Lin Wang


Mrs. Dalloway Said She Would Segment the Chapters Herself
Peiqi Sui | Lin Wang | Sil Hamilton | Thorsten Ries | Kelvin Wong | Stephen Wong
Proceedings of the The 5th Workshop on Narrative Understanding

This paper proposes a sentiment-centric pipeline to perform unsupervised plot extraction on non-linear novels like Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, a novel widely considered to be “plotless. Combining transformer-based sentiment analysis models with statistical testing, we model sentiment’s rate-of-change and correspondingly segment the novel into emotionally self-contained units qualitatively evaluated to be meaningful surrogate pseudo-chapters. We validate our findings by evaluating our pipeline as a fully unsupervised text segmentation model, achieving a F-1 score of 0.643 (regional) and 0.214 (exact) in chapter break prediction on a validation set of linear novels with existing chapter structures. In addition, we observe notable differences between the distributions of predicted chapter lengths in linear and non-linear fictional narratives, with the latter exhibiting significantly greater variability. Our results hold significance for narrative researchers appraising methods for extracting plots from non-linear novels.


Plan-CVAE: A Planning-based Conditional Variational Autoencoder for Story Generation
Lin Wang | Juntao Li | Rui Yan | Dongyan Zhao
Proceedings of the 19th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics

Story generation is a challenging task of automatically creating natural languages to describe a sequence of events, which requires outputting text with not only a consistent topic but also novel wordings. Although many approaches have been proposed and obvious progress has been made on this task, there is still a large room for improvement, especially for improving thematic consistency and wording diversity. To mitigate the gap between generated stories and those written by human writers, in this paper, we propose a planning-based conditional variational autoencoder, namely Plan-CVAE, which first plans a keyword sequence and then generates a story based on the keyword sequence. In our method, the keywords planning strategy is used to improve thematic consistency while the CVAE module allows enhancing wording diversity. Experimental results on a benchmark dataset confirm that our proposed method can generate stories with both thematic consistency and wording novelty, and outperforms state-of-the-art methods on both automatic metrics and human evaluations.


How does Dictionary Size Influence Performance of Vietnamese Word Segmentation?
Wuying Liu | Lin Wang
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)

Vietnamese word segmentation (VWS) is a challenging basic issue for natural language processing. This paper addresses the problem of how does dictionary size influence VWS performance, proposes two novel measures: square overlap ratio (SOR) and relaxed square overlap ratio (RSOR), and validates their effectiveness. The SOR measure is the product of dictionary overlap ratio and corpus overlap ratio, and the RSOR measure is the relaxed version of SOR measure under an unsupervised condition. The two measures both indicate the suitable degree between segmentation dictionary and object corpus waiting for segmentation. The experimental results show that the more suitable, neither smaller nor larger, dictionary size is better to achieve the state-of-the-art performance for dictionary-based Vietnamese word segmenters.