Achievements of the PRINCIPLE Project: Promoting MT for Croatian, Icelandic, Irish and Norwegian
Petra Bago
Sheila Castilho
Jane Dunne
Federico Gaspari
Andre K
Gauti Kristmannsson
Jon Arild Olsen
Natalia Resende
Níels Rúnar Gíslason
Dana D. Sheridan
Páraic Sheridan
John Tinsley
Andy Way
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
This paper provides an overview of the main achievements of the completed PRINCIPLE project, a 2-year action funded by the European Commission under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme. PRINCIPLE focused on collecting high-quality language resources for Croatian, Icelandic, Irish and Norwegian, which are severely low-resource languages, especially for building effective machine translation (MT) systems. We report the achievements of the project, primarily, in terms of the large amounts of data collected for all four low-resource languages and of promoting the uptake of neural MT (NMT) for these languages.
Overview of the ELE Project
Itziar Aldabe
Jane Dunne
Aritz Farwell
Owen Gallagher
Federico Gaspari
Maria Giagkou
Jan Hajic
Jens Peter Kückens
Teresa Lynn
Georg Rehm
German Rigau
Katrin Marheinecke
Stelios Piperidis
Natalia Resende
Tea Vojtěchová
Andy Way
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
This paper provides an overview of the ongoing European Language Equality(ELE) project, an 18-month action funded by the European Commission which involves 52 partners. The primary goal of ELE is to prepare the European Language Equality Programme, in the form of a strategic research, innovation and implementation agenda and a roadmap for achieving full digital language equality (DLE) in Europe by 2030.
Introducing the Digital Language Equality Metric: Technological Factors
Federico Gaspari
Owen Gallagher
Georg Rehm
Maria Giagkou
Stelios Piperidis
Jane Dunne
Andy Way
Proceedings of the Workshop Towards Digital Language Equality within the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
This paper introduces the concept of Digital Language Equality (DLE) developed by the EU-funded European Language Equality (ELE) project, and describes the associated DLE Metric with a focus on its technological factors (TFs), which are complemented by situational contextual factors. This work aims at objectively describing the level of technological support of all European languages and lays the foundation to implement a large-scale EU-wide programme to ensure that these languages can continue to exist and prosper in the digital age, to serve the present and future needs of their speakers. The paper situates this ongoing work with a strong European focus in the broader context of related efforts, and explains how the DLE Metric can help track the progress towards DLE for all languages of Europe, focusing in particular on the role played by the TFs. These are derived from the European Language Grid (ELG) Catalogue, that provides the empirical basis to measure the level of digital readiness of all European languages. The DLE Metric scores can be consulted through an online interactive dashboard to show the level of technological support of each European language and track the overall progress toward DLE.
Building MT systems in low resourced languages for Public Sector users in Croatia, Iceland, Ireland, and Norway
Róisín Moran
Carla Para Escartín
Akshai Ramesh
Páraic Sheridan
Jane Dunne
Federico Gaspari
Sheila Castilho
Natalia Resende
Andy Way
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XVIII: Users and Providers Track
When developing Machine Translation engines, low resourced language pairs tend to be in a disadvantaged position: less available data means that developing robust MT models can be more challenging.The EU-funded PRINCIPLE project aims at overcoming this challenge for four low resourced European languages: Norwegian, Croatian, Irish and Icelandic. This presentation will give an overview of the project, with a focus on the set of Public Sector users and their use cases for which we have developed MT solutions.We will discuss the range of language resources that have been gathered through contributions from public sector collaborators, and present the extensive evaluations that have been undertaken, including significant user evaluation of MT systems across all of the public sector participants in each of the four countries involved.
ELRI: A Decentralised Network of National Relay Stations to Collect, Prepare and Share Language Resources
Thierry Etchegoyhen
Borja Anza Porras
Andoni Azpeitia
Eva Martínez Garcia
José Luis Fonseca
Patricia Fonseca
Paulo Vale
Jane Dunne
Federico Gaspari
Teresa Lynn
Helen McHugh
Andy Way
Victoria Arranz
Khalid Choukri
Hervé Pusset
Alexandre Sicard
Rui Neto
Maite Melero
David Perez
António Branco
Ruben Branco
Luís Gomes
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Language Technology Platforms
We describe the European Language Resource Infrastructure (ELRI), a decentralised network to help collect, prepare and share language resources. The infrastructure was developed within a project co-funded by the Connecting Europe Facility Programme of the European Union, and has been deployed in the four Member States participating in the project, namely France, Ireland, Portugal and Spain. ELRI provides sustainable and flexible means to collect and share language resources via National Relay Stations, to which members of public institutions can freely subscribe. The infrastructure includes fully automated data processing engines to facilitate the preparation, sharing and wider reuse of useful language resources that can help optimise human and automated translation services in the European Union.
Progress of the PRINCIPLE Project: Promoting MT for Croatian, Icelandic, Irish and Norwegian
Andy Way
Petra Bago
Jane Dunne
Federico Gaspari
Andre Kåsen
Gauti Kristmannsson
Helen McHugh
Jon Arild Olsen
Dana Davis Sheridan
Páraic Sheridan
John Tinsley
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
This paper updates the progress made on the PRINCIPLE project, a 2-year action funded by the European Commission under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme. PRINCIPLE focuses on collecting high-quality language resources for Croatian, Icelandic, Irish and Norwegian, which have been identified as low-resource languages, especially for building effective machine translation (MT) systems. We report initial achievements of the project and ongoing activities aimed at promoting the uptake of neural MT for the low-resource languages of the project.
ELRI - European Language Resources Infrastructure
Thierry Etchegoyhen
Borja Anza Porras
Andoni Azpeitia
Eva Martínez Garcia
Paulo Vale
José Luis Fonseca
Teresa Lynn
Jane Dunne
Federico Gaspari
Andy Way
Victoria Arranz
Khalid Choukri
Vladimir Popescu
Pedro Neiva
Rui Neto
Maite Melero
David Perez Fernandez
Antonio Branco
Ruben Branco
Luis Gomes
Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
We describe the European Language Resources Infrastructure project, whose main aim is the provision of an infrastructure to help collect, prepare and share language resources that can in turn improve translation services in Europe.