Zhehao Zhang


E5: Zero-shot Hierarchical Table Analysis using Augmented LLMs via Explain, Extract, Execute, Exhibit and Extrapolate
Zhehao Zhang | Yan Gao | Jian-Guang Lou
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Analyzing large hierarchical tables with multi-level headers presents challenges due to their complex structure, implicit semantics, and calculation relationships. While recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have shown promise in flat table analysis, their application to hierarchical tables is constrained by the reliance on manually curated exemplars and the model’s token capacity limitations. Addressing these challenges, we introduce a novel code-augmented LLM-based framework, E5, for zero-shot hierarchical table question answering. This approach encompasses self-explaining the table’s hierarchical structures, code generation to extract relevant information and apply operations, external code execution to prevent hallucinations, and leveraging LLMs’ reasoning for final answer derivation. Empirical results indicate that our method, based on GPT-4, outperforms state-of-the-art fine-tuning methods with a 44.38 Exact Match improvement. Furthermore, we present F3, an adaptive algorithm designed for token-limited scenarios, effectively condensing large tables while maintaining useful information. Our experiments prove its efficiency, enabling the processing of large tables even with models having limited context lengths. The code is available at https://github.com/zzh-SJTU/E5-Hierarchical-Table-Analysis.

Can Large Language Models Transform Computational Social Science?
Caleb Ziems | William Held | Omar Shaikh | Jiaao Chen | Zhehao Zhang | Diyi Yang
Computational Linguistics, Volume 50, Issue 1 - March 2024

Large language models (LLMs) are capable of successfully performing many language processing tasks zero-shot (without training data). If zero-shot LLMs can also reliably classify and explain social phenomena like persuasiveness and political ideology, then LLMs could augment the computational social science (CSS) pipeline in important ways. This work provides a road map for using LLMs as CSS tools. Towards this end, we contribute a set of prompting best practices and an extensive evaluation pipeline to measure the zero-shot performance of 13 language models on 25 representative English CSS benchmarks. On taxonomic labeling tasks (classification), LLMs fail to outperform the best fine-tuned models but still achieve fair levels of agreement with humans. On free-form coding tasks (generation), LLMs produce explanations that often exceed the quality of crowdworkers’ gold references. We conclude that the performance of today’s LLMs can augment the CSS research pipeline in two ways: (1) serving as zero-shot data annotators on human annotation teams, and (2) bootstrapping challenging creative generation tasks (e.g., explaining the underlying attributes of a text). In summary, LLMs are posed to meaningfully participate in social science analysis in partnership with humans.


Mitigating Biases in Hate Speech Detection from A Causal Perspective
Zhehao Zhang | Jiaao Chen | Diyi Yang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Nowadays, many hate speech detectors are built to automatically detect hateful content. However, their training sets are sometimes skewed towards certain stereotypes (e.g., race or religion-related). As a result, the detectors are prone to depend on some shortcuts for predictions. Previous works mainly focus on token-level analysis and heavily rely on human experts’ annotations to identify spurious correlations, which is not only costly but also incapable of discovering higher-level artifacts. In this work, we use grammar induction to find grammar patterns for hate speech and analyze this phenomenon from a causal perspective. Concretely, we categorize and verify different biases based on their spuriousness and influence on the model prediction. Then, we propose two mitigation approaches including Multi-Task Intervention and Data-Specific Intervention based on these confounders. Experiments conducted on 9 hate speech datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approaches.

CRT-QA: A Dataset of Complex Reasoning Question Answering over Tabular Data
Zhehao Zhang | Xitao Li | Yan Gao | Jian-Guang Lou
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Large language models (LLMs) show powerful reasoning abilities on various text-based tasks. However, their reasoning capability on structured data such as tables has not been systematically explored. In this work, we first establish a comprehensive taxonomy of reasoning and operation types for tabular data analysis. Then, we construct a complex reasoning QA dataset over tabular data, named CRT-QA dataset (Complex Reasoning QA over Tabular data), with the following unique features: (1) it is the first Table QA dataset with multi-step operation and informal reasoning; (2) it contains fine-grained annotations on questions’ directness, composition types of sub-questions, and human reasoning paths which can be used to conduct a thorough investigation on LLMs’ reasoning ability; (3) it contains a collection of unanswerable and indeterminate questions that commonly arise in real-world situations. We further introduce an efficient and effective tool-augmented method, named ARC (Auto-exemplar-guided Reasoning with Code), to use external tools such as Pandas to solve table reasoning tasks without handcrafted demonstrations. The experiment results show that CRT-QA presents a strong challenge for baseline methods and ARC achieves the best result.