Xiaoling Wang


Typology Guided Multilingual Position Representations: Case on Dependency Parsing
Tao Ji | Yuanbin Wu | Xiaoling Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Recent multilingual models benefit from strong unified semantic representation models. However, due to conflict linguistic regularities, ignoring language-specific features during multilingual learning may suffer from negative transfer. In this work, we analyze the relationbetween a language’s position space and its typological characterization, and suggest deploying different position spaces for different languages. We develop a position generation network which combines prior knowledge from typology features and existing position vectors. Experiments on the multilingual dependency parsing task show that the learned position vectors exhibit meaningful hidden structures, and they can help achieving the best multilingual parsing results.

Unified Demonstration Retriever for In-Context Learning
Xiaonan Li | Kai Lv | Hang Yan | Tianyang Lin | Wei Zhu | Yuan Ni | Guotong Xie | Xiaoling Wang | Xipeng Qiu
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

In-context learning is a new learning paradigm where a language model conditions on a few input-output pairs (demonstrations) and a test input, and directly outputs the prediction. It has been shown sensitive to the provided demonstrations and thus promotes the research of demonstration retrieval: given a test input, relevant examples are retrieved from the training set to serve as informative demonstrations for in-context learning. While previous works train task-specific retrievers for several tasks separately, these methods are hard to transfer and scale on various tasks, and separately trained retrievers will cause a lot of parameter storage and deployment cost. In this paper, we propose Unified Demonstration Retriever (UDR), a single model to retrieve demonstrations for a wide range of tasks. To train UDR, we cast various tasks’ training signals into a unified list-wise ranking formulation by language model’s feedback. Then we propose a multi-task list-wise ranking training framework with an iterative mining strategy to find high-quality candidates, which can help UDR fully incorporate various tasks’ signals. Experiments on 30+ tasks across 13 task families and multiple data domains show that UDR significantly outperforms baselines. Further analyses show the effectiveness of each proposed component and UDR’s strong ability in various scenarios including different LMs (1.3B 175B), unseen datasets, varying demonstration quantities, etc. We will release the code and model checkpoint after review.

Rehearsal-free Continual Language Learning via Efficient Parameter Isolation
Zhicheng Wang | Yufang Liu | Tao Ji | Xiaoling Wang | Yuanbin Wu | Congcong Jiang | Ye Chao | Zhencong Han | Ling Wang | Xu Shao | Wenqiu Zeng
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We study the problem of defying catastrophic forgetting when learning a series of language processing tasks. Compared with previous methods, we emphasize the importance of not caching history tasks’ data, which makes the problem more challenging. Our proposed method applies the parameter isolation strategy. For each task, it allocates a small portion of private parameters and learns them with a shared pre-trained model. To load correct parameters at testing time, we introduce a simple yet effective non-parametric method. Experiments on continual language learning benchmarks show that our method is significantly better than all existing no-data-cache methods, and is comparable (or even better) than those using historical data.

BADGE: Speeding Up BERT Inference after Deployment via Block-wise Bypasses and Divergence-based Early Exiting
Wei Zhu | Peng Wang | Yuan Ni | Guotong Xie | Xiaoling Wang
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 5: Industry Track)

Early exiting can reduce the average latency of pre-trained language models (PLMs) via its adaptive inference mechanism and work with other inference speed-up methods like model pruning, thus drawing much attention from the industry. In this work, we propose a novel framework, BADGE, which consists of two off-the-shelf methods for improving PLMs’ early exiting. We first address the issues of training a multi-exit PLM, the backbone model for early exiting. We propose the novel architecture of block-wise bypasses, which can alleviate the conflicts in jointly training multiple intermediate classifiers and thus improve the overall performances of multi-exit PLM while introducing negligible additional flops to the model. Second, we propose a novel divergence-based early exiting (DGE) mechanism, which obtains early exiting signals by comparing the predicted distributions of two adjacent layers’ exits. Extensive experiments on three proprietary datasets and three GLUE benchmark tasks demonstrate that our method can obtain a better speedup-performance trade-off than the existing baseline methods.\footnote{Code will be made publicly available to the research community upon acceptance.}


Zero-Shot Event Detection Based on Ordered Contrastive Learning and Prompt-Based Prediction
Senhui Zhang | Tao Ji | Wendi Ji | Xiaoling Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022

Event detection is a classic natural language processing task. However, the constantly emerging new events make supervised methods not applicable to unseen types. Previous zero-shot event detection methods either require predefined event types as heuristic rules or resort to external semantic analyzing tools. To overcome this weakness, we propose an end-to-end framework named Zero-Shot Event Detection Based on Ordered Contrastive Learning and Prompt-Based Prediction (ZEOP). By creatively introducing multiple contrastive samples with ordered similarities, the encoder can learn event representations from both instance-level and class-level, which makes the distinctions between different unseen types more significant. Meanwhile, we utilize the prompt-based prediction to identify trigger words without relying on external resources. Experiments demonstrate that our model detects events more effectively and accurately than state-of-the-art methods.

Candidate Soups: Fusing Candidate Results Improves Translation Quality for Non-Autoregressive Translation
Huanran Zheng | Wei Zhu | Pengfei Wang | Xiaoling Wang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Non-autoregressive translation (NAT) model achieves a much faster inference speed than the autoregressive translation (AT) model because it can simultaneously predict all tokens during inference. However, its translation quality suffers from degradation compared to AT. And existing NAT methods only focus on improving the NAT model’s performance but do not fully utilize it. In this paper, we propose a simple but effective method called “Candidate Soups,” which can obtain high-quality translations while maintaining the inference speed of NAT models. Unlike previous approaches that pick the individual result and discard the remainders, Candidate Soups (CDS) can fully use the valuable information in the different candidate translations through model uncertainty. Extensive experiments on two benchmarks (WMT’14 EN–DE and WMT’16 EN–RO) demonstrate the effectiveness and generality of our proposed method, which can significantly improve the translation quality of various base models. More notably, our best variant outperforms the AT model on three translation tasks with 7.6× speedup.


