Simon Gabay


Harnessing Linguistic Analysis for ADHD Diagnosis Support: A Stylometric Approach to Self-Defining Memories
Florian Raphaël Cafiero | Juan Barrios Rudloff | Simon Gabay
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Resources and ProcessIng of linguistic, para-linguistic and extra-linguistic Data from people with various forms of cognitive/psychiatric/developmental impairments @LREC-COLING 2024

This study explores the potential of stylometric analysis in identifying Self-Defining Memories (SDMs) authored by individuals with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) versus a control group. A sample of 198 SDMs were written by 66 adolescents and were then analysed using Support Vector Classifiers (SVC). The analysis included a variety of linguistic features such as character 3-grams, function words, sentence length, or lexical richness among others. It also included metadata about the participants (gender, age) and their SDMs (self-reported sentiment after recalling their memories). The results reveal a promising ability of linguistic analysis to accurately classify SDMs, with perfect prediction (F1=1.0) in the contextually simpler setup of text-by-text prediction, and satisfactory levels of precision (F1 = 0.77) when predicting individual by individual. Such results highlight the significant role that linguistic characteristics play in reflecting the distinctive cognitive patterns associated with ADHD. While not a substitute for professional diagnosis, textual analysis offers a supportive avenue for early detection and a deeper understanding of ADHD.


A Data-driven Approach to Named Entity Recognition for Early Modern French
Pedro Ortiz Suarez | Simon Gabay
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Named entity recognition has become an increasingly useful tool for digital humanities research, specially when it comes to historical texts. However, historical texts pose a wide range of challenges to both named entity recognition and natural language processing in general that are still difficult to address even with modern neural methods. In this article we focus in named entity recognition for historical French, and in particular for Early Modern French (16th-18th c.), i.e. Ancien Régime French. However, instead of developing a specialised architecture to tackle the particularities of this state of language, we opt for a data-driven approach by developing a new corpus with fine-grained entity annotation, covering three centuries of literature corresponding to the early modern period; we try to annotate as much data as possible producing a corpus that is many times bigger than the most popular NER evaluation corpora for both Contemporary English and French. We then fine-tune existing state-of-the-art architectures for Early Modern and Contemporary French, obtaining results that are on par with those of the current state-of-the-art NER systems for Contemporary English. Both the corpus and the fine-tuned models are released.

Le projet FREEM : ressources, outils et enjeux pour l’étude du français d’Ancien Régime (The F RE EM project: Resources, tools and challenges for the study of Ancien Régime French)
Simon Gabay | Pedro Ortiz Suarez | Rachel Bawden | Alexandre Bartz | Philippe Gambette | Benoît Sagot
Actes de la 29e Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles. Volume 1 : conférence principale

En dépit de leur qualité certaine, les ressources et outils disponibles pour l’analyse du français d’Ancien Régime ne sont plus à même de répondre aux enjeux de la recherche en linguistique et en littérature pour cette période. Après avoir précisément défini le cadre chronologique retenu, nous présentons les corpus mis à disposition et les résultats obtenus avec eux pour plusieurs tâches de TAL fondamentales à l’étude de la langue et de la littérature.

Automatic Normalisation of Early Modern French
Rachel Bawden | Jonathan Poinhos | Eleni Kogkitsidou | Philippe Gambette | Benoît Sagot | Simon Gabay
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Spelling normalisation is a useful step in the study and analysis of historical language texts, whether it is manual analysis by experts or automatic analysis using downstream natural language processing (NLP) tools. Not only does it help to homogenise the variable spelling that often exists in historical texts, but it also facilitates the use of off-the-shelf contemporary NLP tools, if contemporary spelling conventions are used for normalisation. We present FREEMnorm, a new benchmark for the normalisation of Early Modern French (from the 17th century) into contemporary French and provide a thorough comparison of three different normalisation methods: ABA, an alignment-based approach and MT-approaches, (both statistical and neural), including extensive parameter searching, which is often missing in the normalisation literature.

From FreEM to D’AlemBERT: a Large Corpus and a Language Model for Early Modern French
Simon Gabay | Pedro Ortiz Suarez | Alexandre Bartz | Alix Chagué | Rachel Bawden | Philippe Gambette | Benoît Sagot
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

anguage models for historical states of language are becoming increasingly important to allow the optimal digitisation and analysis of old textual sources. Because these historical states are at the same time more complex to process and more scarce in the corpora available, this paper presents recent efforts to overcome this difficult situation. These efforts include producing a corpus, creating the model, and evaluating it with an NLP task currently used by scholars in other ongoing projects.


Traduction automatique pour la normalisation du français du XVIIe siècle ()
Simon Gabay | Loïc Barrault
Actes de la 6e conférence conjointe Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP, 33e édition), Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN, 27e édition), Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (RÉCITAL, 22e édition). Volume 2 : Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles