Yiping Jin


GPT-HateCheck: Can LLMs Write Better Functional Tests for Hate Speech Detection?
Yiping Jin | Leo Wanner | Alexander Shvets
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Online hate detection suffers from biases incurred in data sampling, annotation, and model pre-training. Therefore, measuring the averaged performance over all examples in held-out test data is inadequate. Instead, we must identify specific model weaknesses and be informed when it is more likely to fail. A recent proposal in this direction is HateCheck, a suite for testing fine-grained model functionalities on synthesized data generated using templates of the kind “You are just a [slur] to me.” However, despite enabling more detailed diagnostic insights, the HateCheck test cases are often generic and have simplistic sentence structures that do not match the real-world data. To address this limitation, we propose GPT-HateCheck, a framework to generate more diverse and realistic functional tests from scratch by instructing large language models (LLMs). We employ an additional natural language inference (NLI) model to verify the generations. Crowd-sourced annotation demonstrates that the generated test cases are of high quality. Using the new functional tests, we can uncover model weaknesses that would be overlooked using the original HateCheck dataset.


Towards Weakly-Supervised Hate Speech Classification Across Datasets
Yiping Jin | Leo Wanner | Vishakha Kadam | Alexander Shvets
The 7th Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms (WOAH)

As pointed out by several scholars, current research on hate speech (HS) recognition is characterized by unsystematic data creation strategies and diverging annotation schemata. Subsequently, supervised-learning models tend to generalize poorly to datasets they were not trained on, and the performance of the models trained on datasets labeled using different HS taxonomies cannot be compared. To ease this problem, we propose applying extremely weak supervision that only relies on the class name rather than on class samples from the annotated data. We demonstrate the effectiveness of a state-of-the-art weakly-supervised text classification model in various in-dataset and cross-dataset settings. Furthermore, we conduct an in-depth quantitative and qualitative analysis of the source of poor generalizability of HS classification models.


Plot Writing From Pre-Trained Language Models
Yiping Jin | Vishakha Kadam | Dittaya Wanvarie
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Natural Language Generation

Automated Ad Creative Generation
Vishakha Kadam | Yiping Jin | Bao-Dai Nguyen-Hoang
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Natural Language Generation: System Demonstrations

Ad creatives are ads served to users on a webpage, app, or other digital environments. The demand for compelling ad creatives surges drastically with the ever-increasing popularity of digital marketing. The two most essential elements of (display) ad creatives are the advertising message, such as headlines and description texts, and the visual component, such as images and videos. Traditionally, ad creatives are composed by professional copywriters and creative designers. The process requires significant human effort, limiting the scalability and efficiency of digital ad campaigns. This work introduces AUTOCREATIVE, a novel system to automatically generate ad creatives relying on natural language generation and computer vision techniques. The system generates multiple ad copies (ad headlines/description texts) using a sequence-to-sequence model and selects images most suitable to the generated ad copies based on heuristic-based visual appeal metrics and a text-image retrieval pipeline.


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Bootstrapping Large-Scale Fine-Grained Contextual Advertising Classifier from Wikipedia
Yiping Jin | Vishakha Kadam | Dittaya Wanvarie
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Workshop on Graph-Based Methods for Natural Language Processing (TextGraphs-15)

Contextual advertising provides advertisers with the opportunity to target the context which is most relevant to their ads. The large variety of potential topics makes it very challenging to collect training documents to build a supervised classification model or compose expert-written rules in a rule-based classification system. Besides, in fine-grained classification, different categories often overlap or co-occur, making it harder to classify accurately. In this work, we propose wiki2cat, a method to tackle large-scaled fine-grained text classification by tapping on the Wikipedia category graph. The categories in the IAB taxonomy are first mapped to category nodes in the graph. Then the label is propagated across the graph to obtain a list of labeled Wikipedia documents to induce text classifiers. The method is ideal for large-scale classification problems since it does not require any manually-labeled document or hand-curated rules or keywords. The proposed method is benchmarked with various learning-based and keyword-based baselines and yields competitive performance on publicly available datasets and a new dataset containing more than 300 fine-grained categories.

