Longxuan Ma


I run as fast as a rabbit, can you? A Multilingual Simile Dialogues Datasets
Longxuan Ma | Wei-Nan Zhang | Shuhan Zhou | Churui Sun | Changxin Ke | Ting Liu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things (called the tenor and the vehicle) via shared properties. The tenor and the vehicle are usually connected with comparator words such as “like” or “as”. The simile phenomena are unique and complex in a real-life dialogue scene where the tenor and the vehicle can be verbal phrases or sentences, mentioned by different speakers, exist in different sentences, or occur in reversed order. However, the current simile research usually focuses on similes in a triplet tuple (tenor, property, vehicle) or a single sentence where the tenor and vehicle are usually entities or noun phrases, which could not reflect complex simile phenomena in real scenarios. In this paper, we propose a novel and high-quality multilingual simile dialogue (MSD) dataset to facilitate the study of complex simile phenomena. The MSD is the largest manually annotated simile data (~21K) and it contains both English and Chinese data. Meanwhile, the MSD data can also be used on dialogue tasks to test the ability of dialogue systems when using similes. We design 3 simile tasks (recognition, interpretation, and generation) and 2 dialogue tasks (retrieval and generation) with MSD. For each task, we provide experimental results from strong pre-trained or state-of-the-art models. The experiments demonstrate the challenge of MSD and we will release the data/code on GitHub.


SelF-Eval: Self-supervised Fine-grained Dialogue Evaluation
Longxuan Ma | Ziyu Zhuang | Weinan Zhang | Mingda Li | Ting Liu
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

This paper introduces a novel Self-supervised Fine-grained Dialogue Evaluation framework (SelF-Eval). The core idea is to model the correlation between turn quality and the entire dialogue quality. We first propose a novel automatic data construction method that can automatically assign fine-grained scores for arbitrarily dialogue data. Then we train SelF-Eval with a multi-level contrastive learning schema which helps to distinguish different score levels. Experimental results on multiple benchmarks show that SelF-Eval is highly consistent with human evaluations and better than the state-of-the-art models. We give a detailed analysis of the experiments in this paper. Our code is available on GitHub.


Technical Report on Shared Task in DialDoc21
Jiapeng Li | Mingda Li | Longxuan Ma | Wei-Nan Zhang | Ting Liu
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Document-grounded Dialogue and Conversational Question Answering (DialDoc 2021)

We participate in the DialDoc Shared Task sub-task 1 (Knowledge Identification). The task requires identifying the grounding knowledge in form of a document span for the next dialogue turn. We employ two well-known pre-trained language models (RoBERTa and ELECTRA) to identify candidate document spans and propose a metric-based ensemble method for span selection. Our methods include data augmentation, model pre-training/fine-tuning, post-processing, and ensemble. On the submission page, we rank 2nd based on the average of normalized F1 and EM scores used for the final evaluation. Specifically, we rank 2nd on EM and 3rd on F1.


A Compare Aggregate Transformer for Understanding Document-grounded Dialogue
Longxuan Ma | Wei-Nan Zhang | Runxin Sun | Ting Liu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

Unstructured documents serving as external knowledge of the dialogues help to generate more informative responses. Previous research focused on knowledge selection (KS) in the document with dialogue. However, dialogue history that is not related to the current dialogue may introduce noise in the KS processing. In this paper, we propose a Compare Aggregate Transformer (CAT) to jointly denoise the dialogue context and aggregate the document information for response generation. We designed two different comparison mechanisms to reduce noise (before and during decoding). In addition, we propose two metrics for evaluating document utilization efficiency based on word overlap. Experimental results on the CMU_DoG dataset show that the proposed CAT model outperforms the state-of-the-art approach and strong baselines.