Adir Rahamim


ContraSim – Analyzing Neural Representations Based on Contrastive Learning
Adir Rahamim | Yonatan Belinkov
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Recent work has compared neural network representations via similarity-based analyses to improve model interpretation. The quality of a similarity measure is typically evaluated by its success in assigning a high score to representations that are expected to be matched. However, existing similarity measures perform mediocrely on standard benchmarks. In this work, we develop a new similarity measure, dubbed ContraSim, based on contrastive learning. In contrast to common closed-form similarity measures, ContraSim learns a parameterized measure by using both similar and dissimilar examples. We perform an extensive experimental evaluation of our method, with both language and vision models, on the standard layer prediction benchmark and two new benchmarks that we introduce: the multilingual benchmark and the image–caption benchmark. In all cases, ContraSim achieves much higher accuracy than previous similarity measures, even when presented with challenging examples. Finally, ContraSim is more suitable for the analysis of neural networks, revealing new insights not captured by previous measures.


Text Augmentation Using Dataset Reconstruction for Low-Resource Classification
Adir Rahamim | Guy Uziel | Esther Goldbraich | Ateret Anaby Tavor
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

In the deployment of real-world text classification models, label scarcity is a common problem and as the number of classes increases, this problem becomes even more complex. An approach to addressing this problem is by applying text augmentation methods. One of the more prominent methods involves using the text-generation capabilities of language models. In this paper, we propose Text AUgmentation by Dataset Reconstruction (TAU-DR), a novel method of data augmentation for text classification. We conduct experiments on several multi-class datasets, showing that our approach improves the current state-of-the-art techniques for data augmentation.