Xiaolong Wang


DEEM: Dynamic Experienced Expert Modeling for Stance Detection
Xiaolong Wang | Yile Wang | Sijie Cheng | Peng Li | Yang Liu
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Recent work has made a preliminary attempt to use large language models (LLMs) to solve the stance detection task, showing promising results. However, considering that stance detection usually requires detailed background knowledge, the vanilla reasoning method may neglect the domain knowledge to make a professional and accurate analysis. Thus, there is still room for improvement of LLMs reasoning, especially in leveraging the generation capability of LLMs to simulate specific experts (i.e., multi-agents) to detect the stance. In this paper, different from existing multi-agent works that require detailed descriptions and use fixed experts, we propose a Dynamic Experienced Expert Modeling (DEEM) method which can leverage the generated experienced experts and let LLMs reason in a semi-parametric way, making the experts more generalizable and reliable. Experimental results demonstrate that DEEM consistently achieves the best results on three standard benchmarks, outperforms methods with self-consistency reasoning, and reduces the bias of LLMs.

Pluggable Neural Machine Translation Models via Memory-augmented Adapters
Yuzhuang Xu | Shuo Wang | Peng Li | Xuebo Liu | Xiaolong Wang | Weidong Liu | Yang Liu
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Although neural machine translation (NMT) models perform well in the general domain, it remains rather challenging to control their generation behavior to satisfy the requirement of different users. Given the expensive training cost and the data scarcity challenge of learning a new model from scratch for each user requirement, we propose a memory-augmented adapter to steer pretrained NMT models in a pluggable manner. Specifically, we construct a multi-granular memory based on the user-provided text samples and propose a new adapter architecture to combine the model representations and the retrieved results. We also propose a training strategy using memory dropout to reduce spurious dependencies between the NMT model and the memory. We validate our approach on both style- and domain-specific experiments and the results indicate that our method can outperform several representative pluggable baselines.


Continual Learning Long Short Term Memory
Xin Guo | Yu Tian | Qinghan Xue | Panos Lampropoulos | Steven Eliuk | Kenneth Barner | Xiaolong Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

Catastrophic forgetting in neural networks indicates the performance decreasing of deep learning models on previous tasks while learning new tasks. To address this problem, we propose a novel Continual Learning Long Short Term Memory (CL-LSTM) cell in Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) in this paper. CL-LSTM considers not only the state of each individual task’s output gates but also the correlation of the states between tasks, so that the deep learning models can incrementally learn new tasks without catastrophically forgetting previously tasks. Experimental results demonstrate significant improvements of CL-LSTM over state-of-the-art approaches on spoken language understanding (SLU) tasks.

MedWriter: Knowledge-Aware Medical Text Generation
Youcheng Pan | Qingcai Chen | Weihua Peng | Xiaolong Wang | Baotian Hu | Xin Liu | Junying Chen | Wenxiu Zhou
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

To exploit the domain knowledge to guarantee the correctness of generated text has been a hot topic in recent years, especially for high professional domains such as medical. However, most of recent works only consider the information of unstructured text rather than structured information of the knowledge graph. In this paper, we focus on the medical topic-to-text generation task and adapt a knowledge-aware text generation model to the medical domain, named MedWriter, which not only introduces the specific knowledge from the external MKG but also is capable of learning graph-level representation. We conduct experiments on a medical literature dataset collected from medical journals, each of which has a set of topic words, an abstract of medical literature and a corresponding knowledge graph from CMeKG. Experimental results demonstrate incorporating knowledge graph into generation model can improve the quality of the generated text and has robust superiority over the competitor methods.


A Deep Learning-Based System for PharmaCoNER
Ying Xiong | Yedan Shen | Yuanhang Huang | Shuai Chen | Buzhou Tang | Xiaolong Wang | Qingcai Chen | Jun Yan | Yi Zhou
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on BioNLP Open Shared Tasks

The Biological Text Mining Unit at BSC and CNIO organized the first shared task on chemical & drug mention recognition from Spanish medical texts called PharmaCoNER (Pharmacological Substances, Compounds and proteins and Named Entity Recognition track) in 2019, which includes two tracks: one for NER offset and entity classification (track 1) and the other one for concept indexing (track 2). We developed a pipeline system based on deep learning methods for this shared task, specifically, a subsystem based on BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) for NER offset and entity classification and a subsystem based on Bpool (Bi-LSTM with max/mean pooling) for concept indexing. Evaluation conducted on the shared task data showed that our system achieves a micro-average F1-score of 0.9105 on track 1 and a micro-average F1-score of 0.8391 on track 2.


LSDSCC: a Large Scale Domain-Specific Conversational Corpus for Response Generation with Diversity Oriented Evaluation Metrics
Zhen Xu | Nan Jiang | Bingquan Liu | Wenge Rong | Bowen Wu | Baoxun Wang | Zhuoran Wang | Xiaolong Wang
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long Papers)

It has been proven that automatic conversational agents can be built up using the Endto-End Neural Response Generation (NRG) framework, and such a data-driven methodology requires a large number of dialog pairs for model training and reasonable evaluation metrics for testing. This paper proposes a Large Scale Domain-Specific Conversational Corpus (LSDSCC) composed of high-quality queryresponse pairs extracted from the domainspecific online forum, with thorough preprocessing and cleansing procedures. Also, a testing set, including multiple diverse responses annotated for each query, is constructed, and on this basis, the metrics for measuring the diversity of generated results are further presented. We evaluate the performances of neural dialog models with the widely applied diversity boosting strategies on the proposed dataset. The experimental results have shown that our proposed corpus can be taken as a new benchmark dataset for the NRG task, and the presented metrics are promising to guide the optimization of NRG models by quantifying the diversity of the generated responses reasonably.


Predicting Users’ Negative Feedbacks in Multi-Turn Human-Computer Dialogues
Xin Wang | Jianan Wang | Yuanchao Liu | Xiaolong Wang | Zhuoran Wang | Baoxun Wang
Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

User experience is essential for human-computer dialogue systems. However, it is impractical to ask users to provide explicit feedbacks when the agents’ responses displease them. Therefore, in this paper, we explore to predict users’ imminent dissatisfactions caused by intelligent agents by analysing the existing utterances in the dialogue sessions. To our knowledge, this is the first work focusing on this task. Several possible factors that trigger negative emotions are modelled. A relation sequence model (RSM) is proposed to encode the sequence of appropriateness of current response with respect to the earlier utterances. The experimental results show that the proposed structure is effective in modelling emotional risk (possibility of negative feedback) than existing conversation modelling approaches. Besides, strategies of obtaining distance supervision data for pre-training are also discussed in this work. Balanced sampling with respect to the last response in the distance supervision data are shown to be reliable for data augmentation.

Neural Response Generation via GAN with an Approximate Embedding Layer
Zhen Xu | Bingquan Liu | Baoxun Wang | Chengjie Sun | Xiaolong Wang | Zhuoran Wang | Chao Qi
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

This paper presents a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to model single-turn short-text conversations, which trains a sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) network for response generation simultaneously with a discriminative classifier that measures the differences between human-produced responses and machine-generated ones. In addition, the proposed method introduces an approximate embedding layer to solve the non-differentiable problem caused by the sampling-based output decoding procedure in the Seq2Seq generative model. The GAN setup provides an effective way to avoid noninformative responses (a.k.a “safe responses”), which are frequently observed in traditional neural response generators. The experimental results show that the proposed approach significantly outperforms existing neural response generation models in diversity metrics, with slight increases in relevance scores as well, when evaluated on both a Mandarin corpus and an English corpus.


Incorporating Label Dependency for Answer Quality Tagging in Community Question Answering via CNN-LSTM-CRF
Yang Xiang | Xiaoqiang Zhou | Qingcai Chen | Zhihui Zheng | Buzhou Tang | Xiaolong Wang | Yang Qin
Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers

In community question answering (cQA), the quality of answers are determined by the matching degree between question-answer pairs and the correlation among the answers. In this paper, we show that the dependency between the answer quality labels also plays a pivotal role. To validate the effectiveness of label dependency, we propose two neural network-based models, with different combination modes of Convolutional Neural Net-works, Long Short Term Memory and Conditional Random Fields. Extensive experi-ments are taken on the dataset released by the SemEval-2015 cQA shared task. The first model is a stacked ensemble of the networks. It achieves 58.96% on macro averaged F1, which improves the state-of-the-art neural network-based method by 2.82% and outper-forms the Top-1 system in the shared task by 1.77%. The second is a simple attention-based model whose input is the connection of the question and its corresponding answers. It produces promising results with 58.29% on overall F1 and gains the best performance on the Good and Bad categories.


Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis Using Ensemble Learning
Yang Xiang | Xiaolong Wang | Wenying Han | Qinghua Hong
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Applications

Predicting Polarities of Tweets by Composing Word Embeddings with Long Short-Term Memory
Xin Wang | Yuanchao Liu | Chengjie Sun | Baoxun Wang | Xiaolong Wang
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Answer Sequence Learning with Neural Networks for Answer Selection in Community Question Answering
Xiaoqiang Zhou | Baotian Hu | Qingcai Chen | Buzhou Tang | Xiaolong Wang
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Computing Semantic Text Similarity Using Rich Features
Yang Liu | Chengjie Sun | Lei Lin | Xiaolong Wang | Yuming Zhao
Proceedings of the 29th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation

yiGou: A Semantic Text Similarity Computing System Based on SVM
Yang Liu | Chengjie Sun | Lei Lin | Xiaolong Wang
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2015)

HITSZ-ICRC: Exploiting Classification Approach for Answer Selection in Community Question Answering
Yongshuai Hou | Cong Tan | Xiaolong Wang | Yaoyun Zhang | Jun Xu | Qingcai Chen
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2015)

ICRC-HIT: A Deep Learning based Comment Sequence Labeling System for Answer Selection Challenge
Xiaoqiang Zhou | Baotian Hu | Jiaxin Lin | Yang Xiang | Xiaolong Wang
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2015)

HITSZ-ICRC: An Integration Approach for QA TempEval Challenge
Yongshuai Hou | Cong Tan | Qingcai Chen | Xiaolong Wang
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2015)


Cross-lingual Opinion Analysis via Negative Transfer Detection
Lin Gui | Ruifeng Xu | Qin Lu | Jun Xu | Jian Xu | Bin Liu | Xiaolong Wang
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

WINGS:Writing with Intelligent Guidance and Suggestions
Xianjun Dai | Yuanchao Liu | Xiaolong Wang | Bingquan Liu
Proceedings of 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

Problematic Situation Analysis and Automatic Recognition for Chinese Online Conversational System
Yang Xiang | Yaoyun Zhang | Xiaoqiang Zhou | Xiaolong Wang | Yang Qin
Proceedings of the Third CIPS-SIGHAN Joint Conference on Chinese Language Processing

Identification of Basic Phrases for Kazakh Language using Maximum Entropy Model
Gulila Altenbek | Xiaolong Wang | Gulizhada Haisha
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers

Hybrid Deep Belief Networks for Semi-supervised Sentiment Classification
Shusen Zhou | Qingcai Chen | Xiaolong Wang | Xiaoling Li
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers


Multimodal DBN for Predicting High-Quality Answers in cQA portals
Haifeng Hu | Bingquan Liu | Baoxun Wang | Ming Liu | Xiaolong Wang
Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

PAL: A Chatterbot System for Answering Domain-specific Questions
Yuanchao Liu | Ming Liu | Xiaolong Wang | Limin Wang | Jingjing Li
Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

A Hybrid Model For Grammatical Error Correction
Yang Xiang | Bo Yuan | Yaoyun Zhang | Xiaolong Wang | Wen Zheng | Chongqiang Wei
Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning: Shared Task

Automatic Corpora Construction for Text Classification
Dandan Wang | Qingcai Chen | Xiaolong Wang | Bingyang Yu
Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing

Grammatical Error Correction Using Feature Selection and Confidence Tuning
Yang Xiang | Yaoyun Zhang | Xiaolong Wang | Chongqiang Wei | Wen Zheng | Xiaoqiang Zhou | Yuxiu Hu | Yang Qin
Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing


A Mixed Deterministic Model for Coreference Resolution
Bo Yuan | Qingcai Chen | Yang Xiang | Xiaolong Wang | Liping Ge | Zengjian Liu | Meng Liao | Xianbo Si
Joint Conference on EMNLP and CoNLL - Shared Task

Generating Questions from Web Community Contents
Baoxun Wang | Bingquan Liu | Chengjie Sun | Xiaolong Wang | Deyuan Zhang
Proceedings of COLING 2012: Demonstration Papers


Diversifying Information Needs in Results of Question Retrieval
Yaoyun Zhang | Xiaolong Wang | Xuan Wang | Ruifeng Xu | Jun Xu | ShiXi Fan
Proceedings of 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing

Instance Level Transfer Learning for Cross Lingual Opinion Analysis
Ruifeng Xu | Jun Xu | Xiaolong Wang
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis (WASSA 2.011)


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A Cascade Method for Detecting Hedges and their Scope in Natural Language Text
Buzhou Tang | Xiaolong Wang | Xuan Wang | Bo Yuan | Shixi Fan
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning – Shared Task

Modeling Semantic Relevance for Question-Answer Pairs in Web Social Communities
Baoxun Wang | Xiaolong Wang | Chengjie Sun | Bingquan Liu | Lin Sun
Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Active Deep Networks for Semi-Supervised Sentiment Classification
Shusen Zhou | Qingcai Chen | Xiaolong Wang
Coling 2010: Posters


A Joint Syntactic and Semantic Dependency Parsing System based on Maximum Entropy Models
Buzhou Tang | Lu Li | Xinxin Li | Xuan Wang | Xiaolong Wang
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2009): Shared Task


Name Origin Recognition Using Maximum Entropy Model and Diverse Features
Min Zhang | Chengjie Sun | Haizhou Li | AiTi Aw | Chew Lim Tan | Xiaolong Wang
Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: Volume-I

Chunking with Max-Margin Markov Networks
Buzhou Tang | Xuan Wang | Xiaolong Wang
Proceedings of the 22nd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation

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Semantic Chunk Annotation for complex questions using Conditional Random Field
Shixi Fan | Yaoyun Zhang | Wing W. Y. Ng | Xuan Wang | Xiaolong Wang
Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering Questions

Discriminative Learning of Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies
Lu Li | Shixi Fan | Xuan Wang | Xiaolong Wang
CoNLL 2008: Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning


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An Empirical Study of Non-Stationary Ngram Model and its Smoothing Techniques
Jinghui Xiao | Bingquan Liu | Xiaolong Wang
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 12, Number 2, June 2007

Exploiting Pinyin Constraints in Pinyin-to-Character Conversion Task: a Class-Based Maximum Entropy Markov Model Approach
Jinghui Xiao | Bingquan Liu | Xiaolong Wang
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 12, Number 3, September 2007: Special Issue on Invited Papers from ISCSLP 2006


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Detecting Segmentation Errors in Chinese Annotated Corpus
Chengjie Sun | Chang-Ning Huang | Xiaolong Wang | Mu Li
Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing