Koji Tochinai


Effectiveness of automatic extraction of bilingual collocations using recursive chain-link-type learning
Hiroshi Echizen-ya | Kenji Araki | Yoshio Momouchi | Koji Tochinai
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit IX: Papers


Evaluation of Direct Speech Translation Method Using Inductive Learning for Conversations in the Travel Domain
Koji Murakami | Makoto Hiroshige | Kenji Araki | Koji Tochinai
Proceedings of the ACL-02 Workshop on Speech-to-Speech Translation: Algorithms and Systems

A Word Segmentation Method with Dynamic Adapting to Text Using Inductive Learning
Zhongjian Wang | Kenji Araki | Koji Tochinai
COLING-02: The First SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing

Study of Practical Effectiveness for Machine Translation Using Recursive Chain-link-type Learning
Hiroshi Echizen-ya | Kenji Araki | Yoshio Momouchi | Koji Tochinai
COLING 2002: The 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics


Effectiveness of layering translation rules based on transition networks in machine translation using inductive learning with genetic algorithms
Hiroshi Echizen-ya | Kenji Araki | Yoshio Momouchi | Koji Tochinai
Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Translation and Multilingual Applications in the new Millennium: MT 2000


Example-based machine translation of part-of-speech tagged sentences by recursive division
Tantely Andriamanankasina | Kenji Araki | Koji Tochinai
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit VII

Example-Based Machine Translation can be applied to languages whose resources like dictionaries, reliable syntactic analyzers are hardly available because it can learn from new translation examples. However, difficulties still remain in translation of sentences which are not fully covered by the matching sentence. To solve that problem, we present in this paper a translation method which recursively divides a sentence and translates each part separately. In addition, we evaluate an analogy-based word-level alignment method which predicts word correspondences between source and translation sentences of new translation examples. The translation method was implemented in a French-Japanese machine translation system and spoken language text were used as examples. Promising translation results were earned and the effectiveness of the alignment method in the translation was confirmed.

Sub-Sentential Alignment Method by Analogy
Tantely Andriamanankasina | Kenji Araki | Koji Tochinai
Proceedings of the 13th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation

A Study of Performance Evaluation for GA-ILMT Using Travel English
Hiroshi Echizen-ya | Kenji Araki | Yoshio Momouchi | Koji Tochinai
Proceedings of the 13th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation


An Improvement in the Selection Process of Machine Translation Using Inductive Learning with Genetic Algorithms
Hiroshi Echizen-ya | Kenji Araki | Yoshikazu Miyanaga | Koji Tochinai
Fifth Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing: Descriptions of System Demonstrations and Videos


Machine Translation Method Using Inductive Learning with Genetic Algorithms
Hiroshi Echizen-ya | Kenji Araki | Yoshio Momouchi | Koji Tochinai
COLING 1996 Volume 2: The 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics