Computational Linguistics Journal (1978)


bib (full) American Journal of Computational Linguistics (February 1978)

American Journal of Computational Linguistics (February 1978)
David G. Hays

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The FINITE STRING, Volume 15, Number 1

What Some Semantic Theories Can’t Do (Th R. Hofmann); NL in Information Science (Donald E. Walker; Hans Karlgren; Martin Kay); CAL in Science Education; New Journal: Annuals Of the History of Computing (Bernard A. Caller); New England Research Application Center; Linguafranca: Document Search (LLBA); Demonstration: Interactive Search of LLBA; NFAIS/UNESCO Indexing Education Kit; Symposium: Computer Assisted Learning (J. J. Mathews); 1978 Linguistic Institute: Conferences and Symposia; Data BAses: Usability and Responsiveness (Dr. Allen Baiter); Conferences: Internal Auditing (D. Eugene Shaeffer); Conferences: Briefly Noted (K. Preston Jr.); NSF Awards in Computer Science for 1976; AJCL: A Description; AJCL: Page Format; AJCL: Opaque Card Format; AFIPS Washington Newsletter

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Two Papers on Semantic Interpretation in Montague Grammar
Joyce Friedman | Douglas B. Moran | David S. Warren


bib (full) American Journal of Computational Linguistics (June 1978)

American Journal of Computational Linguistics (June 1978)
David G. Hays

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The FINITE STRING, Volume 15, Number 2

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The Derivation of Answers from Logical Forms in a Question Answering System
Fred J. Damerau

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One More Step Toward Computer Lexicometry
Nicholas V. Findler | Shu-Hwa Lee

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Computation in Departments of Linguistics
Richard Fritzson

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The FINITE STRING, Volume 15, Number 2 (continued)

Manifesto: The Press At Twin Willows (David G. Hays); Reviews of Micro Hardware and Software to be Published; Publishing AJCL (David G. Hays); Conferences: ASIS and HICSS; Linguistic Structures Processing, Zampolli, ed.; Natural Language in Information Science, Walker, Kalrgren, and Kay, eds.; Description of AJCL; AFIPS Washington Report, June 78

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The FINITE STRING, Volume 15, Number 3

TINLAP-2: Program and Abstracts; Dictionary Society of North America: Special Meeting (Dr. Ladisslav Zgusts); NCC ’79 Personal Computing Festival (Richard Kuzneck; Russell Adams; Jay P. Lucas); 1979 National Computer Conference (Merlin G. Smith; Richard E. Merwin); Short Notice of Upcoming Conferences (Makato Nagao); Recognition Memory (REM): Semionics Associates; Screensplitter;

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The TARGET Project's Interactive Computerized Multilingual Dictionary
John Burge


bib (full) American Journal of Computational Linguistics (December 1978)

American Journal of Computational Linguistics (December 1978)
David G. Hays

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The FINITE STRING, Volume 15, Number 4

ACL: Minutes Of the 16th Annual Business Meeting; ACL Secretary-Treasurer’s Report; ACL Officers For 1979; ACL Officers 1963-1979; NSF: Support for Computational Linguistics (Paul G. Chapin); News: Short Notes; News: ARIST Reprint Request (Martha E. Williams); News: Summer Linguistics at Texas; PhD Programs in Computational Linguistics; Journal: Computational Linguistics and Computer Languages (T. Frey; T. Vamos); Journal: Discourse Processes (Roy D. Freedle); Book Notices (Mel’cuk R. Ravic); Yale AI Project Research Reports Available; Summary of Research on Computational Aspects of Evolution Theories (Raymond D. Gumb); Taxonomy: Information Sciences (Editors of Information Systems); Machine Aids to Translation: A Concise State of the Art Bibliography (Wayne Zachary);

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Review: On Human Communication: A Review, a Survey, and a Criticism 3rd ed., by Colin Cherry
William L. Benzon

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Review: Abhangigkeitsgrammatik, by Jurgen Kunze
Kenneth F. Ballin

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Glancing, Referring and Explaining in the Dialogue System HAM-RPM
W. Wahlster | A. Jameson | W. Hoeppner

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A Critical Look at a Formal Model for Stratificational Linguistics
Alexander T. Borgida

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Language Representation: Papers presented in two sessions of TINLAP-2

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Testing the Psychological Reality of a Representation Model
Dedre Gentner

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What Makes Something “Ad Hoc”
Roger C. Schank

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The Relation of Grammar to Cognition--a Synopsis
Leonard Talmy

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On primitives, prototypes, and other semantic anomalies
Terry Winograd

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Taxonomic Lattice Structures for Situation Recognition
William A. Woods

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Description Formation and Discourse Model Synthesis
Bonnie Lynn Webber

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The Processing of Referring Expressions within a Semantic Network
John R. Anderson

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Reference Diaries
Herbert H. Clark | Catherine Marshall

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Subsequent Reference: Syntactic and Rhetorical Considerations
David D. McDonald

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Some Psycholinguistic Constraints on the Construction and Interpretation of Definite Descriptions
Andrew Ortony

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Bound Variables and Other Anaphors
Barbara H. Partee

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The Use of Focus as a Tool for Disambiguation of Definite Noun Phrases
Candace L. Sidner

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Language Representation: Papers presented in two sessions of TINLAP-2

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Focusing in Dialog
Barbara J. Grosz

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Topic Levels
Joseph E. Grimes

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Toward a Rational Model of Discourse Comprehension
Jerry L. Morgan

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Assent and Compliance in Children’s Language Comprehension
David R. Olson

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Speech Acts as a Basis for Understanding Dialogue Coherence
C. Raymond Perrault | James F. Allen | Philip R. Cohen

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A Framework for Comparing Language Experiences (with particular emphasis on: The Effect of Audience on Discourse Models)
Andee Rubin

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Intentlonallty and Human Conversations
Jaime G. Carbonell Jr

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On the Interdependence of Language and Perception
David L. Waltz

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The Problem of Naming Shapes: Vision-Language Interface
R. Bajcsy | A. K. Joshi

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An Argument about the Composition of Conceptual Structure
Ray Jackendoff

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On the Ontological Status of Visual Mental Images
Stephen Michael Kosslyn

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What has language to do with perception? Some speculations on the Lingua Mentis
Zenon W. Pylyshyn

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Semantic Primitives in Language and Vision
Yorick Wilks

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Inference and Theory: Papers presented in two sessions of TINLAP-2

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A Note on Partial Match of Descriptions. Can One Simultaneously Question (Retrieve) and Inform (Update)?
Aravind K. Joshi

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With a Spoon in Hand This Must Be the Eating Frame
Eugene Charniak

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Fragments of a Theory of Human Plausible Reasoning
Allan Collins

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Indirect Responses to Loaded Questions
S. Jerrold Kaplan

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On Reasoning by Default
Raymond Reiter

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Path-Based and Node-Based Inference in Semantic Networks
Stuart C. Shapiro

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The Representation of Derivable Information in Memory: When What Might Have Been Left Unsaid Is Said
Rand J. Spiro | Joseph Esposito | Richard J. Vondruska

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A Heuristic for Paradigms
Joseph E. Grimes

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A Computational Account of Some Constraints on Language
Mitchell Marcus

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Remarks on Processing, Constraints, and the Lexicon
Thomas Wasow

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List of questions suggested for consideration in each session