Chad Mills
Automatic Identification of Basic-Level Categories
Chad Mills
Francis Bond
Gina-Anne Levow
Proceedings of the 9th Global Wordnet Conference
Basic-level categories have been shown to be both psychologically significant and useful in a wide range of practical applications. We build a rule-based system to identify basic-level categories in WordNet, achieving 77% accuracy on a test set derived from prior psychological experiments. With additional annotations we found our system also has low precision, in part due to the existence of many categories that do not fit into the three classes (superordinate, basic-level, and subordinate) relied on in basic-level category research.
CMILLS: Adapting Semantic Role Labeling Features to Dependency Parsing
Chad Mills
Gina-Anne Levow
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2015)