Steven Hoi


What Are We Measuring When We Evaluate Large Vision-Language Models? An Analysis of Latent Factors and Biases
Anthony Tiong | Junqi Zhao | Boyang Li | Junnan Li | Steven Hoi | Caiming Xiong
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Vision-language (VL) models, pretrained on colossal image-text datasets, have attained broad VL competence that is difficult to evaluate. A common belief is that a small number of VL skills underlie the variety of VL tests. In this paper, we perform a large-scale transfer learning experiment aimed at discovering latent VL skills from data. We reveal interesting characteristics that have important implications for test suite design. First, generation tasks suffer from a length bias, suggesting benchmarks should balance tasks with varying output lengths. Second, we demonstrate that factor analysis successfully identifies reasonable yet surprising VL skill factors, suggesting benchmarks could leverage similar analyses for task selection.Finally, we present a new dataset, OLIVE1, which simulates user instructions in the wild and presents challenges dissimilar to all datasets we tested. Our findings contribute to the design of balanced and broad-coverage vision-language evaluation methods. 1


CodeT5+: Open Code Large Language Models for Code Understanding and Generation
Yue Wang | Hung Le | Akhilesh Gotmare | Nghi Bui | Junnan Li | Steven Hoi
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Large language models (LLMs) pretrained on vast source code have achieved prominent progress in code intelligence. However, existing code LLMs have two main limitations. First, they often adopt a specific architecture (encoder-only or decoder-only) or rely on a unified encoder-decoder network for different downstream tasks, lacking the flexibility to operate in the optimal architecture for a specific task. Secondly, they often employ a limited set of pretraining objectives which might not be relevant to some tasks and hence result in substantial performance degrade. To address these limitations, we propose “CodeT5+”, a family of encoder-decoder LLMs for code in which component modules can be flexibly combined to suit a wide range of code tasks. Such flexibility is enabled by our proposed mixture of pretraining objectives, which cover span denoising, contrastive learning, text-code matching, and causal LM pretraining tasks, on both unimodal and bimodal multilingual code corpora. Furthermore, we propose to initialize CodeT5+ with frozen off-the-shelf LLMs without training from scratch to efficiently scale up our models, and explore instruction-tuning to align with natural language instructions. We extensively evaluate CodeT5+ on over 20 code-related benchmarks in different settings, including zero-shot, finetuning, and instruction-tuning. We observe state-of-the-art (SoTA) performance on various code-related tasks, and our instruction-tuned CodeT5+ 16B achieves new SoTA results of 35.0% pass@1 and 54.5% pass@10 on the HumanEval code generation task against other open code LLMs, even surpassing the OpenAI code-cushman-001 model.

HyperRouter: Towards Efficient Training and Inference of Sparse Mixture of Experts
Truong Giang Do | Le Khiem | Quang Pham | TrungTin Nguyen | Thanh-Nam Doan | Binh Nguyen | Chenghao Liu | Savitha Ramasamy | Xiaoli Li | Steven Hoi
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

By routing input tokens to only a few split experts, Sparse Mixture-of-Experts has enabled efficient training of large language models. Recent findings suggest that fixing the routers can achieve competitive performance by alleviating the collapsing problem, where all experts eventually learn similar representations. However, this strategy has two key limitations: (i) the policy derived from random routers might be sub-optimal, and (ii) it requires extensive resources during training and evaluation, leading to limited efficiency gains. This work introduces HyperRouter, which dynamically generates the router’s parameters through a fixed hypernetwork and trainable embeddings to achieve a balance between training the routers and freezing them to learn an improved routing policy. Extensive experiments across a wide range of tasks demonstrate the superior performance and efficiency gains of HyperRouter compared to existing routing methods. Our implementation is publicly available at

Personalized Distillation: Empowering Open-Sourced LLMs with Adaptive Learning for Code Generation
Hailin Chen | Amrita Saha | Steven Hoi | Shafiq Joty
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

With the rise of powerful closed-sourced LLMs (ChatGPT, GPT-4), there are increasing interests in distilling the capabilies of close-sourced LLMs to smaller open-sourced LLMs. Previous distillation methods usually prompt ChatGPT to generate a set of instructions and answers, for the student model to learn. However, such standard distillation approach neglects the merits and conditions of the student model. Inspired by modern teaching principles, we design a personalised distillation process, in which the student attempts to solve a task first, then the teacher provides an adaptive refinement for the student to improve. Instead of feeding the student with teacher’s prior, personalised distillation enables personalised learning for the student model, as it only learns on examples it makes mistakes upon and learns to improve its own solution. On code generation, personalised distillation consistently outperforms standard distillation with only one third of the data. With only 2.5-3K personalised examples that incur a data-collection cost of 4-6$, we boost CodeGen-mono-16B by 7% to achieve 36.4% pass@1 and StarCoder by 12.2% to achieve 45.8% pass@1 on HumanEval.

Towards Low-Resource Automatic Program Repair with Meta-Learning and Pretrained Language Models
Weishi Wang | Yue Wang | Steven Hoi | Shafiq Joty
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Automatic program repair (APR) has gained increasing attention as an essential technique in software development to reduce manual debugging efforts and boost developers’ productivity. Recent advances in deep learning (DL) based models have demonstrated promising results by learning from large-scale bug-fix examples in a data-driven manner. However, in practical scenarios, software bugs have an imbalanced distribution, and the fixing knowledge learned by APR models often only capture the patterns of frequent error types, making it inapplicable to handle the rare error types. To address this limitation, we investigate a novel task of low-resource APR, and propose Meta-APR, a new meta-learning framework integrated with code pretrained language models to generate fixes for low-resource bugs with limited training samples. Our Meta-APR learns better error-specific knowledge from high-resource bugs through efficient first-order meta-learning optimization, which allows for a faster adaptation to the target low-resource bugs. Besides, while we adopt CodeT5, a pretrained code-aware encoder-decoder Transformer, as the backbone model for Meta-APR, it is a model-agnostic framework that can be integrated with any neural models. Extensive experimental results on three benchmarks in various programming languages verify the superiority of our method over existing DL-based APR approaches.


VGNMN: Video-grounded Neural Module Networks for Video-Grounded Dialogue Systems
Hung Le | Nancy Chen | Steven Hoi
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Neural module networks (NMN) have achieved success in image-grounded tasks such as Visual Question Answering (VQA) on synthetic images. However, very limited work on NMN has been studied in the video-grounded dialogue tasks. These tasks extend the complexity of traditional visual tasks with the additional visual temporal variance and language cross-turn dependencies. Motivated by recent NMN approaches on image-grounded tasks, we introduce Video-grounded Neural Module Network (VGNMN) to model the information retrieval process in video-grounded language tasks as a pipeline of neural modules. VGNMN first decomposes all language components in dialogues to explicitly resolve any entity references and detect corresponding action-based inputs from the question. The detected entities and actions are used as parameters to instantiate neural module networks and extract visual cues from the video. Our experiments show that VGNMN can achieve promising performance on a challenging video-grounded dialogue benchmark as well as a video QA benchmark.

Multimodal Dialogue State Tracking
Hung Le | Nancy Chen | Steven Hoi
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Designed for tracking user goals in dialogues, a dialogue state tracker is an essential component in a dialogue system. However, the research of dialogue state tracking has largely been limited to unimodality, in which slots and slot values are limited by knowledge domains (e.g. restaurant domain with slots of restaurant name and price range) and are defined by specific database schema. In this paper, we propose to extend the definition of dialogue state tracking to multimodality. Specifically, we introduce a novel dialogue state tracking task to track the information of visual objects that are mentioned in video-grounded dialogues. Each new dialogue utterance may introduce a new video segment, new visual objects, or new object attributes and a state tracker is required to update these information slots accordingly. We created a new synthetic benchmark and designed a novel baseline, Video-Dialogue Transformer Network (VDTN), for this task. VDTN combines both object-level features and segment-level features and learns contextual dependencies between videos and dialogues to generate multimodal dialogue states. We optimized VDTN for a state generation task as well as a self-supervised video understanding task which recovers video segment or object representations. Finally, we trained VDTN to use the decoded states in a response prediction task. Together with comprehensive ablation and qualitative analysis, we discovered interesting insights towards building more capable multimodal dialogue systems.


Multimodal Transformer Networks for End-to-End Video-Grounded Dialogue Systems
Hung Le | Doyen Sahoo | Nancy Chen | Steven Hoi
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Developing Video-Grounded Dialogue Systems (VGDS), where a dialogue is conducted based on visual and audio aspects of a given video, is significantly more challenging than traditional image or text-grounded dialogue systems because (1) feature space of videos span across multiple picture frames, making it difficult to obtain semantic information; and (2) a dialogue agent must perceive and process information from different modalities (audio, video, caption, etc.) to obtain a comprehensive understanding. Most existing work is based on RNNs and sequence-to-sequence architectures, which are not very effective for capturing complex long-term dependencies (like in videos). To overcome this, we propose Multimodal Transformer Networks (MTN) to encode videos and incorporate information from different modalities. We also propose query-aware attention through an auto-encoder to extract query-aware features from non-text modalities. We develop a training procedure to simulate token-level decoding to improve the quality of generated responses during inference. We get state of the art performance on Dialogue System Technology Challenge 7 (DSTC7). Our model also generalizes to another multimodal visual-grounded dialogue task, and obtains promising performance.


SOLAR: Scalable Online Learning Algorithms for Ranking
Jialei Wang | Ji Wan | Yongdong Zhang | Steven Hoi
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)