizing Nested Named Entities in GENIA corpus
Baohua Gu

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Biomedical Term Recognition with the Perceptron HMM Algorithm
Sittichai Jiampojamarn | Grzegorz Kondrak | Colin Cherry

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Refactoring Corpora
Helen L. Johnson | William A. Baumgartner Jr. | Martin Krallinger | K. Bretonnel Cohen | Lawrence Hunter

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Rapid Adaptation of POS Tagging for Domain Specific Uses
John E. Miller | Michael Bloodgood | Manabu Torii | K. Vijay-Shanker

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Extracting Protein-Protein interactions using simple contextual features
Leif Arda Nielsen

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Identifying Experimental Techniques in Biomedical Literature
Meeta Oberoi | Craig A. Struble | Sonia L. Sugg

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A Pragmatic Approach to Summary Extraction in Clinical Trials
Graciela Rosemblat | Laurel Graham

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The Difficulties of Taxonomic Name Extraction and a Solution
Guido Sautter | Klemens Böhm

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Summarizing Key Concepts using Citation Sentences
Ariel S. Schwartz | Marti Hearst

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Subdomain adaptation of a POS tagger with a small corpus
Yuka Tateisi | Yoshimasa Tsuruoka | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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Bootstrapping and Evaluating Named Entity Recognition in the Biomedical Domain
Andreas Vlachos | Caroline Gasperin


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Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Medical Speech Translation

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Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Medical Speech Translation
Pierrette Bouillon | Farzad Ehsani | Robert Frederking | Manny Rayner

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Usability Issues in an Interactive Speech-to-Speech Translation System for Healthcare
Mark Seligman | Mike Dillinger

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Evaluating Task Performance for a Unidirectional Controlled Language Medical Speech Translation System
Nikos Chatzichrisafis | Pierrette Bouillon | Manny Rayner | Marianne Santaholma | Marianne Starlander | Beth Ann Hockey

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Speech to Speech Translation for Medical Triage in Korean
Farzad Ehsani | Jim Kinzey | Demetrios Master | Karen Lesea | Hunil Park

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Automated Interpretation of Clinical Encounters with Cultural Cues and Electronic Health Record Generation
Daniel T. Heinze | Alexander Turchin | V. Jagannathan

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Language Engineering and the Pathway to Healthcare: A User-Oriented View
Harold Somers

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Converser™: Highly Interactive Speech-to-Speech Translation for Healthcare
Mike Dillinger | Mark Seligman

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MedSLT: A Limited-Domain Unidirectional Grammar-Based Medical Speech Translator
Manny Rayner | Pierrette Bouillon | Nikos Chatzichrisafis | Marianne Santaholma | Marianne Starlander | Beth Ann Hockey | Yukie Nakao | Hitoshi Isahara | Kyoko Kanzaki

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S-MINDS 2-Way Speech-to-Speech Translation System
Farzad Ehsani | Jim Kinzey | Demetrios Master | Karen Sudre | David Domingo | Hunil Park

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Accultran: Automated Interpretation of Clinical Encounters with Cultural Cues and Electronic Health Record Generation
Daniel T. Heinze | Alexander Turchin | V. Jagannathan

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A Multi-Lingual Decision Support Prototype for the Medical Domain
David Dinh | Dennis Chan | Jack Chen

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IBM MASTOR SYSTEM: Multilingual Automatic Speech-to-Speech Translator
Yuqing Gao | Bowen Zhou | Ruhi Sarikaya | Mohamed Afify | Hong-Kwang Kuo | Wei-zhong Zhu | Yonggang Deng | Charles Prosser | Wei Zhang | Laurent Besacier


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Proceedings of TextGraphs: the First Workshop on Graph Based Methods for Natural Language Processing

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Proceedings of TextGraphs: the First Workshop on Graph Based Methods for Natural Language Processing
Rada Mihalcea | Dragomir Radev

