Qi Luo


引入源端信息的机器译文自动评价方法研究(Research on Incorporating the Source Information to Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation)
Qi Luo (罗琪) | Maoxi Li (李茂西)
Proceedings of the 19th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics



CRF-LSTM Text Mining Method Unveiling the Pharmacological Mechanism of Off-target Side Effect of Anti-Multiple Myeloma Drugs
Kaiyin Zhou | Sheng Zhang | Xiangyu Meng | Qi Luo | Yuxing Wang | Ke Ding | Yukun Feng | Mo Chen | Kevin Cohen | Jingbo Xia
Proceedings of the BioNLP 2018 workshop

Sequence labeling of biomedical entities, e.g., side effects or phenotypes, was a long-term task in BioNLP and MedNLP communities. Thanks to effects made among these communities, adverse reaction NER has developed dramatically in recent years. As an illuminative application, to achieve knowledge discovery via the combination of the text mining result and bioinformatics idea shed lights on the pharmacological mechanism research.