Seed Word Selection for Weakly-Supervised Text Classification with Unsupervised Error Estimation
Yiping Jin | Akshay Bhatia | Dittaya Wanvarie
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop

Weakly-supervised text classification aims to induce text classifiers from only a few user-provided seed words. The vast majority of previous work assumes high-quality seed words are given. However, the expert-annotated seed words are sometimes non-trivial to come up with. Furthermore, in the weakly-supervised learning setting, we do not have any labeled document to measure the seed words’ efficacy, making the seed word selection process “a walk in the dark”. In this work, we remove the need for expert-curated seed words by first mining (noisy) candidate seed words associated with the category names. We then train interim models with individual candidate seed words. Lastly, we estimate the interim models’ error rate in an unsupervised manner. The seed words that yield the lowest estimated error rates are added to the final seed word set. A comprehensive evaluation of six binary classification tasks on four popular datasets demonstrates that the proposed method outperforms a baseline using only category name seed words and obtained comparable performance as a counterpart using expert-annotated seed words.


Learning Only from Relevant Keywords and Unlabeled Documents
Nontawat Charoenphakdee | Jongyeong Lee | Yiping Jin | Dittaya Wanvarie | Masashi Sugiyama
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

We consider a document classification problem where document labels are absent but only relevant keywords of a target class and unlabeled documents are given. Although heuristic methods based on pseudo-labeling have been considered, theoretical understanding of this problem has still been limited. Moreover, previous methods cannot easily incorporate well-developed techniques in supervised text classification. In this paper, we propose a theoretically guaranteed learning framework that is simple to implement and has flexible choices of models, e.g., linear models or neural networks. We demonstrate how to optimize the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) effectively and also discuss how to adjust it to optimize other well-known evaluation metrics such as the accuracy and F1-measure. Finally, we show the effectiveness of our framework using benchmark datasets.


Genre-Oriented Web Content Extraction with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Statistical Methods
Bao-Dai Nguyen-Hoang | Bao-Tran Pham-Hong | Yiping Jin | Phu T. V. Le
Proceedings of the 32nd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation


Combining Lightly-Supervised Text Classification Models for Accurate Contextual Advertising
Yiping Jin | Dittaya Wanvarie | Phu Le
Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

In this paper we propose a lightly-supervised framework to rapidly build text classifiers for contextual advertising. Traditionally text classification techniques require labeled training documents for each predefined class. In the scenario of contextual advertising, advertisers often want to target to a specific class of webpages most relevant to their product or service, which may not be covered by a pre-trained classifier. Moreover, the advertisers are interested in whether a webpage is “relevant” or “irrelevant”. It is time-consuming to solicit the advertisers for reliable training signals for the negative class. Therefore, it is more suitable to model the problem as a one-class classification problem, in contrast to traditional classification problems where disjoint classes are defined a priori. We first apply two state-of-the-art lightly-supervised classification models, generalized expectation (GE) criteria (Druck et al., 2008) and multinomial naive Bayes (MNB) with priors (Settles, 2011) to one-class classification where the user only needs to provide a small list of labeled words for the target class. To combine the strengths of the two models, we fuse them together by using MNB to automatically enrich the constraints for GE training. We also explore ensemble method to combine classifiers. On a corpus of webpages from real-time bidding requests, the proposed model achieves the highest average F1 of 0.69 and closes more than half of the gap between previous state-of-the-art lightly-supervised models to a fully-supervised MaxEnt model.


Selecting Domain-Specific Concepts for Question Generation With Lightly-Supervised Methods
Yiping Jin | Phu Le
Proceedings of the 9th International Natural Language Generation conference


Mining Scientific Terms and their Definitions: A Study of the ACL Anthology
Yiping Jin | Min-Yen Kan | Jun-Ping Ng | Xiangnan He
Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing