Luis A. Leiva
Also published as: Luis Leiva
CASMACAT: A Computer-assisted Translation Workbench
Vicent Alabau
Christian Buck
Michael Carl
Francisco Casacuberta
Mercedes García-Martínez
Ulrich Germann
Jesús González-Rubio
Robin Hill
Philipp Koehn
Luis Leiva
Bartolomé Mesa-Lao
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
Herve Saint-Amand
Germán Sanchis Trilles
Chara Tsoukala
Proceedings of the Demonstrations at the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Proofreading Human Translations with an E-pen
Vicent Alabau
Luis A. Leiva
Proceedings of the EACL 2014 Workshop on Humans and Computer-assisted Translation
Evaluating the effects of interactivity in a post-editing workbench
Nancy Underwood
Bartolomé Mesa-Lao
Mercedes García Martínez
Michael Carl
Vicent Alabau
Jesús González-Rubio
Luis A. Leiva
Germán Sanchis-Trilles
Daniel Ortíz-Martínez
Francisco Casacuberta
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
Collaborative web UI localization, or how to build feature-rich multilingual datasets
Vicent Alabau
Luis A. Leiva
Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
User Evaluation of Advanced Interaction Features for a Computer-Assisted Translation Workbench
Vicente Alabau
Jesus Gonzalez-Rubio
Luis A. Leiva
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
German Sanchis-Trilles
Francisco Casacuberta
Bartolomé Mesa-Lao
Ragnar Bonk
Michael Carl
Mercedes Garcia-Martinez
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XIV: User track
Advanced computer aided translation with a web-based workbench
Vicent Alabau
Ragnar Bonk
Christian Buck
Michael Carl
Francisco Casacuberta
Mercedes García-Martínez
Jesús González
Philipp Koehn
Luis Leiva
Bartolomé Mesa-Lao
Daniel Oriz
Hervé Saint-Amand
Germán Sanchis
Chara Tsiukala
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Post-editing Technology and Practice
User Evaluation of Interactive Machine Translation Systems
Vincent Alabau
Luis A. Leiva
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
Francisco Casacuberta
Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
An Interactive Machine Translation System with Online Learning
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
Luis A. Leiva
Vicent Alabau
Ismael García-Varea
Francisco Casacuberta
Proceedings of the ACL-HLT 2011 System Demonstrations
Interactive Predictive Parsing using a Web-based Architecture
Ricardo Sánchez-Sáez
Luis A. Leiva
Joan-Andreu Sánchez
José-Miguel Benedí
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Demonstration Session
- Vicent Alabau 7
- Francisco Casacuberta 6
- Daniel Ortiz-Martínez 5
- Michael Carl 4
- Mercedes García-Martínez 4
- show all...
- Bartolomé Mesa-Lao 4
- Germán Sanchis-Trilles 4
- Jesús González-Rubio 3
- Christian Buck 2
- Philipp Koehn 2
- Herve Saint-Amand 2
- Ragnar Bonk 2
- Ulrich Germann 1
- Robin L. Hill 1
- Chara Tsoukala 1
- Vincent Alabau 1
- Nancy Underwood 1
- Ricardo Sánchez-Sáez 1
- Joan-Andreu Sánchez 1
- José-Miguel Benedí 1
- Jesús González 1
- Daniel Oriz 1
- Chara Tsiukala 1
- Ismael García-Varea 1