Yuchen Zhuang


ReGen: Zero-Shot Text Classification via Training Data Generation with Progressive Dense Retrieval
Yue Yu | Yuchen Zhuang | Rongzhi Zhang | Yu Meng | Jiaming Shen | Chao Zhang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

With the development of large language models (LLMs), zero-shot learning has attracted much attention for various NLP tasks. Different from prior works that generate training data with billion-scale natural language generation (NLG) models, we propose a retrieval-enhanced framework to create training data from a general-domain unlabeled corpus. To realize this, we first conduct contrastive pretraining to learn an unsupervised dense retriever for extracting the most relevant documents using class-descriptive verbalizers. We then further pro- pose two simple strategies, namely Verbalizer Augmentation with Demonstrations and Self- consistency Guided Filtering to improve the topic coverage of the dataset while removing noisy examples. Experiments on nine datasets demonstrate that ReGen achieves 4.3% gain over the strongest baselines and saves around 70% of the time when compared with baselines using large NLG models. Besides, REGEN can be naturally integrated with recently proposed large language models to boost performance.


ReSel: N-ary Relation Extraction from Scientific Text and Tables by Learning to Retrieve and Select
Yuchen Zhuang | Yinghao Li | Junyang Zhang | Yue Yu | Yingjun Mou | Xiang Chen | Le Song | Chao Zhang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We study the problem of extracting N-ary relation tuples from scientific articles. This task is challenging because the target knowledge tuples can reside in multiple parts and modalities of the document. Our proposed method ReSel decomposes this task into a two-stage procedure that first retrieves the most relevant paragraph/table and then selects the target entity from the retrieved component. For the high-level retrieval stage, ReSel designs a simple and effective feature set, which captures multi-level lexical and semantic similarities between the query and components. For the low-level selection stage, ReSel designs a cross-modal entity correlation graph along with a multi-view architecture, which models both semantic and document-structural relations between entities. Our experiments on three scientific information extraction datasets show that ReSel outperforms state-of-the-art baselines significantly.


Calibrated Language Model Fine-Tuning for In- and Out-of-Distribution Data
Lingkai Kong | Haoming Jiang | Yuchen Zhuang | Jie Lyu | Tuo Zhao | Chao Zhang
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Fine-tuned pre-trained language models can suffer from severe miscalibration for both in-distribution and out-of-distribution (OOD) data due to over-parameterization. To mitigate this issue, we propose a regularized fine-tuning method. Our method introduces two types of regularization for better calibration: (1) On-manifold regularization, which generates pseudo on-manifold samples through interpolation within the data manifold. Augmented training with these pseudo samples imposes a smoothness regularization to improve in-distribution calibration. (2) Off-manifold regularization, which encourages the model to output uniform distributions for pseudo off-manifold samples to address the over-confidence issue for OOD data. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms existing calibration methods for text classification in terms of expectation calibration error, misclassification detection, and OOD detection on six datasets. Our code can be found at https://github.com/Lingkai-Kong/Calibrated-BERT-Fine-Tuning.