Ayla Rigouts Terryn

Also published as: Ayla Rigouts Terryn


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Exploratory Study on the Impact of English Bias of Generative Large Language Models in Dutch and French
Ayla Rigouts Terryn | Miryam de Lhoneux
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Human Evaluation of NLP Systems (HumEval) @ LREC-COLING 2024

The most widely used LLMs like GPT4 and Llama 2 are trained on large amounts of data, mostly in English but are still able to deal with non-English languages. This English bias leads to lower performance in other languages, especially low-resource ones. This paper studies the linguistic quality of LLMs in two non-English high-resource languages: Dutch and French, with a focus on the influence of English. We first construct a comparable corpus of text generated by humans versus LLMs (GPT-4, Zephyr, and GEITje) in the news domain. We proceed to annotate linguistic issues in the LLM-generated texts, obtaining high inter-annotator agreement, and analyse these annotated issues. We find a substantial influence of English for all models under all conditions: on average, 16% of all annotations of linguistic errors or peculiarities had a clear link to English. Fine-tuning a LLM to a target language (GEITje is fine-tuned on Dutch) reduces the number of linguistic issues and probably also the influence of English. We further find that using a more elaborate prompt leads to linguistically better results than a concise prompt. Finally, increasing the temperature for one of the models leads to lower linguistic quality but does not alter the influence of English.


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Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Terminology in NLP and Translation Studies (ConTeNTS) Incorporating the 16th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora (BUCC)
Amal Haddad Haddad | Ayla Rigouts Terryn | Ruslan Mitkov | Reinhard Rapp | Pierre Zweigenbaum | Serge Sharoff
Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Terminology in NLP and Translation Studies (ConTeNTS) Incorporating the 16th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora (BUCC)

Supervised Feature-based Classification Approach to Bilingual Lexicon Induction from Specialised Comparable Corpora
Ayla Rigouts Terryn
Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Terminology in NLP and Translation Studies (ConTeNTS) Incorporating the 16th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora (BUCC)

This study, submitted to the BUCC2023 shared task on bilingual term alignment in comparable specialised corpora, introduces a supervised, feature-based classification approach. The approach employs both static cross-lingual embeddings and contextual multilingual embeddings, combined with surface-level indicators such as Levenshtein distance and term length, as well as linguistic information. Results exhibit improved performance over previous methodologies, illustrating the merit of integrating diverse features. However, the error analysis also reveals remaining challenges.


D-Terminer: Online Demo for Monolingual and Bilingual Automatic Term Extraction
Ayla Rigouts Terryn | Veronique Hoste | Els Lefever
Proceedings of the Workshop on Terminology in the 21st century: many faces, many places

This contribution presents D-Terminer: an open access, online demo for monolingual and multilingual automatic term extraction from parallel corpora. The monolingual term extraction is based on a recurrent neural network, with a supervised methodology that relies on pretrained embeddings. Candidate terms can be tagged in their original context and there is no need for a large corpus, as the methodology will work even for single sentences. With the bilingual term extraction from parallel corpora, potentially equivalent candidate term pairs are extracted from translation memories and manual annotation of the results shows that good equivalents are found for most candidate terms. Accompanying the release of the demo is an updated version of the ACTER Annotated Corpora for Term Extraction Research (version 1.5).


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Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Computational Terminology
Béatrice Daille | Kyo Kageura | Ayla Rigouts Terryn
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Computational Terminology

TermEval 2020: Shared Task on Automatic Term Extraction Using the Annotated Corpora for Term Extraction Research (ACTER) Dataset
Ayla Rigouts Terryn | Veronique Hoste | Patrick Drouin | Els Lefever
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Computational Terminology

The TermEval 2020 shared task provided a platform for researchers to work on automatic term extraction (ATE) with the same dataset: the Annotated Corpora for Term Extraction Research (ACTER). The dataset covers three languages (English, French, and Dutch) and four domains, of which the domain of heart failure was kept as a held-out test set on which final f1-scores were calculated. The aim was to provide a large, transparent, qualitatively annotated, and diverse dataset to the ATE research community, with the goal of promoting comparative research and thus identifying strengths and weaknesses of various state-of-the-art methodologies. The results show a lot of variation between different systems and illustrate how some methodologies reach higher precision or recall, how different systems extract different types of terms, how some are exceptionally good at finding rare terms, or are less impacted by term length. The current contribution offers an overview of the shared task with a comparative evaluation, which complements the individual papers by all participants.


Analysing the Impact of Supervised Machine Learning on Automatic Term Extraction: HAMLET vs TermoStat
Ayla Rigouts Terryn | Patrick Drouin | Veronique Hoste | Els Lefever
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2019)

Traditional approaches to automatic term extraction do not rely on machine learning (ML) and select the top n ranked candidate terms or candidate terms above a certain predefined cut-off point, based on a limited number of linguistic and statistical clues. However, supervised ML approaches are gaining interest. Relatively little is known about the impact of these supervised methodologies; evaluations are often limited to precision, and sometimes recall and f1-scores, without information about the nature of the extracted candidate terms. Therefore, the current paper presents a detailed and elaborate analysis and comparison of a traditional, state-of-the-art system (TermoStat) and a new, supervised ML approach (HAMLET), using the results obtained for the same, manually annotated, Dutch corpus about dressage.


A Gold Standard for Multilingual Automatic Term Extraction from Comparable Corpora: Term Structure and Translation Equivalents
Ayla Rigouts Terryn | Véronique Hoste | Els Lefever
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)

Smart Computer-Aided Translation Environment (SCATE): Highlights
Vincent Vandeghinste | Tom Vanallemeersch | Bram Bulté | Liesbeth Augustinus | Frank Van Eynde | Joris Pelemans | Lyan Verwimp | Patrick Wambacq | Geert Heyman | Marie-Francine Moens | Iulianna van der Lek-Ciudin | Frieda Steurs | Ayla Rigouts Terryn | Els Lefever | Arda Tezcan | Lieve Macken | Sven Coppers | Jens Brulmans | Jan Van Den Bergh | Kris Luyten | Karin Coninx
Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation

We present the highlights of the now finished 4-year SCATE project. It was completed in February 2018 and funded by the Flemish Government IWT-SBO, project No. 130041.1