Hyuk-Chul Kwon
Consistency Maintenance in Prosodic Labeling for Reliable Prediction of Prosodic Breaks
Youngim Jung
Hyuk-Chul Kwon
Proceedings of the 5th Linguistic Annotation Workshop
Considerations on Automatic Mapping Large-Scale Heterogeneous Language Resources: Sejong Semantic Classes and KorLex
Heum Park
Ae sun Yoon
Woo Chul Park
Hyuk-Chul Kwon
Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces
Rule-based Approach to Korean Morphological Disambiguation Supported by Statistical Method
Min-Jung Kim
Hyuk-Chul Kwon
Ae-Sun Yoon
Proceedings of the 11th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
A Network-Based Writing System for French
Aesun Yoon
Hyuk-Chul Kwon
Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
Incremental Construction of a Lexical Transducer for Korean
Hyuk-Chul Kwon
Lauri Karttunen
COLING 1994 Volume 2: The 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Unification-Based Dependency Parsing of Governor-Final Languages
Hyuk-Chul Kwon
Aesun Yoon
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Parsing Technologies
- Aesun Yoon 4
- Min-Jung Kim 1
- Youngim Jung 1
- Heum Park 1
- Woo Chul Park 1
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