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A Graphical Framework for Contextual Search and Name Disambiguation in Email
Einat Minkov | William Cohen | Andrew Ng

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Graph Based Semi-Supervised Approach for Information Extraction
Hany Hassan | Ahmed Hassan | Sara Noeman

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Graph-Based Text Representation for Novelty Detection
Michael Gamon

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Measuring Aboutness of an Entity in a Text
Marie-Francine Moens | Patrick Jeuniaux | Roxana Angheluta | Rudradeb Mitra

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A Study of Two Graph Algorithms in Topic-driven Summarization
Vivi Nastase | Stan Szpakowicz

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Similarity between Pairs of Co-indexed Trees for Textual Entailment Recognition
Fabio Massimo Zanzotto | Alessandro Moschitti

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Learning of Graph-based Question Answering Rules
Diego Mollá

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Seeing stars when there aren’t many stars: Graph-based semi-supervised learning for sentiment categorization
Andrew Goldberg | Xiaojin Zhu

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Random-Walk Term Weighting for Improved Text Classification
Samer Hassan | Carmen Banea

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Graph-based Generalized Latent Semantic Analysis for Document Representation
Irina Matveeva | Gina-Anne Levow

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Synonym Extraction Using a Semantic Distance on a Dictionary
Philippe Muller | Nabil Hathout | Bruno Gaume

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Chinese Whispers - an Efficient Graph Clustering Algorithm and its Application to Natural Language Processing Problems
Chris Biemann

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Matching syntactic-semantic graphs for semantic relation assignment
Vivi Nastase | Stan Szpakowicz

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Evaluating and optimizing the parameters of an unsupervised graph-based WSD algorithm
Eneko Agirre | David Martínez | Oier López de Lacalle | Aitor Soroa

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Context Comparison as a Minimum Cost Flow Problem
Vivian Tsang | Suzanne Stevenson


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Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics (ICoS-5)

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Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics (ICoS-5)
Johan Bos | Alexander Koller

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Anaphora resolution and minimal models
Ariel Cohen

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Extracting formal specifications from natural language regulatory documents
Nikhil Dinesh | Aravind Joshi | Insup Lee | Bonnie Webber

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How to change a person’s mind: Understanding the difference between the effects and consequences of speech acts
Debora Field | Allan Ramsay

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Towards a redundancy elimination algorithm for underspecified descriptions
Alexander Koller | Stefan Thater

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Towards a redundancy elimination algorithm for underspecified descriptions
Leonardo Lesmo | Livio Robaldo | Jelle Gerbrandy

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Controlled Language for Geographical Information System Queries
Sela Mador-Haim | Yoad Winter | Anthony Braun

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Computing relative polarity for textual inference
Rowan Nairn | Cleo Condoravdi | Lauri Karttunen

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Using Answer Set Programming in an inference-based approach to Natural Language Semantics
Farid Nouioua | Pascal Nicolas

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A Bootstrapping Algorithm for Automatically Harvesting Semantic Relations
Marco Pennacchiotti | Patrick Pantel

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Concepts across categories
Hilke Reckman | Crit Cremers

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Multi-dimensional Temporal Logic for Events and States
Satoshi Tojo

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Considerations on the nature of metaphorical meaning arising from a computational treatment of metaphor interpretation
A.M. Wallington | R. Agerri | J.A. Barnden | S.R. Glasbey | M.G. Lee

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Supporting temporal question answering: strategies for offline data collection
David Ahn | Steven Schockaert | Martine De Cock | Etienne Kerre

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Formal semantics of verbs for knowledge inference
Igor Boyko

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Ingredients of a first-order account of bridging
Philipp Cimiano

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A Computational Theory of Inference for Arithmetic Explanation
Albert Goldfain

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Towards a Logical Foundation of Semantic Networks - A Typology of Descriptive Means for Semantic Inference
Hermann Helbig | Ingo Glöckner

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The Alligator theorem prover for dependent type systems: Description and proof samples
Paul Piwek