Discovering Better Model Architectures for Medical Query Understanding
Wei Zhu | Yuan Ni | Xiaoling Wang | Guotong Xie
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies: Industry Papers

In developing an online question-answering system for the medical domains, natural language inference (NLI) models play a central role in question matching and intention detection. However, which models are best for our datasets? Manually selecting or tuning a model is time-consuming. Thus we experiment with automatically optimizing the model architectures on the task at hand via neural architecture search (NAS). First, we formulate a novel architecture search space based on the previous NAS literature, supporting cross-sentence attention (cross-attn) modeling. Second, we propose to modify the ENAS method to accelerate and stabilize the search results. We conduct extensive experiments on our two medical NLI tasks. Results show that our system can easily outperform the classical baseline models. We compare different NAS methods and demonstrate our approach provides the best results.

GAML-BERT: Improving BERT Early Exiting by Gradient Aligned Mutual Learning
Wei Zhu | Xiaoling Wang | Yuan Ni | Guotong Xie
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

In this work, we propose a novel framework, Gradient Aligned Mutual Learning BERT (GAML-BERT), for improving the early exiting of BERT. GAML-BERT’s contributions are two-fold. We conduct a set of pilot experiments, which shows that mutual knowledge distillation between a shallow exit and a deep exit leads to better performances for both. From this observation, we use mutual learning to improve BERT’s early exiting performances, that is, we ask each exit of a multi-exit BERT to distill knowledge from each other. Second, we propose GA, a novel training method that aligns the gradients from knowledge distillation to cross-entropy losses. Extensive experiments are conducted on the GLUE benchmark, which shows that our GAML-BERT can significantly outperform the state-of-the-art (SOTA) BERT early exiting methods.

Word Reordering for Zero-shot Cross-lingual Structured Prediction
Tao Ji | Yong Jiang | Tao Wang | Zhongqiang Huang | Fei Huang | Yuanbin Wu | Xiaoling Wang
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Adapting word order from one language to another is a key problem in cross-lingual structured prediction. Current sentence encoders (e.g., RNN, Transformer with position embeddings) are usually word order sensitive. Even with uniform word form representations (MUSE, mBERT), word order discrepancies may hurt the adaptation of models. In this paper, we build structured prediction models with bag-of-words inputs, and introduce a new reordering module to organizing words following the source language order, which learns task-specific reordering strategies from a general-purpose order predictor model. Experiments on zero-shot cross-lingual dependency parsing, POS tagging, and morphological tagging show that our model can significantly improve target language performances, especially for languages that are distant from the source language.

A Unified Encoding of Structures in Transition Systems
Tao Ji | Yong Jiang | Tao Wang | Zhongqiang Huang | Fei Huang | Yuanbin Wu | Xiaoling Wang
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Transition systems usually contain various dynamic structures (e.g., stacks, buffers). An ideal transition-based model should encode these structures completely and efficiently. Previous works relying on templates or neural network structures either only encode partial structure information or suffer from computation efficiency. In this paper, we propose a novel attention-based encoder unifying representation of all structures in a transition system. Specifically, we separate two views of items on structures, namely structure-invariant view and structure-dependent view. With the help of parallel-friendly attention network, we are able to encoding transition states with O(1) additional complexity (with respect to basic feature extractors). Experiments on the PTB and UD show that our proposed method significantly improves the test speed and achieves the best transition-based model, and is comparable to state-of-the-art methods.

paht_nlp @ MEDIQA 2021: Multi-grained Query Focused Multi-Answer Summarization
Wei Zhu | Yilong He | Ling Chai | Yunxiao Fan | Yuan Ni | Guotong Xie | Xiaoling Wang
Proceedings of the 20th Workshop on Biomedical Language Processing

In this article, we describe our systems for the MEDIQA 2021 Shared Tasks. First, we will describe our method for the second task, Multi-Answer Summarization (MAS). For extractive summarization, two series of methods are applied. The first one follows (CITATION). First a RoBERTa model is first applied to give a local ranking of the candidate sentences. Then a Markov Chain model is applied to evaluate the sentences globally. The second method applies cross-sentence contextualization to improve the local ranking and discard the global ranking step. Our methods achieve the 1st Place in the MAS task. For the question summarization (QS) and radiology report summarization (RRS) tasks, we explore how end-to-end pre-trained seq2seq model perform. A series of tricks for improving the fine-tuning performances are validated.


Probabilistic Verb Selection for Data-to-Text Generation
Dell Zhang | Jiahao Yuan | Xiaoling Wang | Adam Foster
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 6

In data-to-text Natural Language Generation (NLG) systems, computers need to find the right words to describe phenomena seen in the data. This paper focuses on the problem of choosing appropriate verbs to express the direction and magnitude of a percentage change (e.g., in stock prices). Rather than simply using the same verbs again and again, we present a principled data-driven approach to this problem based on Shannon’s noisy-channel model so as to bring variation and naturalness into the generated text. Our experiments on three large-scale real-world news corpora demonstrate that the proposed probabilistic model can be learned to accurately imitate human authors’ pattern of usage around verbs, outperforming the state-of-the-art method significantly.