Abhilasha Lodha


UMass-BioNLP at MEDIQA-M3G 2024: DermPrompt - A Systematic Exploration of Prompt Engineering with GPT-4V for Dermatological Diagnosis
Parth Vashisht | Abhilasha Lodha | Mukta Maddipatla | Zonghai Yao | Avijit Mitra | Zhichao Yang | Sunjae Kwon | Junda Wang | Hong Yu
Proceedings of the 6th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop

This paper presents our team’s participation in the MEDIQA-ClinicalNLP 2024 shared task B. We present a novel approach to diagnosing clinical dermatology cases by integrating large multimodal models, specifically leveraging the capabilities of GPT-4V under a retriever and a re-ranker framework. Our investigation reveals that GPT-4V, when used as a retrieval agent, can accurately retrieve the correct skin condition 85% of the time using dermatological images and brief patient histories. Additionally, we empirically show that Naive Chain-of-Thought (CoT) works well for retrieval while Medical Guidelines Grounded CoT is required for accurate dermatological diagnosis. Further, we introduce a Multi-Agent Conversation (MAC) framework and show it’s superior performance and potential over the best CoT strategy. The experiments suggest that using naive CoT for retrieval and multi-agent conversation for critique-based diagnosis, GPT-4V can lead to an early and accurate diagnosis of dermatological conditions. The implications of this work extend to improving diagnostic workflows, supporting dermatological education, and enhancing patient care by providing a scalable, accessible, and accurate diagnostic tool.


On Surgical Fine-tuning for Language Encoders
Abhilasha Lodha | Gayatri Belapurkar | Saloni Chalkapurkar | Yuanming Tao | Reshmi Ghosh | Samyadeep Basu | Dmitrii Petrov | Soundararajan Srinivasan
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Fine-tuning all the layers of a pre-trained neural language encoder (either using all the parameters or using parameter-efficient methods) is often the de-facto way of adapting it to a new task. We show evidence that for different downstream language tasks, fine-tuning only a subset of layers is sufficient to obtain performance that is close to and often better than fine-tuning all the layers in the language encoder. We propose an efficient metric based on the diagonal of the Fisher information matrix (FIM score), to select the candidate layers for selective fine-tuning. We show, empirically on GLUE and SuperGLUE tasks and across distinct language encoders, that this metric can effectively select layers leading to a strong downstream performance. Our work highlights that task-specific information corresponding to a given downstream task is often localized within a few layers, and tuning only those is sufficient for strong performance. Additionally, we demonstrate the robustness of the FIM score to rank layers in a manner that remains constant during the optimization process.

Robust Code Summarization
Debanjan Mondal | Abhilasha Lodha | Ankita Sahoo | Beena Kumari
Proceedings of the 1st GenBench Workshop on (Benchmarking) Generalisation in NLP

This paper delves into the intricacies of code summarization using advanced transformer-based language models. Through empirical studies, we evaluate the efficacy of code summarization by altering function and variable names to explore whether models truly understand code semantics or merely rely on textual cues. We have also introduced adversaries like dead code and commented code across three programming languages (Python, Javascript, and Java) to further scrutinize the model’s understanding. Ultimately, our research aims to offer valuable insights into the inner workings of transformer-based LMs, enhancing their ability to understand code and contributing to more efficient software development practices and maintenance workflows.