Tomasz Obrębski

Also published as: Tomasz Obrebski


Dependency grammars as Haskell programs
Tomasz Obrębski
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Natural Language Processing


PolNet — Polish WordNet: Data and Tools
Zygmunt Vetulani | Marek Kubis | Tomasz Obrębski
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)

This paper presents the PolNet-Polish WordNet project which aims at building a linguistically oriented ontology for Polish compatible with other WordNet projects such as Princeton WordNet, EuroWordNet and other similarly organized ontologies. The main idea behind this kind of ontologies is to use words related by synonymy to construct formal representations of concepts. In the paper we sketch the PolNet project methodology and implementation. We present data obtained so far, as well as the WQuery tool for querying and maintaining PolNet. WQuery is a query language that make use of data types based on synsets, word senses and various semantic relations which occur in wordnet-like lexical databases. The tool is particularly useful to deal with complex querying tasks like searching for cycles in semantic relations, finding isolated synsets or computing overall statistics. Both data and tools presented in this paper have been applied within an advanced AI system POLINT-112-SMS with emulated natural language competence, where they are used in the understanding subsystem.


Verb-Noun Collocation SyntLex Dictionary: Corpus-Based Approach
Grazyna Vetulani | Zygmunt Vetulani | Tomasz Obrębski
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)

The project presented here is a part of a long term research program aiming at a full lexicon grammar for Polish (SyntLex). The main concern of this project is computer-assisted acquisition and morpho-syntactic description of verb-noun collocations in Polish. We present methodology and resources obtained in three main project phases which are: dictionary-based acquisition of collocation lexicon, feasibility study for corpus-based lexicon enlargement phase, corpus-based lexicon enlargement and collocation description. In this paper we focus on the results of the third phase. The presented here corpus-based approach permitted us to triple the size the verb-noun collocation dictionary for Polish. In the paper we describe the SyntLex Dictionary of Collocations and announce some future research intended to be a separate project continuation.


UAM Text Tools - a flexible NLP architecture
Tomasz Obrębski | Michał Stolarski
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’06)

The paper presents a new language processing toolkit developed at Adam Mickiewicz University. Its functionality includes currently tokenization, sentence splitting, dictionary-based morphological analysis, heuristic morphological analysis of unknown words, spelling correction, pattern search, and generation of concordances. It is organized as a collection of command-line programs, each performing one operation. The components may be connected in various ways to provide various text processing services. Also new user-deoned components may be easily incorporated into the system. The toolkit is destined for processing raw (not annotated) text corpora. The system was originally intended for Polish, but its adaptation to other languages is possible.

Syntactic Lexicon of Polish Predicative Nouns
Grażyna Vetulani | Zygmunt Vetulani | Tomasz Obrębski
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’06)

In the paper we report realization of SyntLex project aiming at construction of a full lexicon grammar for Polish. The lexicon-grammar based paradigm in computer linguistics is derived from the predicate logic and attributes a central role to the predicative constructions. An important class of syntactic constructions in many languages (French, English, Polish and other Slavonic languages in particular) are those based on verbo-nominal collocations, with the verb playing a support role with respect to the noun considered as carrying the predicative information. In this paper we refer to the former research by one of the authors aiming at full description of verbo-nominal predicative constructions for Polish in the form of an electronic resource for LI applications. We describe procedures to complete and corpus-validate the resource obtained so far.


Some Notes on Generative Capacity of Dependency Grammar
Tomasz Obrebski | Filip Gralinski
Proceedings of the Workshop on Recent Advances in Dependency Grammar


Dependency parsing using dependency graph for storing alternative structures
Tomasz Obrebski
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Parsing Technologies

In this paper an efficient algorithm for dependency parsing is described in which ambiguous dependency structure of a sentence is represented in the form of a graph. The idea of the algorithm is shortly outlined and some issues as to its time complexity are discussed.