Xiaodong Chen


SP3: Enhancing Structured Pruning via PCA Projection
Yuxuan Hu | Jing Zhang | Zhe Zhao | Chen Zhao | Xiaodong Chen | Cuiping Li | Hong Chen
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Structured pruning is a widely used technique for reducing the size of pre-trained language models (PLMs), but current methods often overlook the potential of compressing the hidden dimension d in PLMs, a dimension critical to model size and efficiency. This paper introduces a novel structured pruning approach, Structured Pruning with PCA Projection ( SP3), targeting the effective reduction of d by projecting features into a space defined by principal components before masking. Extensive experiments on benchmarks (GLUE and SQuAD) show that can reduce d by 70%, compress 94% of the BERTbase model, and maintain over 96% accuracy and outperform other methods that compress d by 6% in accuracy at the same compression ratio. SP3 has also proven effective with other models, including OPT and Llama.Our data and code are available at https://github.com/hyx1999/SP3