Liting Zhou


DCU-Lorcan at FinCausal 2022: Span-based Causality Extraction from Financial Documents using Pre-trained Language Models
Chenyang Lyu | Tianbo Ji | Quanwei Sun | Liting Zhou
Proceedings of the 4th Financial Narrative Processing Workshop @LREC2022

In this paper, we describe our DCU-Lorcan system for the FinCausal 2022 shared task: span-based cause and effect extraction from financial documents. We frame the FinCausal 2022 causality extraction task as a span extraction/sequence labeling task, our submitted systems are based on the contextualized word representations produced by pre-trained language models and linear layers predicting the label for each word, followed by post-processing heuristics. In experiments, we employ pre-trained language models including DistilBERT, BERT and SpanBERT. Our best performed system achieves F-1, Recall, Precision and Exact Match scores of 92.76, 92.77, 92.76 and 68.60 respectively. Additionally, we conduct experiments investigating the effect of data size to the performance of causality extraction model and an error analysis investigating the outputs in predictions.

DCU-ML at the FinNLP-2022 ERAI Task: Investigating the Transferability of Sentiment Analysis Data for Evaluating Rationales of Investors
Chenyang Lyu | Tianbo Ji | Liting Zhou
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing (FinNLP)

In this paper, we describe our system for the FinNLP-2022 shared task: Evaluating the Rationales of Amateur Investors (ERAI). The ERAI shared tasks focuses on mining profitable information from financial texts by predicting the possible Maximal Potential Profit (MPP) and Maximal Loss (ML) based on the posts from amateur investors. There are two sub-tasks in ERAI: Pairwise Comparison and Unsupervised Rank, both target on the prediction of MPP and ML. To tackle the two tasks, we frame this task as a text-pair classification task where the input consists of two documents and the output is the label of whether the first document will lead to higher MPP or lower ML. Specifically, we propose to take advantage of the transferability of Sentiment Analysis data with an assumption that a more positive text will lead to higher MPP or higher ML to facilitate the prediction of MPP and ML. In experiment on the ERAI blind test set, our systems trained on Sentiment Analysis data and ERAI training data ranked 1st and 8th in ML and MPP pairwise comparison respectively. Code available in this link.