Dongsheng Chen


Towards Unified Spoken Language Understanding Decoding via Label-aware Compact Linguistics Representations
Zhihong Zhu | Xuxin Cheng | Zhiqi Huang | Dongsheng Chen | Yuexian Zou
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Joint intent detection and slot filling models have shown promising success in recent years due to the high correlations between the two tasks. However, previous works independently decode the two tasks, which could result in misaligned predictions for both tasks. To address this shortcoming, we propose a novel method named Label-aware Compact Linguistics Representation (LCLR), which leverages label embeddings to jointly guide the decoding process. Concretely, LCLR projects both task-specific hidden states into a joint label latent space, where both task-specific hidden states could be concisely represented as linear combinations of label embeddings. Such feature decomposition of task-specific hidden states increases the representing power for the linguistics of utterance. Extensive experiments on two single- and multi-intent SLU benchmarks prove that LCLR can learn more discriminative label information than previous separate decoders, and consistently outperform previous state-of-the-art methods across all metrics. More encouragingly, LCLR can be applied to boost the performance of existing approaches, making it easy to be incorporated into any existing SLU models.


LiteVL: Efficient Video-Language Learning with Enhanced Spatial-Temporal Modeling
Dongsheng Chen | Chaofan Tao | Lu Hou | Lifeng Shang | Xin Jiang | Qun Liu
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Recent large-scale video-language pre-trained models have shown appealing performance on various downstream tasks. However, the pre-training process is computationally expensive due to the requirement of millions of video-text pairs and the redundant data structure of each video. To mitigate these problems, we propose LiteVL, which adapts a pre-trained image-language model BLIP into a video-text model directly on downstream tasks, without heavy pre-training. To enhance the temporal modeling lacking in the image-language model, we propose to add temporal attention modules in the image encoder of BLIP with dynamic temporal scaling. Besides the model-wise adaptation, we also propose a non-parametric pooling mechanism to adaptively reweight the fine-grained video embedding conditioned on the text. Experimental results on text-video retrieval and video question answering show that the proposed LiteVL even outperforms previous video-language pre-trained models by a clear margin, though without any video-language pre-training.